
Curious about Bonesbrother

the speed force!
Saturday, September 6, 2014 9:38 AM
This is a serious question and not an attempt to troll per se, though I acknowledge it may be seen as such due to the topic. Regardless, I'll proceed with my question for Bonesbrother -- do you actually like strippers? For that matter, do you like women? Hell, do you even like sex? I'm just asking because I cannot remember a single post from you about strippers, hot women,ugly women, or even sex. All you seem to do is complain about trolls. I get it -- Juice and Dougster may not be everybody's cup of tea. Other people enjoy some of their antics. Hell, even rickdugan engages with Dougster on occasion and rick-dude is the constant target of Dougsta's posts. So with respect to those guys you have a choice of trading barbs or just ignoring them. Your choice. But c'mon dude -- why don't you EVER post about strippers? Has anybody else ever seen a post by Bonesbrother about strippers? Let's broaden it -- has anybody seen a Bonesbrother post about sex? Just posting about Dougster being the TUSCL expert on homosexuality doesn't really count, since that was just trolling Dougster. I mean an actual post about sex.


  • Bonesbrother
    10 years ago
    I noticed that you got very quiet after I posted this. [view link] I'm here to bash trolls and troll feeders to make the board better for the serious club goers. I give a shit if anybody responds to my posts. Actually if they don't, I am probably accomplishing my goals.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Personally I dont give a shit whether he likes strippers or not. If he can help keep the trolls off the site, more power.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    ^^^ Sclvr5005 -- Fair enough, but even if I considered it a good thing to keep all of the people most commonly accused of trolling off the site -- which I don't because I find some of the "troll" stalwarts funny some of the time -- I don't see the "anti-troll trolls" helping. Juice and Dougster still post a lot and all we get out of BonesBrother is racial slurs and complaints (though i give him props for not using racial slurs in his last two posts). I don't see how that is any better than the "trolls" that actually discuss strip clubs. Actually, BonesBrother, there are periods where I have other things to do and don't post. Much as I like to check in and have a laugh, I also have a life. You're question came during a time when I was traveling and didn't have Internet. I also had other things on my agenda and wouldn't have checked in even if I did. Dougster characterized me as an eccentric. I'll go along with that label. I come here to laugh, read about strippers, and post weird stuff (often vaguely stripper or sex related) that makes me laugh. If others laugh or otherwise engage, coo-el. If they don't, it is also cool. Ultimately, we all post for our own enjoyment.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    @BonesBrother - more to the point, why do you enjoy what you post? (Assuming you enjoy posting) I've never seen you post ANYTHING about strippers. All you do is troll those you consider to be trolls. If you just have a hard on for trolling those with a different sense of humor or different taste that is cool. A little sad, in my opinion, but if the racist invective and insulting of others gives you more joy than posting about strippers that is really your issue. Not mine. I notice you never answered whether you like slippers. Or sex for that matter. It OK if you don't. A little weird. But whatever gets you through the night I suppose.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    * whether you like strippers Feel free to describe your feelings about slippers, but that's off topic.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Post hoc ergo propter hoc?
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
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