
Leave those credit cards at home.

Atlanta suburb
A group of "adult entertainers" stripped wealthy customers of their cash by drugging them and ringing up hundreds of thousands of dollars in credit card charges at strip clubs, authorities said.

The stripper crime ring would meet the men outside "work," slip them drugs such as Molly, take them to a private room at either Scores or Roadhouse in Queens, then give their credit cards a night they'd never forget, the Office of Special Narcotics said.

The men —two in the financial industry, a lawyer and a doctor —wouldn't be so fortunate. They'd have no memory of what happened the night before, and would only discover what happened when they got their credit card bills or alerts from their card companies, officials said.

A source identified the duped doctor as Zyad Younan, a cardiologist at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital.

Scores filed suit against Younan, 41, earlier this year, saying he was stiffing the club on $135,303 worth of charges he'd racked up during numerous visits there late last year.

Younan had maintained he never made the charges on his card, but a club source said in April that he'd been partying with "five girls at a time."

Younan is the scammers' biggest victim, a source said —other three victims were taken for a total of $55,000.

The women, Samantha Barbash, 40, Roselyn Keo, 29, Marsi Rosen, 28, and Karina Pascucci, 26, would cash in by getting a cut of the thousands the victims would spend at the clubs.

Barbash was identified as the ringleader. After the men were doped up, she "would forge the victims' signatures on credit card receipts and other documents," the indictment said.

The four were charged with conspiracy, grand larceny, and forgery for the scam, which investigators say was operated between September and December of 2014.

The joint Special Narcotics, DEA and NYPD investigation is continuing, and probers are on the lookout for more victims, a source said.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-…


  • deogol
    10 years ago
    They went big time. Guess they thought they would never get caught!
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Pick your dancers wisely my pervo friends
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    So did the men think they were getting OTC and end up getting drugged and taken to a club?
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    The baby-dolls probably have been used to conducting petty hustles robbing PL's of cash. It probably never occurred to them they were shifting into serious felony territory when they started this shit. Just a another hustle to them.

    A lot of these honey's go thru life experiencing few repercussions for their actions given their fine selves.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    In NY? I wonder if RickyBoy was one of them? Oh wait, not only does it say "wealthy" but also

    "two in the financial industry, a lawyer and a doctor "

    No snake oil salesman. So I guess our RickyBoy is okay.

  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Lone_Sheep: " A lot of these honey's go thru life experiencing few repercussions for their actions given their fine selves."

    And thanks to SNAGs like Lone_Sheep will fall for their pity ploys and give them "loans".
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    Shit like this is exactly why I don't club in Manhattan anymore. Not a fear of being drugged per se, but the scams that are all too common. They pulled this off with the assistance of at least one manager at Scores and it would not have been possible otherwise. Unfortunately credit card games are all too common in NYC clubs. Indeed, a credit card scam at a club in Queens, many years before posting here, is precisely what gave me permanent religion when it comes to using solely cash in clubs.

    The problem, however, is that the type of cash needed to really party in a Manhattan club is significant. A few to several thousand is a lot of cheese to be carrying around in greenbacks. Also, if one did not plan ahead, it's difficult to lay one's hands on that kind of cash in the middle of the night. For these reasons, most of the big fish who club in Manhattan end up laying down plastic at some point in the night.

    Stories like this suck but, sadly, I'm not remotely surprised.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago

    This link seems to have a couple more pics of the perpetrators/hoes:

  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    Karina Pascucci is kind of fine. After she gets bailed out, might be a good time to suggest OTC action. I'll leave the wallet in the car and bring my own drinks though.
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    I wonder what kind of impact this story has had on the number of PL's going to Scores. If I lived in the area, I would never step foot in the place after hearing about this shit.
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