Take a shit before smart phones? Did you read a book? The newspaper? A magazine? Bring your computer into the bathroom to read tuscl or watch youtube videos?
I've steppe up my game lately from smart phones and now often take a shit with my Kindle handy. Don't want to loose a minute of my reading and TUSCL'ing.
Honestly, I've thought of this very topic before, and it has changed the way I interact with other people. I *NEVER* touch anyone else's smartphone at all, I don't care if they are trying to hand it to me to show me a picture or they dropped it on the ground. Too many people already do not wash their hands after they use the bathroom to begin with, add to that the number of people who pull out digital devices after they piss and then decide they have to take a wet dook...heck nah.
I guess the thing that has always confused me about these topics is that I never needed nor desired reading materials over the course of expelling my bowels. Don't get me wrong, I've stayed in the bathroom, sat on the toilet with the fan on just to spend some time away with some sound blockage, and during these periods I usually just center myself.
But taking a dump for long enough to read a book, seriously? I've had to jam one out, and used the bathroom fan for covering in times past.
Texting on my smartphone? Looking up articles in the bathroom? WHY? I just don't get it, but it seems to be popular amongst some people (ewwww).
No, honestly if I go to the bathroom because I need to drop a world trade tower, sometimes I cut the lights off and jack the fan up and make airplane noises with my mouth to cover my shame. I never really did/do the disgusting smartphone/tablet thing though, unless I'm just going in there to get some peace and shut-the-fuck-up.
I thinking I'm waiting for prices to drop on smart phone plans or the stock market to get more active or better coverage in my area with good prices. Until then, I don't own a smart phone.
Read a book? I'm in and out of the bathroom except for the cleanup. I've never had a need to change a lightbulb in my bathrooms and I bought my house in 1999. They made good incandescent light bulbs back then.
"I thinking I'm waiting for prices to drop on smart phone plans or the stock market to get more active or better coverage in my area with good prices. Until then, I don't own a smart phone." t Here's some truth: Smart phone plans are for chumps.
They literally don't allow people text\call cell phone services if the person using said services has a phone that can be connect to a network. Does that sound disgustingly ridiculous to you? GOOD, because it should.
Smart phone plans won't drop, ever, because apparently it is now a protected American industry, much like Banking without added value or hope of economy stimulus. Cell phone plans won't drop, "smart phones" seem like they should be something different, but they aren't. You either fight back or bend over and accept your place.
last commentI've steppe up my game lately from smart phones and now often take a shit with my Kindle handy. Don't want to loose a minute of my reading and TUSCL'ing.
Honestly, I've thought of this very topic before, and it has changed the way I interact with other people. I *NEVER* touch anyone else's smartphone at all, I don't care if they are trying to hand it to me to show me a picture or they dropped it on the ground. Too many people already do not wash their hands after they use the bathroom to begin with, add to that the number of people who pull out digital devices after they piss and then decide they have to take a wet dook...heck nah.
I guess the thing that has always confused me about these topics is that I never needed nor desired reading materials over the course of expelling my bowels. Don't get me wrong, I've stayed in the bathroom, sat on the toilet with the fan on just to spend some time away with some sound blockage, and during these periods I usually just center myself.
But taking a dump for long enough to read a book, seriously? I've had to jam one out, and used the bathroom fan for covering in times past.
Texting on my smartphone? Looking up articles in the bathroom? WHY? I just don't get it, but it seems to be popular amongst some people (ewwww).
No, honestly if I go to the bathroom because I need to drop a world trade tower, sometimes I cut the lights off and jack the fan up and make airplane noises with my mouth to cover my shame. I never really did/do the disgusting smartphone/tablet thing though, unless I'm just going in there to get some peace and shut-the-fuck-up.
No one else finds someone using their "smart" device on the crapper disgusting?
Read a book? I'm in and out of the bathroom except for the cleanup. I've never had a need to change a lightbulb in my bathrooms and I bought my house in 1999. They made good incandescent light bulbs back then.
Here's some truth: Smart phone plans are for chumps.
They literally don't allow people text\call cell phone services if the person using said services has a phone that can be connect to a network. Does that sound disgustingly ridiculous to you? GOOD, because it should.
Smart phone plans won't drop, ever, because apparently it is now a protected American industry, much like Banking without added value or hope of economy stimulus. Cell phone plans won't drop, "smart phones" seem like they should be something different, but they aren't. You either fight back or bend over and accept your place.