More bad news

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Atlanta suburb

Two dancers at a Wellford strip club are accused of prostitution after police say they offered to perform sexual acts in exchange for money to undercover officers.

Courtney Rachelle Manus, 23, of 820 Hospitality Drive in Spartanburg, and Kristy Lane Osullivan, 28, of 749 Grogan Road in Woodruff, were taken to the Spartanburg County jail Wednesday and Thursday respectively.

According to a Wellford Police Department incident report, undercover deputies with the Spartanburg County Sheriff's Office entered Teazers Gentleman's Club at 10301 Greenville Highway to investigate several complaints Aug. 27.

The men were taken to the back section of the club where “private” dances take place, the report states. Once there, Manus and Osullivan offered to perform sexual activities in exchange for a set amount of money.

The arrests come after club owner Timothy Duane Treadwell, 51, of 758 Holston Creek Church Road in Inman, was arrested and charged with prostitution.


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avatar for nemesisk7
10 years ago
Move to Mexico you can fuck any right there on the stage
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
Now that the girls got free advertising in the local press, including their addresses, I'm guessing there will ba a traffic jam of anxious guys in front of their houses. Easy money for a coupke of stripper hookers
avatar for stripclublion
10 years ago
I saw this coming, I stop coming to this club because the girls looked like meth head hookers and because cops posted up right outside of the freaking club waiting on you leave and bust you for driving under the influence, I have been here a few times in the past and every single time I was stopped as soon as I pulled out of the club so I honestly don't see how this place is still open, the town obviously wants this particular club to shut down!!!
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
"to investigate several complaints"

Who does the complaining in these cases? No one would be my guess. LE just uses that as an excuse to "investigate". Or are there undercover customers. Would someone go into a club, as a customer, and proposition for a sex act, then just leave and complain to LE? If so, who here would do such a thing?
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
There could be a jealous religious woman or couple in the nearby village of Wellford that hates strip clubs and calls the police every week just to complain about something. Where I live locals just call these people bitches after a couple episodes and give them some advise back.

I remember one bitch in the complex of houses behind mine bitched to the guy putting up fences in my backyard and my nearby neighbors. There was a reason we were putting up fences in our backyards. It was our property. In spite of that fact, the guy putting up the fence heard several complaints. The most laughable one was that fire trucks would not be able to drive through everyone back yards if they needed to in case of a fire. There is no road anywhere near our back yards. She was just a bitch.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
anyone got a link to mug shots or pics? I like to be able to recognize someone if I see them.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
Thanks shadow. I think you'd have to be desperate to hook up with them.
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
These girls remind me of a joke...

A teenager is walking downtown and a girl whispers to him, "Blowjob, five dollars". He gives her a strange look and keeps walking. Soon another girl does the same thing. Confused, he keeps walking. The first thing out of his mouth when he returned home was "Mom, what's a blowjob?". His mom replies "Five dollars, just like downtown!".

avatar for COclubber
10 years ago
Our local cops busted a AMP a couple of years ago for prostitiution after one of its deputies visited the place three times. Apparently the first two times were practice.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
Some of this is going to come down to local politics. That is, if they are going to be making busts, who do they bust? Will it be service provider, client, or owner?

In most situations it is going to be the service provider who gets busted. But in some places this will be politically untenable.

This is written about in Bottom Feeders by John Hubner, about Jim and Artie Mitchell. In San Francisco at that time if they busted only dancers the cops would be made into laughing stocks. Think about what the cops would had to have been doing to make such busts. People would see it as totally unfair, taking advantage of the weakest party in the relationship.

Now if they busted customers, that would cut too broadly into the population base. And also, if people come in from out of town and see a building with clear signage, it does seem unfair to bust them, as they probably thought it was okay in this place.

So in prosecuting Jim and Artie they only went after the owners. This makes it much more difficult for LE.

Now not everywhere is like San Francisco though. Here in Santa Clara County there was a case where someone tried to bring in SF style lap dancing. Only dancers were busted. There was not a huge public uproar.

Also, in San Mateo County there was a case, and only dancers were busted. The Sheriffs even were quoted as saying, "We have 15 dancers under investigation." This should have resulted in a public uproar. It did not!

Now imagine the worst case of that investigation, and you'll be right on. LE was bringing their own condoms to partake in FS-ITC. I have this direct from dancers who were there, although those who were actually busted refused to talk.

The cops were 100% complicit!!

I went to the court house and read the police report. They did not talk about FS. Instead they just talked about lap dancing, meaning touching and getting touched. LE wanted to uphold their extreme view that this is a prosecutable crime.

The whole thing stinks!

Now when Kamala Harris succeeded Terence Hallinan as San Francisco DA, she did reverse Hallinan's policy and she did send cops into the most infamous of the SF clubs, Market St. Cinema, and she did have dancers busted. I don't know if those cases were ever prosecuted though. But today the place is closed.…

With the two most recent strip club closures that I know of, the cities wanted the places gone so bad that they worked with the property owners and introduced public funds and got the buildings demolished. One of these places was extremely soft core too. But the people who ran the city just wanted it out.

If cops are investigating dancers, there should be public outcry. Likewise, if only dancers are getting busted, there should be public outcry. Even if not that many people want the laws changed, at least as a first step they should speak out against enforcement practices which are clearly unfair and likely corrupt.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Where the fuck is Wellford – had to go to Wikipedia to find out it was in South Carolina.

I think we need a movement similar to the same-sex movement in order to get these ridiculous anti P4P laws reversed – wtf.
avatar for .juicebox69
10 years ago
Y they locking my pussy up ? I was fucking those bitches
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
Wellford is about 10 miles east of Greenville SC
avatar for Duke69
10 years ago
Fu k you jackie
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
Juice is their biggest lead. Apparently he has an undercover officer following him. Just joking. I don't know. I guess if you go online and post about fucking dancers you met, you could be targeted.
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