
Offtopic economic links

The other discussion on strip club boom times went into a Dougster versus Steve debate.

Here are some links and facts.
Basically here in the US we have an unsustainable spending and debt problem that will result in the total collapse of our economy if not resolved as we would like it. In the following link to grow our way out of the debt issue, we would need growth rates around 7 % a year. Not likely in my opinion.


  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    This link states that if we get our debt down to a 60% ratio, it will be sustainable. You get to decide how to cut or increase revenues.


  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    If you cut enough government spending and red tape, then I think we could have boom times ahead.

    I personally am in favor of cutting government give outs to those who never worked for it and increasing social security taxes on the wealthy.If I get wealthy, I should be able to afford it. I would cut foreign aid and a number of other programs and try to cut out the size or certain entire departments of the government to reduce spending. I would hire some consultants in lean to study and report on a plan to consolidate government departments. I believe there is a lot of wasteful spending there.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Oh-oh! Maybe there won't be an economic boom after all!

    I guess that is bad news from a SteveArian Logic(TM) POV, since it means extras are about to display entirely exactly 14.2 weeks from now. Think she has a proof of this according to The Theory of Supply and Demand As Understood by Particularly Dumb 16 y/o Girls.

    Or maybe it is just some gossip she heard on twitter that some rapper had said that she retweeted to her BFFs.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    That would be easy. Read AND follow the Constitution. Give back to the states what they should do, and not the feds. The one damn thing the federal government SHOULD do, protect our citizens, they are really F&@#ing up!
  • ime
    10 years ago
    I don't know anything about the site where this article comes from but its kind of interesting

  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Or we can keep spending as a nation and borrowing greater than our means to repay until our currency suddenly collapses or we default on our debts and our money becomes worthless and all the money you saved and I saved becomes worthless.

    This is not my preferred choice. Recessions are part of the economic cycle so they will happen but any good economy should have surpluses during the boom years. We do not and that is not good.

    I just wanted to throw out some facts and more official opinions rather than just talk about a booming economy ending all extras. All is not rosy and budget cuts and or tax increases are needed. I'd like to start with our government itself though.Cut it down.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    I see no economic boom in sight. And yes, we need some great consultants, not the clowns we have now.
  • Josh43
    10 years ago
    Shark- instead of presenting your austerity arguments to a bunch of horny clowns, why don't you take your drivel over to Paul Krugman's blog, where they will rip you a new asshole. Or Google "austerity doesn't work" and read recent New Yorker article.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "Basically here in the US we have an unsustainable spending and debt problem that will result in the total collapse of our economy if not resolved"

    So what would that mean for the stripper supply curve?

  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    What would that mean? Plenty of extras like Cuba in exchange for money or food if you had something that was worth something.

    Josh, if it sucks to read my posts use the ignore button or skip over topics I start with off topic. I didn't make you read anything. If it sucks to read about reality just ignore everyone.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    No, no, shark you got it all wrong. According to steve as the economy gets worse fewer and fewer girls will be willing to provide extras. In an economic collapse the number goes to zero. Actually, since, according to steve, something cannot go down without going to zero any slowdown means no extras at all!
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    For people who believe boom times into eternity is what you get borrowing and spending more than you can repay and there are no consequences , the ignore button is in the middle between the thumbs up and envelope. Go ahead and hit it and enjoy thinking about paying over $1000 for a single bj because the economy will be booming big time forever and ever.

    I am not proposing austerity. I think growth rates can be higher along with some spending cuts affecting government departments. Of course those making over $100 K might not be happy with increased social security taxes. I'm in favor of less taxes but I am not in favor of a collapse of our currency. I want our current system to keep going as long as possible and I think a combination of higher growth and targeted spending cuts could get us there.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Dougster, I haven't really been following the debate about the price of extras and how available they might be. I have my own opinion.

    typically I see worse economy,more extras.

    It wouldn't surprise me if the people vote another clown into office who believes he or she needs to raise taxes on everyone because the government can't afford to cut spending. More people might have jobs but due to rising food and tax increases, have even less to spend. Oh well.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    sharkhunter: "typically I see worse economy,more extras."

    I agree. But according to steve229 that violates the law of supply and demand. Thus it's impossible for that to happen and it is trivial for steve229 to prove. Not that she has offered such a proof. And I won't hold my breath waiting for her to. Then again, she does admit her job is not finance. I'm sure song lyric quoter is close enough though that she still be listened to nevertheless.

  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    I think you guys need a third party just like we do over here. We have UKIP now and they are going to send shockwaves through the establishment next month.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    I think more spending is needed on education. For instance, look how steve229 thinks she understands supply and demand and then is like "ooops! you mean the supply curve might move too? I thought only the demand curve could change". Would be hard to get girls like that into a job in the future economy that might require more technical skills than quoting the lyrics of songs.

    It would interesting to see how those models project out of advances in medicine. I suspect our society has reached peaked unhealthiness.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    The way I see it, worse economy means lower market price for girls who fuck for money. Better economy means higher market price for girls. The number of girls who do this will hardly change, as some might go for a different job, but new girls wanting big bucks will probably jump in. And the ones who do this full time, why would they change jobs when they get paid more? And non-extra girls? They make money now. More guys with more money means more guys spending in clubs.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    When the new girls jump in how willing do you think they will be to do extras if there is good money to be made without doing them? Sure the number of strippers could go in either direction if you include ones not doing extras, but that is a different question. And I don't agree money is good for girls in most locales now if they don't do ezxtras, but in places where it is, like Manhattan extras are hard to come and apparently OTC is as well. Even for a genius at figuring it out like RickyBoy. Which is exactly my point.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    "how willing do you think they will be to do extras"

    Well Doug, more than one girl told me money makes a girl more enthusiastic
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    In 1989 I read an article regarding America's future with the gist of the article being that once we lost the idea of the "melting pot" and became competing communities seeking the dole from the Government that America was finished. Using a locomotive as an example the author went on to say that due to our economic prowess at the time, our military and our population that momentum would carry us another 25 -50 years. 2014 was 25 years. Buh bye.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Looking at the bright side, with a bunch of illegal immigrants probably getting to vote if Obama doesn't get impeached when he might legalize them all, we can all blame the democrats when our currency becomes worth less than dirt. Of course a bag of dirt can be expensive. Estimating 10 to 25 years sounds about right before foreigners realize we aren't going to be able to pay our debts and no one wants dollars anymore. I think the democrats have no plan so they will choose default. What will be the new currency? Who knows? You never know, if the economy growth rate ticks up more and future elected officials reduce spending enough, maybe we'll have 25 to 50 years.
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