
Hat's off to your President

Breathe, breathe in the air
Saturday, September 6, 2014 3:00 PM
Like him or loathe him his gesture today in speaking to an English family on his visit to Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England was a very nice and was a once in a lifetime surprise for the family concerned. It probably didn't make he news over there? Stonehenge is a very famous place over here btw.


  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Yes, Stonehenge is a favorite of sightseers
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    How long was Stonehenge closed down for his visit? In other words, how many *other* locals and visitors had their plans disrupted because "the most powerful man in the world" dropped by for a photo op? And before anybody goes batshit on me, I would have said the same type of thing about Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, etc. And did, on more than one occasion.
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    Yeah, that was a nice move. Though isn't that pretty much standard procedure with Presidents and such to make what seem to be unscripted gestures to the average man, which are in fact planned and scripted to the greatest detail with Secret Service? I think all Presidents to that kind of stuff. Not to take away anything from the guy though. He seems to be a down to earth, nice guy in that way. And us Americans love the Brits anyway...
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    The only gesture I would like to see from him is resignation!
  • mark94
    10 years ago
    The President of my company went to Spain years ago, shortly after Franco died. He took a translator. In his first meeting, he told the translator to say how much he was impressed by Franco. The translator asked if he REALLY wanted to say that. He said sure, go ahead. Fortunately, he was talking to the one Spaniard who didn't have a relative die during Franco's reign. Not sure what made me think of that.....................
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    I didn't see it until tonight's evening news. (Too busy watching football during the day today). Here's a link to the story if you haven't already seen it (1:22) [view link]
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    "The only gesture I would like to see from him is resignation!" Geez, dude get over it !!! Yeah, I don't like his policies, we're opposites on the political spectrum. But at least give him the respect that the office deserves. Geezus, that is a fucking impossible job no matter who does it, and I respect anyone who occupies the office. Get over the hatred just because you disagree. Fucking childish, I'm so tired of this childish political hatred.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    A "chance encounter"? I call BS!!! Nothing, and I mean nothing, this guy does or says is by chance!
  • bubbaloo
    10 years ago
    I wouldn't consider hatred "childish" for a man that does everything in his power to destroy the greatest country on earth. Gonna take a long while to fix the things he has messed up. Will be in office twice as long as Carter, and will have done a thousand times more destruction.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Jimmy loves obama.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    The reason I hate political shit is because neither the Republicans or Democrats can be objective. When Bush Jr was in office the democrats would only point out the bad things, never any of the good things. Obama is in the office, and the Republicans can only point the bad things, never any of the good things. If you listen to the Republicans you would think Obama is the worst president ever. Under Bush Jr the economy folded apart and we were in a war we had no business being in. Under Obama, while the economy isn't fully back, any rational person can see the economy is better now than when Bush left office. Under Obama the most wanted guy in the world was killed (Osama Bin Laden). That being said Bush was not as bad of a President as everyone made him out to be.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    ranukam, Your second sentence sums it all up. Your "facts" are incorrect. And the third? Name a good thing obama has done? And the 4th, he IS the worst, and still hasn't finished screwing up!
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    I guarantee some of the TUSCL righties will accuse me of not being objective in regards to Bush Jr. I am a Independent. I just think if you look at it rationally there's no way you can say Bush Jr did a better job as President than Obama. Newsflash, whoever is President will never be perfect. Time to get off my political rant lol.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    Clubber proves me right! @Clubber- instead of just saying my facts are incorrect, tell me what's incorrect. As far as a good thing Obama has done: THE NUMBER ONE MOST WANTED MAN IN THE WORLD WAS KILLED! Also just for extra people are saying he say he saved the car industry in Detroit.
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    ranukam sez: "The reason I hate political shit is because neither the Republicans or Democrats can be objective." EXACTLY !!! They act like fucking children. Just like some in this forum. They can't separate the disagreement on issues from personal hatred. They start this infantile name calling like "Obummer" and all this stupid childish shit. It goes both ways. Republicans are just as infantile as Democrats. And as much as you probably don't want to believe it, politicians don't fuck up this country, you and I do. The people do. But we're so fucking childish we can NEVER objectively evaluate ourselves, so we blame it on everybody and everything else.
