How Many Bouncers Have You Greased?

avatar for RickyBoyDugan
Greasing bouncers is one of my favorites parts of the strip club ritual. Having failed to become Gordon Gekko, it, nevertheless, gives me a temporary rush that I am triumphant in our capitalist system.

Whereas hookers who work in strip clubs make it so hard for a guy like me to pay them for sex - have to put on the white three piece polyester suit, choose dive clubs because I can't hack the competition elsewhere, and otherwise run The System - bouncers, by contrast, are always ready, willing and eager to take the grease from me at a moment's notice.

Over the years I'd say the numbers of bouncers I've greased is in the hundreds. How about you?

Oh, final thing, greasing bouncers is definitely NOT GAY. Indeed, it is a RICH STUD kind of thing to do.


last comment
avatar for bxbomber51
11 years ago
And what does greasing bouncers actually get you? Otherwise, why do we care?
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
bxbomber51: "And what does greasing bouncers actually get you? "

Think RickyBoy answered that in his second sentence:

"Having failed to become Gordon Gekko, it, nevertheless, gives me a temporary rush that I am triumphant in our capitalist system."

Sure I makes zero sense, typical for RickyBoy, but there's your answer!
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
I bet you greased more than you can count
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Lol !
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