
"Advertise Your Club Here! Get Started Now!"

Atlanta suburb
Saturday, July 26, 2014 8:16 PM
I just noticed this blurb when pulling up reviews. Sounds like Founder is drumming up money. I have to wonder what shape club advertisements would take.


  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Sounds like it may be a good idea: a) maybe they’ll make discounts available (drinks; cover; etc)? b) maybe club management may become more aware via this site of how custies feel abut their clubs and make improvements?
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I’ve barely visited SCL – but doesn’t it have a whole bunch of club advertisements?
  • SippyCup69
    10 years ago
    maybe reviews will become compromised and sold out. then their will be steep discounts and free admissions to print off for all. i mean come on once the reviews starting getting shaped by the adveristers rather than the consumer its all going down hill. got to love the capilist system right. not ..... this site should be free from all angles... but we live in America were helping our nahbors is a thang of the past. now we live ins a fuck over my nahbor system and take his shit before he take mine. ooo well ive been dranking again whoo in their right minds will ever listen to the wisdom i vomit forth from this key pad as i eaat notcho and cheese and jerk off to porn. im nothing more thann a troll with a life span on cyber stace as long as i please. in real life ive never been to a club but i lie so i digdress. if you are still reading this y0ou need to get a life or a wife. as for me im getting fucked up and going to go broke having sex with this twenty doller ho ho ho
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    Only once the drugs are gone, I feel like dying
  • BigTuna1
    10 years ago
  • joker44
    10 years ago
    Trolls. Now this. There goes the neighborhood!
  • BigTuna1
    10 years ago
    faggots their goes the neighborhood
  • Joker420
    10 years ago
    maybe ricky boy can finally advertise his system lol what a faggot
  • founder
    10 years ago
    Don't sweat the reviews. Club owners will NOT be able to modify them
  • BlueLion
    10 years ago
    love the new picture founder.....thanks for letting us know that tuscl will be sticking to what made it successful while other sites just made money and fucked the patrons over... i know we don't always meet eye to eye bruh but i do respect and love your product called tuscl...letting the patrons control the info will keep tuscl number one for a long long time homie....im not being a wise ass im being sincere with my words.....i love tuscl more than a lot of members and i love helping make it stronger even if it means i troll at times....for example founder copy and paste was becoming a big issue on tuscl and few noticed.... i took action and trolled some reviews to help make tuscl stronger and the product more valuable...lets face it know copy and paste shit isn't going to fly know thus making tuscl better....i know you hate my methods but your doing a wonderful with this place...also i will eat my own words and say im sorry publicaly.....once ive gotten used to the new format it is a lot better and it does look well polished.....tuscl 4 life....i love all my brothers on tuscl
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    faggots their goes the neighborhood
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    love the new picture founder.....thanks for letting us know that tuscl will be sticking to what made it successful while other sites just made money and fucked the patrons over... i know we don't always meet eye to eye bruh but i do respect and love your product called tuscl...letting the patrons control the info will keep tuscl number one for a long long time homie....im not being a wise ass im being sincere with my words.....i love tuscl more than a lot of members and i love helping make it stronger even if it means i troll at times....for example founder copy and paste was becoming a big issue on tuscl and few noticed.... i took action and trolled some reviews to help make tuscl stronger and the product more valuable...lets face it know copy and paste shit isn't going to fly know thus making tuscl better....i know you hate my methods but your doing a wonderful with this place...also i will eat my own words and say im sorry publicaly.....once ive gotten used to the new format it is a lot better and it does look well polished.....tuscl 4 life....i love all my brothers on tuscl
  • Shadowcat69
    10 years ago
    I don't know about this meow jay
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    Founder posted: "Don't sweat the reviews. Club owners will NOT be able to modify them" Cool. Truth be told, this was all I really cared about. The reviews are a very important part of my club selection process, especially when I travel to new areas. So long as they do not become a victim to filtering or are otherwise influenced by who is paying for advertising, then all is good from my perspective. Besides, this was inevitable sooner or later. How can one maintain a largely free site relating to such a specialized industry without being willing to accept support dollars from that industry? So come one, come all, I say. Try to woo us with special offers and implied promises of great times. How is that bad for us? We are the guys who so enjoy visiting clubs that we spend additional free time on a site like this. We are the guys who spend repeat dollars in our favorite clubs over and over. Even better still, we are the guys spending those dollars during the slower shifts for these clubs (day shifts, early weeknight, etc.). Net-net, we are a good target demographic and I'm surprised that more club owners haven't already tried to find ways to woo us to their establishments. Kudos founder.
  • BlueLion
    10 years ago
    very true rick but we are also a clean clubs worse night mare.... we are always trying to cut the club out and gain outside sex with the girls with them only making a profit... also tuscl is becoming a great sourse of finding out were not only sex is but good drugs to buy or sell....so for a illegal ran club yea we are perfect but to a legal clean club we are the worst bruh.....dank bout dem shytz
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    Juice, as you know, I club in a lot of clean clubs and I've taken a lot of strippers OTC. But that is not "cutting the club out" so much as it is an add-on activitiy. I would not have otherwise spent that extra money on extra LDs. In any given month, I spend a bit over half of my entertainment money on direct to stripper payments, but that leaves almost half going to high margin alcohol sales and cover charges, along with occasional LDs. Long story short, I am very welcome in my regular clubs and I'm sure the same holds true for many of the other OTC hounds on this board.
  • joker44
    10 years ago
    Founder, I think the other concern is that club advertising will be so large & garish that it becomes intrusive and distracting when reading a review. Papi_Chulo's example is great -- the strip club list -- what a mess of advertising. Slows down loading, too.
  • founder
    10 years ago
    the advertising will be just on the listing pages (states, cities, clubs) and it will be only one ad per page.
  • joker44
    10 years ago
    Thanks founder for the clarification. Can live with that.
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