
Shot girl rip-off

Detroit, Michigan
Visited a local SC in Detroit on the evening of Labor Day, Sept. 1, 2014. I try to avoid annoying shot girls by tipping them and sending them on their way. I refuse to pay $5 for colored water. This particular shot girl wanted to "hang out" in my booth and would not take the hint to leave. A dancer friend of hers came and sat down. They got into a conversation about another shot girl who was running a rip off. According to the story in the booth, the other shot girl had two customers who did not speak English. She hustled them for $5 shots. They bought 5 (five) $5 shots and paid with a $100.00 bill. She refused to give them change, claiming that the $100 was the full charge for the 5 shots. The manager did not believe the customers, but the shot girl who witnessed all of this could not wait to talk about it. She said she understood hustling for a living, but she could not stay silent in the face of a "goddamned rip-off."

When the dancer asked me to take her to VIP, I declined. I tipped her, but told her I was taking a break from VIP until the manager had a meeting with the dancers and stopped the wallet rip offs. It's common in this club for a dancer to beg for a tip after a trip to the VIP. When the customer pulls his wallet out to get the tip, the dancer snatches all of the bills out of the wallet and bolts for the dressing room. When confronted, she cries big tears and denies doing anything wrong. Typical.


  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Man – what club was this – I guess you want to keep it anonymous since you didn’t mention it.

    You seem to have a lot of issues/run-ins with strippers – I get my fare share – but maybe you are just being too nice a guy – it’s probably not productive to be a gentleman in a “gentlemen’s club” since many of the dancers are not exactly “ladies”.

    Dancer/custy interactions is business – and one just needs to learn to say “no” even though it does not come natural especially when interacting w/ women – but if dancers or shotgirls or waitresses are often cockblocking you by sitting at your booth; then send them the fuck off (pardon me French).
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    You're absolutely right.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    I think I coined a new phrase.....lying, thieving...

    Oh wait - I guess that's not new
  • mjx01
    10 years ago
    rip off bitches and rip off clubs should be outed IMO

    Why protect the con-artists and let other mongers get hosed?
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    12210 E 8 Mile Rd
    Detroit, Michigan 48205
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    So whats worse, a thieving shot girl, or a douchebag customer who doesnt have the balls to call out the club that allows it? I'm gonna say its a draw...
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    Sorry Dude, I guess out posts collided
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    I really didn't think anyone outside of Detroit would care to know the name of the club. If so, they would PM me. So now, for trying to be careful about wasting everyone's time with useless information I am slammed.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    I appreciate the post.
  • georgebailey
    10 years ago
  • silkypants
    10 years ago
    And I thought super dude was immune to getting ripped off. Thanks for sharing the club but I completely understand if you didn't share the name of the club. Sometimes being helpful is more trouble than its worth.
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    I temporarily ran out of my immunity medication, i.e. I switched my regular drink.
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    The real issue I must face is why do I let my view of correct behavior interfere with protecting myself from rude and rip-off behavior. At 68 years old and "old school" I find it difficult to tell a pushy shot girl or dancer who can't take a polite hint to "get fucking lost." Not my style. Yet, it seems that if you don't do that you have to listen to tales of woe, rent, baby daddy defaults, car breakdowns and boyfriend's legal troubles. Two weeks ago I tipped a dancer $50.00 right after she sat down. Just being nice. Rather than thank me, she starts this tale of woe and starts begging for financial assistance. I unloaded on her, telling her that I came into the club to relax and not be the target of a hustle, especially when I tried to help her out already. She ran to the dressing room in tears and the manager asked me why I was picking on the girls. WTF??

    Some of these women feel perfectly justified in doing anything and everything to get money. Then they complain about not getting repeat business.
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    More random rants: As the quality declines in some clubs (fuglies and fatties all over the place) I also notice that some dancers have no idea that they are in the entertainment business. All they see is the rip-off and that's all that matters. If a person is never taught the basics of providing courteous and quality service in a particular industry, then he or she will suffer dimunition of income. I can remember when physicians were rated, in part, on their "bedside manner," their ability to explain medical issues in a way that made the patient accept and understand what was going on. I have seen lawyers from top law schools talk down to clients and lose repeat business because of their own condescending arrogance.

