I would like some advice from anyone on the subject of extras. How do i aproach a stripper while getting a lap dance to ask for anything extra for extra money without getting smacked, or will she ask me first?
Me too. I don't hire escorts, I prefer to spend time in strip clubs. But I'm not looking for extras either. If I were I'd go the escort route. It may take a little shopping around to find one I really like but so does finding a stripper I like.
I suggested the escort route because it sounds like jdangle is in a hurry and isn't interested in taking the time to develop a relationship. You can hire an escort for $200-250 in many areas and you can see pictures and reviews of her beforehand, so you do get to choose. But it will probably cost a lot more than that and you may have to spend time with a lot of different girls to find what he's looking for in a club. No question, if you already have found such a situation it's probably cheaper than an escort. But how much did it cost you before you got there?
If you're looking for extras, the first thing you have to do is find a club where they are sometimes available. In a lot of clubs, maybe most, they just aren't available from anyone, at least not inside the club. To some extent it has to do with physical layout, there has to be a certain amount of privacy available for a girl to even consider it. As others have said, you usually have to spend time and money getting to know a girl. It's a whole lot cheaper and easier to just hire an escort.
You just can't expect to go to a club and get it the first time. You have to build a relationship, in a way. My favorite, at least in the extra area, didn't give me any at least the first five times I got a lap dance from her. On the other hand, I've also gotten them the very first time I visited a club. So luck figures in as well.
If she offers them, she will give you a menu. It may not happen on the first dance if she suspects that you are a cop or if she just doesn't feel like it on a particular night. If you ask the wrong girl about this you could wind up ejected or having the crap beat out of you buy a bouncer or 2 or 3..... Depends on the girl and the club.
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