
Trafficked Cam Girl?

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Saturday, June 7, 2014 11:07 PM
I spent a little time on a cam site tonight. After talking with the girl for a while, I am starting to wonder if she was trying to tell me that she was trafficked. Below is the last part of a text exchange I had with her. Rickdugan: It is good to be a man sometimes, lol Cam Girl: hehe Cam Girl: well...but its good to be a woman too...sometimes Cam Girl: :loll Cam Girl: or bad.....sometimes...:lool Rickdugan: I have no doubt. I could never have made money the way that you do. As one woman once said to me, "Nobody with a pussy should ever be homeless." lol Rickdugan: But of course, there are things like child birth Cam Girl: hmmm....its not like that Rickdugan: I know that I am dramatically oversimplifying what is much more complicated Cam Girl: sometimes we have no choise Cam Girl: and when the things are not normal... Rickdugan: Aw shit. I'm not sure if I'm understanding this correctly, but if so then maybe being a guy is even better than I think. Your thoughts?


  • kingcripple
    10 years ago
    I think for alot of these girls, be it cam girls or strippers or escorts, they believe they have no choice. Like their current situation, whatever it may be, lead them to do this, I always, always say that no one holds a gun to these girl's heads (except on VERY rare occasions) to make them do it. they have to make money. They find it is easiest to use their bodies to make money and they capitalize on it. Of course unless the rare occasion that they are forced comes up, they are free to do so. Unless you were talking to a girl from thailand or cambodia, then they could not possibly be trafficked. Here in Texas, minimum wage is 7.25 an hour. Clearly a stripper could make more money at $20 a dance before or after club dues are in.
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    I have to chime in on this with a stripper story. I used to date a stripper, who is now a cam girl. She started out life fairly normal going to college right after high school. She didn't even make it through her first semester before getting pregnant. Leaves school, has the child and her mom agrees to take care of the baby. Reset, starts what should be her sophomore year back at school and again get pregnant but another guy. After several more fuck ups she's 26, has 4 kids by 4 different guys and has been divorced twice. So turns to stripping, because she's a knock out and really can't do anything else except pack fries at the local Burger King. By this time she is living in Vegas stripping and taking care of 2 of her children while the other 2 are in custody of their fathers. Various men enter and leave her life. Thank god by this time she has finally learned what birth control is. This goes on until her mid 30s where she's usually broke because she cannot manage her money. She made decent money but not enough considering she was irresponsible with her money. Fast forward a few years and she becomes a cam girl. Making more money in a week camming than she could stripping in a month, and she doesn't even need to leave her house. Once she came in 2nd place on the cam website which earned her close to $100,000 in tips in just one month. Like most strippers give her $1,000 or $100,000 it's all the same because she blew threw that buying a new car for her son, and lawyer fees trying to win back custody of one of her children. She also got sick and didn't have medical insurance so a hospital bill took a nice chunk of that too. For some time she still was making great money until newer younger cam girls came along willing to do more naughty things on cam than her, and now today she just has a few people in her chat room and she will turn 40 next month. Not a lot of cam girls out there that are 40 but there's really nothing else this girl can do to earn money since she never finished her college degree and would never lower herself to a normal low paying job. How could she after she earned so much in the past? She was never able to find a decent man to settle down with, but what decent man would put up with her. My point is cam girl, stripper, all the same and it's either the only option the girls think they have or more likely, an easy job for quick money with minimal work. I mean I wish I got paid and got to masturbate all day and never leave home. Wait, I work now so I can do that and afford to go to strip clubs! Lol
  • kingcripple
    10 years ago
    And if I can interject again, I believe what this girl was saying was it's hard to be a girl because of periods, child birth and the like. I really don't see how she could be trafficked into it. i don't really see how it could be lucrative, you know?
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Why would any man waste time on a cam site?
  • kingcripple
    10 years ago
    good point slick
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    LOL slick. I dipped my toe in the water out of sheer boredom. It is difficult for me to get out on a weekend night due to obligations at home.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Understandable. Just don't swim in those waters.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "Why would any man waste time on a cam site?" I can understand the attraction, if someone wants more interaction than just watching porn, but is worried about the repercussions of being caught, either by a SO or LE. In order, from safest to riskiest, options could be: Porn (safest, but no interaction) Cam site Strip club (non-extras) Strip club (ITC extras) OTC/sugar baby Escorts
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    I would have a difficult time interpreting that as she was being physically forced or trafficked. Instead, it sounds like that is the only way to make enough money to support her life style.
  • RickyBoyDugan
    10 years ago
    "Rickdugan: It is good to be a man sometimes, lol" I've never been a man at any point during my life, but I reckon that a cam girl won't be able to know that so quickly after meeting me and just OTI. Right? Spic: "Why would any man waste time on a cam site?" a) I not a "man". Check my name. Ricky "Boy" Dugan. b) It's still very hard for my brain to understand the process of paying hookers for sex in strip clubs. And snake oil sales haven't been generating many commissions for me lately. Figured cam sites might be easier pickings.
  • sflguy123
    10 years ago
    IMO Camsites are a good option. While they can be expensive it will never be more expensive then stripclubs. I used to be a member of LiveJasmin. There are some stunning girls on that site, mainly the European ones for me. There was one Hungarian or Romanian girl that was one of the prettiest woman I ever saw and I got to tell her to do XXX rated things for me and she did them(for money of course). So you go to the site. Search for a girl you like. Go private with her. Tell her what to do and she will pretty much do it. It's like directing a porn photo shoot. It's an interactive porn. You meet a girl and one minute later you are telling her to spread her legs, or zoom in on her pussy. Try that in real life! There are also lez and couple shows. The way to go is to have video recording software so you have the show for all time. I would record it, edit it and watch it months later when the experience wasn't fresh in my mind. Like you probably figured out looking at the same porn is boring the second time unless it has been a while. There are also websites where people post recorded camshows. But it's not the same if it was someone elses experience. It can be a good complement to stripclubs but can be addicting. I only visit myfreecams now which is a different model and not as many hot girls and it can be a long wait for a show. It adds up $$$ wise when you are paying $2-3 a minute but is less than paying $20-25 for a 3-4minute lapdance. And if you record it you can have it forever.
  • crsm27
    10 years ago
    I don't think this girl is trafficked. I think like others have stated this is the only way she can make money...or good money. I too go to cam sites. It is kind of intimate and like sfl stated you get to direct. I know in Romanian doing cam to cam is ok...but if the women gets naked it could be illegal. that is what one of the models told me once. But they are free to go and do what they please. Not like trafficked women we think of in the USA....where a pimp is over showdowing their every move.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I also don't think that girl is trafficked. She just has no marketable skills and survives on sex. I've never done the cam thing; I was going to when my ATF set herself up on one, but she never performed. My current g/f will do anything I ask her to both in person or on a vid from her phone, so I have no need of a cam membership.
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