    The current generation of dancers seem to think that good looks will get them everything they want because most men are turds and dumb suckers. That's why they have no conversational skills, cannot flirt a little, are lacking in charm, don't know when to shut up about things customers don't want to hear and wind up with broke loser boyfriends, the only kinds of guys who will put up with their nonsense.

    Managers, agents or "house moms" might be able to suggest changes in style, but I'll bet that they don't see that as their responsibility. All they do is provide the girls and replace them when they burn themselves out. When a club gets a reputation for having pushy, whiny, agressive and rip-off dancers, it deserves to fail.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    You go superdude. True that
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "She ran to the dressing room in tears and the manager asked me why I was picking on the girls. "

    You brute!

  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    Superdude, I would start going to another club all together. It's easy since you're in a city with so many great ones. That's very alarming that girls will grab all the money out of a guys wallet. Knowing that, I would never enter the club again.
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    Why anyone would go to a club like this is kind of sad.
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    Extras were easy, once upon a time, making other things almost tolerable. No more.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    Give them extra splat
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    I agree. You should find another club. Fuck them robs and the managers that enable them.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    @SuperDude: I'm sure you know this already, but I think you'd really benefit from getting over that niceness. You don't owe a ROB or rude person anything at all, much less continues politeness in the face of rudeness.
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    Nice guys don't get laid.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    That is demonstrably not true, if only by the fact that *I* get laid by being nice.
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    I hear you get laid because you are nice, but also good looking with serious cash flow. Not all of us are so blessed.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    Nope, not good looking. Not in good shape. And while I have cash to spend, it's by no means unlimited. Not even "serious" in the way Dougster is. Not lately, anyway.
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    Net disposable income is always a variable commodity. Money to waste on ROBs must be kept at a minimum.
  • warhawks
    10 years ago
    I've avoided Tycoons for quite a few years just because of what you've described.
    I've also stopped going to Penthouse now for almost a year because of the shot girls they had there on day shift. Not sure if they are still there @ PH.
    I don't do shots. But they'd always give me the "well, you can always buy *ME* a shot and your girl too".
    No. No, I don't have to buy ANYONE a shot.... Get lost!
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    “… So now, for trying to be careful about wasting everyone's time with useless information I am slammed …”

    In all fairness super superdude :) – you only got “slammed" by one poster whom happens to slam just about everything – so please don’t take that one particular post personally b/c everyone else that commented on the thread thinks you are worthy of your nickname :).

    “… Superdude, I would start going to another club all together …”

    I guess that is the obvious answer; but that does not excuse a club for acting in such a sucky way – and it’s not as if all other clubs are a panacea of how strip clubs should operate and how dancers should act – there seems to be plenty of bullshit in most if not all SCs.

    Most SCs; and pretty much all dancers; just care about one thing – getting your $$$ by any means possible including ROBing you – being a “nice guy” in a SC is like being a “nice guy” in prison – you’re niceness will be used against you.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    My first experience, very long ago, in a San Francisco club was happenstance. It was not planned, and I did not know what to expect, and I did not have enough money.

    I went into this area marked VIP room. I and another guy were there. I think now what it meant was just that it had couches instead of the movie theater seats with arms on them, so the girls could do direct on titties in face and dry humping.

    Two girls came in and asked for money. I had just a little bit left and wanted to save it for another girl. I went into my wallet and she saw $20 and snatched it and said, "This is enough for me to *start*".

    Yes, she did something. But I would have rather had that for the girl I liked. And I learned then that you don't go into areas like that VIP room unless it is with a girl you already have built up some rapport with.

    After she did her $20 worth, I let her know that we were done. I did look in later and see that the other guy wasn't willing to play with them either. The two girls were sitting there alone.

