
Guys, protect yourself!

New York
Sunday, August 3, 2014 9:18 PM
Ask any divorced man out there and he will tell you that women can be much more dangerous than any tough guy. A man will attack you head on, with women, you will never see it coming. Brings me to the point, dancers (at least the hot ones) will usually take safety precautions, clients almost never give it a thought. It's a mistake and here is why. First check out this youtube video [view link] They clearly target SC customers. You say that is Colombia, couldn't happen here, it just did! [view link] I usually goto SC alone and sometimes get very drunk. I never realized how vulnerable I was until I saw this NY guy get truly screwed. The main precaution is your drink. I've switched from mixed drinks to bottle and never leave my drink unattended. Second, I do not bring more than a single cc with me when I go out. Third, I've started a habit to text my buddy when I go into a SC so there is some record. My ATM has a daily limit. Finally, if I'm not in my hometown of NYC, I don't get shitfaced drunk. Welcome any other ideas.


  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    Never get really drunk around people you don't trust.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Easy to solve. Don't go to bars, strip clubs, or anywhere women and men interact. Now in reality, don't be an idiot. Often drink + man = idiot. And above all, in a strange town or a strange local club, extra precaution is a must. ilbbaicnl summed it up well.
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    I travel a lot and always alone. I also like to drink. Trust no one and protect yourself is always the rule.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    The only time I'm out at 3 AM is when I'm gigging, and we do watch the parking lot as there's tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment. I think anyone clubbing at 3 AM should be equally aware of what's around him.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    One of my rules is don't take credit or debit cards to strip club. Nothing good can come out of having them. I bring the maximum amount of cash I'm prepared to spend, and that's it.
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    Drank too much in a club after taking post-surgery medication. Lost it. I have returned to being very careful.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    I pretty much always drink water in a club, so no getting drunk, or even tipsy. In fact, I usually drink *bottled* water. Not to prevent someone slipping something into it, though it's good for that as well, but because, well, have you even *seen* how most bars "wash" glasses?
  • RickyBoyDugan
    10 years ago
    Real men drink in strip clubs and then drive home afterward without calling a cab. Y'all are a bunch of fuckin' pussies!
  • sofaking87
    10 years ago
    I leave the credit cards at home too. I only take as much cash as I plan on spending, and always chat the babe up some first.
  • joker44
    10 years ago
    Ditto gmd & sofaking87. 'DrinkSavvy: how your straw could help you stay safe New drinkware changes color and pattern in the presence of common 'date-rape' drugs GHB, ketamine, or Rohypnol' [view link]
  • BlueLion
    10 years ago
    Lol rick
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    Leave the CC's at the house or hotel, hell even the car. Can't spend more than you have if it's all cash. And if you run out, it's time to leave.
  • Prim0
    10 years ago
    When I get drunk...even blasted...I never really lose my self awareness. I might spend more than I wanted to originally, but never like what happened to some of these guys.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    RBD, you tell 'em! On a serious note though, if you worry about shit like this all the time when you club, then you'll never relax enough to enjoy clubbing to its fullest. All we can do is try to put in simple rules upfront to limit this type of exposure, such as sticking to cash. I'm not surprised that it happened in NYC though, which IMHO is one of the worst places to club.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Prim0, You hit a cord with your post. Many times after a night out at regular bars and strip clubs, I have woken in the AM and seemed to remember very little. Interestingly to me, I find that by talking to others I was pretty much my normal self and functioned fairly well. I have even swore to myself I knew I had not paid my tab, but when I check back, I did. This still doesn't give the feeling of security I should have, but at 65, I don't care nearly as much as I did 40 years ago. :)
  • imnumnutz
    10 years ago
    I will never have more than two beers at a strip club, for several reasons. first, too many bad things can happen in the club if you lose control. Second, I don't want a dui on the way home. Despite what's been indicated by some, I can have a GREAT time in a strip club without alcohol, which dulls your senses, if you know what I mean...
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    "I usually goto SC alone and sometimes get very drunk" What would Alucard say? Hmmm....
  • jayzex
    10 years ago
    Yes he really is the piece of shit boyfriend that everybody ones you about...I can vouch for that, Im the ex...Juice, bigtuna, duke, revlong, whatever you want to call him, is the same guy and he is a piece of garbage! He cannot function in a normal relationship with a normal human being. He would rather stay layed up on his girlfriends couch on his girlfriends computer in forums such as this shit. Sponge everything he can and give nothing in return. He underestimates other people's intelligence and my ability to find shit out! He has NOTHING in life and doesn't want anything from life except a disability check. Dear Juice (Jackie), FUCK YOU!
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