Paying strippers for their "time"

avatar for ButterMan
What's the deal with certain guys paying strippers for their time or just to hang out? A hot 25 y.o. approached me recently about what I thought was typical OTC action. she said she had heard that i had hung out with a girl named ashley at her club. after taking prices and sexual acts:) with her i learned that she was under the impression that I had hung out with girls at the club and just paid them for going to dinner with me and not much else. I know some guys do this,I'm mnot sure why. I imagine it is usually the older guys. I'm 43. yes I have done plenty of OTC with strippers that has included everything from kissing,hand jobs,blow jobs,fucking, boob sucking,pussy eating. And there are a couple of girls that I have become just pretty much friends with and hung out and drank and ate dinner with. The thing is I'll take a girl to lunch or dinner and buy the meal,i'm not going to pay her to eat it with me. And i'm not into eye candy. If a dancer wants money from me she is going to have to earn it. Just not sure why guys pay these girls to just be seen with them!


last comment
“… after taking prices and sexual acts:) with her i learned that she was under the impression that I had hung out with girls at the club and just paid them for going to dinner with me and not much else …”

She must have been reading
My ATF has a former customer (OTC) who now is hot and heavy with another stripper. She calls him and asks for money and he usually complies. Last week he paid her electric bill and got her power back on. I've asked her if he wants to fuck her for old times sake and she says no. She even offered to recently and he turned her down. I don't understand it either.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
I think that is something that happened only in ANCIENT TIMES. Such PL's got burned out of their 401k's and couldn't get HELOC's after too many unpaid mortgages on their house. Only savvier (and please forgive the slight abuse of the term when discussing PLs) regular customers who demanded more were left.
I just spent 15k on a stripper.Shadowbrat,check out the new tan lines.
avatar for ujay
11 years ago
I would never pay for companionship. I pay for sex period. Even in the club, I may get one or two dances to test the waters before bringing up the subject of sex. If I feel the stripper is not interested, I cut my losses and move to another one. Many more are coming to the club each day.
avatar for DoctorPhil
11 years ago
@tlkDo “I imagine it is usually the older guys. I'm 43.”

newsflash: 43 is old
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
43 is the new 42.
So 43 is now the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything?
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
There is a "Scientist Emeritus" where I work, he has to be in his 80's, but his mind is still sharp as a tack.

I like to stop by and say hi to him, partly because he always calls me "young fellow" lol
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
People stopped asking to see my id a few years ago. I guess I look as old as TlkDo.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
Maybe the guys paying for talk are following the system I heard about on here.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
RickyBoy himself once admitted to paying a stripper $125 just for talking to him. File under "65% failure rate of The System".

I've hung out with my ATF, but I would never hang out with another stripper unless sex was involved.
From time to time I give money to girls who I find to be entertaining. I generally don't buy pointless LDs, so if I like a girl and consider her an OTC target, I need a way to keep her interested until I get things worked out.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
Like rock, above, the only one I've ever hung out with would be my ATF.
I have hung out with different girls and went to lunch and dinner the problem I have is giving them something for their time or just to be arm candy or something I'm not into that. I even went to the zoo with one of my ATF and her kid and paid for everything at the zoo no problem just not going to give her $200 for attending the zoo with me...:)
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

A subtle but key point. Using ones funds to pay for the COST of the time she is with you, IE: food, admission, ammo, etc., is not the same as just giving her extra cash to be with you.
I generally won't pay a girl for her time. Lately I have some exceptions to that rule. I'll be hanging out with a girl, taking up a lot of her time. It's not enough time that I'm going to spring for a VIP, so normally, I'd buy some lap dances instead. But my club has gone to pricing of: $20 air dances or 2-for-$60 regular lap dances. Well fuck that, every other club has $20 regular lap dances, and I'm not going to reward the club for their bad behavior ... so my policy is, I don't buy lap dances at that club, period. I'd rather just give the dancer $40 for two dances. I will add, though, that once I know this scenario is going to happen, I'll usually coax her onto my lap so I can at least fondle her ass for a while, which takes the place of real lap dances (and, ironically, I can get away with MORE contact than a lap dance, because at the table, the bouncer can't see where my hand is. Stickin' it to tha man, yo!).

A subtle but key point. Using ones funds to pay for the COST of the time she is with you, IE: food, admission, ammo, etc., is not the same as just giving her extra cash to be with you.

Your correct clubber that was my point.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I pay attention to strippers.
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
For guys all making over $250k, you're very frugal
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Steve-I thought the same thought. Long live Mila!
Let's not get crazy with the notion that $250k is a king's ransom. For starters, about $75k comes off the top in federal income taxes and SS (the amount that comes off the cap #). If you live in a state with an income tax, which most people do, you are talking another 10-20k of the top, depending on how piggish that particular state is. So say $85-95k is taken off the top.

So a single guy who makes 250k goes home with roughly $13-14k per month. Now that is certainly nothing to sneeze at, but after mortgage payments, property taxes, car payments, normal and customary living expenses, clothing expenses (dry cleaning, new work clothes, etc.), home repairs, retirement and college savings and expenses, etc., that money doesn't stretch as far as one would believe.

Now yes, someone earning 250k might be able to divert a few thousand per month for entertainment, but that doesn't exactly earn one whale status in some of the better clubs.
Oh, and reduce the take-home by almost another 700 per month if that person is self employed.
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
You raise some good points Rick, I understand some members on here even make over $350K, but can only afford $150 for OTC
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
steve229 proving, once again, that he has NO MIND. If someone is paying some rate, it does mean that's all they can afford. Just that if that's all that is required and the going rate girls will charge their regulars why pay more?

Just because a person's income is okay doesn't mean they make a pointing of overpaying for things. Do you think they should also pay tax drivers double what's on the meter, "because they can afford it"? Logic, clearly, is not steve229's strong suit. Not exactly a news flash, though.
avatar for sailmd
New York
11 years ago
I have seen a dancer charge a PL $125 for 30 minutes sitting at the bar talking. He talked with her for 60 minutes, peeled off $250 and left.........happy?
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