
How many people do you think Church and Business leaders will kill?

That is by not worrying about others dying from spreading germs by shaking hands? Thousands die each year from the flu. Now the Ebola virus is running rampant in Africa and the kill rate is 60 percent of everyone infected. I believe tens of thousands or even a million people will need to die before people stop shaking hands and church and business leaders take any action. At least in strip clubs we play it safe. Tits don't go around shaking everyone's hands, :)


  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I estimate over 100 thousand will need to die from the flu in 1 year or over 1,000 from the nasty Ebola virus in the US before our leaders start telling people not to shake hands and to protect themselves. People like to shake hands and spread their germs and kill other people and get them sick. It's a church thing and a business thing. Keep doing things because of tradition regardless of the results.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I personally would rather just give a peace sign with two fingers instead of getting germs or sick from a handshake from a stranger.

    Just trying to spread the message that handshakes kill and real leaders would instruct their priests to tell their church people and or business associates to change tradition. Give a peace sign, bow or do something else. Thousands already die each year from the flu and hand shaking is a big way of transferring diseases. I see millions spent on safety efforts on auto safety, car recalls, etc, etc, but hardly no one thinks about all the lives that could be saved just by getting rid of hand shaking. Also instruct sick employees to stay home if they think they have flu like symptoms. Do not feel like they need to go to church or work. Some go anyway.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Personally, I feel that this current culture of sanitizer, anti-bacterial soap, and over-unnecessary cleanliness is to blame. We need healthy bacteria on our bodies. We need to be exposed to germs so we can develop tolerances for them. Ask the Native Americans what happens when you have no immunity or tolerances to certain pathogens.
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