
Praising the loser boyfriend

I would have to concur with the overwhelming consensus on this board that the majority of dancers date what we've seemed to term "loser boyfriends".

I really have no interest in hearing about these bf's but in the course of getting to know a dancer often (eventually) they want to vent about the dire circumstances of their current relationship. To be courteous, I listen intently to the self imposed drama these honey's find themselves in.

Instead of saying anything negative about the loser BF, I always find something positive and encouraging to say.

"oh, he is going to open his own tattoo shop when he gets out. He sounds like an entrepreneur and will probably be very successful."
"playing video games take advanced technical skills. The government is looking for people that can do that and pay them very well. Sounds like he is on the right track."
"His idea of opening a medical marijuana shop is an excellent plan. Hopefully his parents will loan him the start up money and his probation status will not get in the way. He sounds very ambitious."

I say this all in complete seriousness with a straight face. I never say anything negative, never. It is pointless to do so.

This positive feedback seems to surprise the honey's and keeps a nice party vibe alive.


  • crsm27
    10 years ago
    "oh he got picked up for his 3 drug violation and is going to spend time in jail... he will be able to get his GED and learn some great skills to help him when he gets out"
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Is a system based on this in the works?
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    Being the stripper loser boyfriend ain't the worst gig in the world. You get to sit home all day and do whatever you want, you don't have to work. Your girl will give you money, the sex will probably be pretty good, and best of all you don't have to work. One of the only things you have to worry about is if your girl is fucking other guys in the club. Of course you could believe your girl is super clean and would never do any of that stuff :)
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Oh man, I don't want to frame the ex-husband (BF) as a loser. He is a good catch, his head is sane and does not do drugs. He even has his own biz. My CF likes his boys very athletic in build who sleeps at the gym, does not do drug and is very active in sports and has career going. Though she is the exception, LOL, somehow she is the damaged good.
  • umissedaspot
    10 years ago
    "Fucking your little sister shows how devoted his is to your whole family, and it's a great way for him to expand sexual skillset."
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    "He'll be out in 6 to 10 years? We should throw him a party!"
  • Player11
    10 years ago
    One I fuked a number of years would post on Facebook how she loved him and how he was her soulmate. I was fuking her 6-10 times a month. She was my whore.

    U will find stripper SO's are losers but this opens door for SC hobbyist to fuk these gals and make them his whores.

    I would not run down the stripper bf w her or make jokes what a cuckhold he is. Just go w the flow and say little as you can about their relationship. She will tell u plenty. Just fuk her real good, give her shopx money, and she wb dripping wet for u excited to be y whore.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    My ATF has a loser BF who I've gotten to know. He's been incarcerated twice in the 5 years I've been fucking her. He works occasionally as a roofer but rarely has his half of the rent. He's got a court date in several months facing 2 class "A" drug felonies and his lawyer told him to bring his toothbrush (7-25 years each count). They've been together for 12 years and have an 8 year old child being raised by his grandmother. I have always stayed away from being critical of him, because she thinks they love each other. I know of 3 occasions where he's beat her up and I finally said to her that she's got to face up to the fact that he's always put his interests before hers or their son's. It was like a light was turned on over her head. She came to realize that he's been using her to support his life and his drug habit, he's been fucking other women, and will probably be in prison for a long time. What she'll do with her new found knowledge remains to be seen, but it'll probably be to find a new loser BF.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    I'm gonna pose the same question that I did in Jackslash's boyfriend's thread. Do you ever see a stripper in a relationship with a guy that has a good job and no arrests?
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    “I’m sure he would prefer work – but he rather have the free time to devote to you”
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I've lucked out. Haven't heard much loser boyfriend conversation. What I hear is the going to school, planning in going to school or when I get my shit together talk.
  • Player11
    10 years ago
    Even w good employment / clean record there is something like heavy drug use or being in the looney bin for awhile.
  • TheFword
    10 years ago
    What did the stripper do with her asshole before work?

    Dropped him off at band practice.

    Or re-hab, or any other fill in the blank you chose.
  • Experimental
    10 years ago
    "playing video games take advanced technical skills. The government is looking for people that can do that and pay them very well. Sounds like he is on the right track."

    That was funny :D lulz I gotta try it at the next opportunity. Did the girl laugh when you said it?

  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    I'm not her boyfriend, good thing I figured her out before falling in love. Now, I don't get carried away when we are together, it's like we're just at the edge of a permanent relationship, we do almost everything lovers do except I am not expecting her to love me. There is no agreement like us shaking hands and saying "yeah, we just do it and don't put any labels right now, we just ride this one out, until."

    I remember saying to her yesterday when we were at Sloppy Cakes ( http://www.slappycakes.com/ ) in the Belmont district,

    mentioned "How's your roommate BF doing, is he still giving you a hard time?"

    She said "I told you he is not my boyfriend! Gawd, did you see what he looks like? Geez."

    "Strong feelings you have, hate leads to love. Love leads to marriage."

    "Oh shut up, let's eat now plz. Pancake almost done."

    Ya think this is like a SD/SB going on? Neither of that shit. I am not putting money on the table now. She can drop me any time, I'm just waiting for the first shoe to drop.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I think you do just have to listen to her, and try not to take sides except for matters of basic self protection. Sometimes it will be a husband and not a BF.

    I would not go after one which is married. But if it is just a boyfriend, after she has had some venting time, you might want to start to move on her, but maybe not. The more BF troubles she has, the more problem she almost certainly is.

    Run away from the ones who have guys stalking them and who are changing their phone numbers every week.

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