Paying strippers for their "time"

What's the deal with certain guys paying strippers for their time or just to hang out? A hot 25 y.o. approached me recently about what I thought was typical OTC action. she said she had heard that i had hung out with a girl named ashley at her club. after taking prices and sexual acts:) with her i learned that she was under the impression that I had hung out with girls at the club and just paid them for going to dinner with me and not much else. I know some guys do this,I'm mnot sure why. I imagine it is usually the older guys. I'm 43. yes I have done plenty of OTC with strippers that has included everything from kissing,hand jobs,blow jobs,fucking, boob sucking,pussy eating. And there are a couple of girls that I have become just pretty much friends with and hung out and drank and ate dinner with. The thing is I'll take a girl to lunch or dinner and buy the meal,i'm not going to pay her to eat it with me. And i'm not into eye candy. If a dancer wants money from me she is going to have to earn it. Just not sure why guys pay these girls to just be seen with them!
last commentShe must have been reading
newsflash: 43 is old
I like to stop by and say hi to him, partly because he always calls me "young fellow" lol
A subtle but key point. Using ones funds to pay for the COST of the time she is with you, IE: food, admission, ammo, etc., is not the same as just giving her extra cash to be with you.
A subtle but key point. Using ones funds to pay for the COST of the time she is with you, IE: food, admission, ammo, etc., is not the same as just giving her extra cash to be with you.
Your correct clubber that was my point.
So a single guy who makes 250k goes home with roughly $13-14k per month. Now that is certainly nothing to sneeze at, but after mortgage payments, property taxes, car payments, normal and customary living expenses, clothing expenses (dry cleaning, new work clothes, etc.), home repairs, retirement and college savings and expenses, etc., that money doesn't stretch as far as one would believe.
Now yes, someone earning 250k might be able to divert a few thousand per month for entertainment, but that doesn't exactly earn one whale status in some of the better clubs.
Just because a person's income is okay doesn't mean they make a pointing of overpaying for things. Do you think they should also pay tax drivers double what's on the meter, "because they can afford it"? Logic, clearly, is not steve229's strong suit. Not exactly a news flash, though.