  • jabthehut
    10 years ago
    Went to a college footbal game today. It was military appreciation day and they had a swearing in ceremony for new recruits at halftime. When guy conducting the ceremony got to the part where it says "obey the orders of the President," you could hear a quiet moan from the fans. His predominant gesture to us is bend over so I can see your asses to make it easier yo screw you again.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    ranukam, OK, one at a time. "... tell me what's incorrect." There is no "Bush Jr". Because of that, it shows you don't know a lot and casts doubts on the rest of your statements. "As far as a good thing Obama has done: THE NUMBER ONE MOST WANTED MAN IN THE WORLD WAS KILLED! And why was that, because of the info gained from "W's" interrogation policies, which obama denounced, and a seal team that obama gave up! Also just for extra people are saying he say he saved the car industry in Detroit. He prolonged their death, unless they make major changes and he did that with MY money, not his! Just check the facts about Detroit. Nothing more needs said. I am not going to get into a pissing contest with you. Bottom line, liberals (independents that don't know which side of the fence on witch they stand) don't look at results of policies and root causes of problems. Usually, their response id to throw more money at a problem, and damn the results. A perfect example, lbj's "War On Poverty". How has that worked out, Hummmm?
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    Sadly, everything President Obama does is fuel for the fire of constant criticism. There are well founded criticisms of some of his policies and his inability to get some things done. When people want to waste time criticising him for wearing a tan summer suit, no different than his five immediate predecessors, we know that some of this noise is just pure hatred, having nothing to do with differences over policy.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    No, jerikson, I will *not* give him the respect the office deserves; he doesn't deserve it. I too respect the *office* of President, but in my nowhere close to humble opinion, virtually no *occupant* of that office has actually deserved the same respect for going on a half a century or more now. Maybe Truman. Almost certainly Kennedy. After Kennedy? Not a fucking one of them was worth a shit. Some of them put on a good show, but that's all it was.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    In my opinion, Obama has not been respecting the office very much. I guess he's pulled the wool over most Americans. I won't go into it here. You are welcome to your own opinion. What exactly did Obama do again at Stonehenge?
  • Tiredtraveler
    10 years ago
    This is a President that does not even acknowledge the death of former PM Thatcher enough to send an official delegation to the funeral but sends an official delegation and a personal call to a street punk's funeral. (The punk in Ferguson MO shot by the cop has a manslaughter conviction (among other convictions) from 3 years ago as a juvenile, not the angel that the media is portraying him) . If I were British I would find his very presence an insult. He is nothing but a Chicago criminal who belongs in jail with the rest of the thugs from Chicago. Unfortunately there has not been a clear cut difference between candidates since Regan versus Carter and Regan versus Mondale. Both Bushes should have been shaved and Bubba Clinton and cunt were opportunist nothings. Now were have Obama and his mean ass sow making it illegal for children to bring a PB&J for lunch and making it now illegal to make S'mores on public land (you now have been directed US Forest Service to use fewer marshmallows and substitute fruit for the chocolate). The problem is I get the impression that the political parties are just taking turns and are putting forth shit head candidates so they can all continue to get rich at our expense. Pelosi, Boxer, Reid, Lugar, Clinton.. all went to DC poor and are now billionaires by insider trading and steering contracts to friends and relatives (all of which is legal because congress exempts themselves and other elected officials at the federal level from insider trading laws). Four things need to change IMMEDIATELY: 1) Severe term limits for all federal officials including employees, 2) Congress must be subject to every law that they pass against the rest of us. 3) a Federal hiring freeze, no one may be hired by ANY federal agency (except military) for the next 15 years and then people only may be replaced that retire of quit one for one. 4) No federal employee (including elected officials) past or present my draw a pension from the federal government until they reach the age of 65 (except LE or military) (just like the rest of us).
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    Lets see. Obama throws Israel, Iraq, England, America and Christians in the Middle East under the bus; breaks the law; allows foreigners in illegally, basically saying fuck you to immigrants who do it the right way and he gets credit for this?
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    One problem. If the government can't hire people outside the government who knw ow to work and get things done, we'll all b stuck with non functional givernment.
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