
Game Outside The Club

Saturday, June 21, 2014 8:38 PM
We were at Thirsty Lion Pub & Grill ( [view link] ) chilling with my friend. The place was busy which is typical volume for a place in downtown Portland. Our bartender named Robyn, charming and pretty served us food and drinks. She kept us company with stories of where she moved from and where she might be moving next. It seems that Portland has been home to several bartenders who are considering a life in transit, transients who took the challenge of moving out to find that perfect job or opportunity where they may be. Almost the hour passed and we were approached by a lady who gave each one of us a giveaway item. She said one of them is going to be married and these items were from the party. I opened my palm before receiving the item. Turned out it was and rubber band shaped like a dick. She entertained us for a few seconds then she went back. "Sooooo, should we head out there and greet them?" "Man, that's a lot of work, the effort required to make them laugh, that'll take some effort." "But do you wanna do it? We could end up getting digits with the possibility of a date." "Think about it, bro? The effort is just too much." "Well, how's you babe in the club doing?" "We're good right now, the fuck is still up there, very intense." "Nahhhh, we'll skip these girls for now." "Saturday's going to be packed at Rogue, though." "Yeah, we could check it out and bail to Stars when it gets too busy." "What about these ladies?" "Man, c'mon it's a lot of work." "Next time, we gonna play and have fun. Ok?" "For sure."


  • ime
    10 years ago
    So you can't get laid without paying? Is that the point of this?
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    I don't speak Alabegonzese - can someone translate?
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    I wish ESPN would quit forcing that soccer game on us
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    I wish ESPN would quit forcing that soccer game on us
  • AnonymousJim
    10 years ago
    Avoid girls in a bachelorette party (I'm assuming that's what the dick-shaped rubber band is all about). "Woo hoo, look at us, we're so wild!" It's really just a giant woman-bonding experience. They're out to become better friends with each other by doing embarrassing stuff, not meet men. If it was easy for me to get laid without paying for it, I wouldn't club. As a guy who's short and unathletic, it's not. A lot of the time, it's a lot easier to just skip the flighty women who barely give you the time of day at the bar, or say "Thanks" when you buy them a drink and not even give you the opportunity to start a conversation before walking away and just cut to the chase: You want money. I want to see you naked. Let's go.
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