Greasing bouncers is one of my favorites parts of the strip club ritual. Having failed to become Gordon Gekko, it, nevertheless, gives me a temporary rush that I am triumphant in our capitalist system.
Whereas hookers who work in strip clubs make it so hard for a guy like me to pay them for sex - have to put on the white three piece polyester suit, choose dive clubs because I can't hack the competition elsewhere, and otherwise run The System - bouncers, by contrast, are always ready, willing and eager to take the grease from me at a moment's notice.
Over the years I'd say the numbers of bouncers I've greased is in the hundreds. How about you?
Oh, final thing, greasing bouncers is definitely NOT GAY. Indeed, it is a RICH STUD kind of thing to do.
last commentThink RickyBoy answered that in his second sentence:
"Having failed to become Gordon Gekko, it, nevertheless, gives me a temporary rush that I am triumphant in our capitalist system."
Sure I makes zero sense, typical for RickyBoy, but there's your answer!