    Everything in strip clubs is expensive, including just learning how to avoid problems.


    Deep Purple, live
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    You have keen and intelligent insights. As far as the shot girl rip off that started this thread goes, I now have heard confirmation from a shot girl that fake shots are part of the tray. All of us have known that, but it raised an eyebrow when she admitted it in a conversation in front of me. Many years ago in "Exotic Dancer" magazine I saw a back of the book ad for shot supplies, i.e. trays, tubes, colorings and gallons of mix. The ad let the purchaser know that the cost of the average shot was $0.83 and the fake ones even less. So they are being sold for $5 each at great mark up. Why would any customer want to subsidize that? I have argued for years on this board that the shot girls should be eliminated. As long as gullible or "nice" customers give them money, they will be around with the most annoying and agressive hustle in the clubs. No more Mr. Nice Guy. I will now tell them to get lost as soon as they show up and ask them to leave my booth as soon as they sit down.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    ^ now that you mention it – it would make sense the shots are fake/non-alcohol b/c often times it’s the shot girls taking the shot and one would think she would then be hammered every night she works – and I don’t recall seeing a hammered shotgirl.

    shotgirl drinks are probably along the lines of $20 dancer-drink hustles where dancers down them in 5 seconds and then are asking for another one; i.e. probably a non-alcoholic 99.9% profit-for-the-club drink.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I don’t think one needs to tell a dancer/waitress/shotgirl to “fuck off” – and I imagine that is not what you literally meant.

    It’s about not allowing someone to be inconsiderate or take advantage of one’s time; money; or good time in the club – one needs to learn how to say no and be consistent.

    They (dancers) def don’t have your/mine best interest in mind – so we better have our best interest in mind.

    As painful as it may be; you may need to read stripperweb.com from time to time to remind yourself of what you are dealing with – many of these women will step over your corpse to get your $$$ - i.e. they’ll keep dancing on your corpse after you’ve had a fatal heart attack in the dance booth and charge you for dances you didn’t ask for b/c you couldn’t :)
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    Yep. The shot girls and dancers drink the flavored water, while the customer gets a watered down alcoholic drink. They keep pushing this junk until the whole tray is sold. That's a lot of begging.
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    Do dead customers LDK?
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I'm not totally sure what was happening in this encounter with the shot girl. When she was hanging around, was she in effect inviting you to treat her like a dancer? That can be real fun. Often it works. It is your ultimate recourse when the drink hustle gets too intense. Pick a waitress you like and try to get her to sit on your lap and start making out with you. Try to give her sitting tips. Try to talk to her and learn about her life, like if she is married or has a boyfriend. Try to find out why she waitresses instead of dancing. Maybe see how much mileage you can get with her in the VIP Room.

    Remember, when you go to a strip club, you are not a Pathetic Loser, you are King of the World, and so all females exist to serve you.

    Of this place in La Puente I am concerned because they use male drink servers to do the drink hustle!


    This is what it says in some reviews. This is totally unacceptable.

    But I think there was even more going on in this story of the shot girl. Fraudulent waitresses, serving fraudulent drinks? I don't care about the fraudulent drinks myself. But if they can't keep fraudulent waitresses out, then just about anything goes. Fraudulent dancers and girls snatching money and all.

    Certainly they will not be able to enforce any mileage ceilings in their booths and back rooms.

    But this place sounds too wild for me. It must be very big, lots of dancers per shift? How big is it and how many dancers, and how much mileage?

    People have written about a place, I think Dallas, with 100 to 150 girls per shift? I would like to know more about this place. It is hard for me to imagine. How many booths and VIP Rooms? What are most of those girls doing at any given time?



    Clapton, Layla, slow, notice Doyle Bramhall II with his left hander's guitar, but strung upside down
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    “… Do dead customers LDK …”

    One would think not – but after reading TUSCL for 2+ years I guess anything is possible :)
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