
Dealing with the stripper boyfriend

Monday, May 19, 2014 7:22 PM
So I have a recent favorite. She is a 9.5, and I've had fun times with her in the lapdance room. I've been dying to hit that pussy, so recently I texted her how I would fuck her good. She said she has a boyfriend, and that I will never get with her. Ouch! I kept it up, and then she apparently showed her boyfriend the text message exchange. Her boyfriend then texted me and was angry at first. He told me I will never get with his chick, and he demanded to know what kind of lapdances I got with her. I told him the truth. I did sucking titties, kissing asscheeks, a little making out, FIV a couple of times. It wasn't anything too crazy. After I told him all this, he thanked me and told me drinks are on him if we run into each other in a club or something. I was thinking of asking him if me, him and his girl could do a threesome lol. Apparently he's still together with his girl. I thought he might want to try to beat my ass, and I thought he would break up with his girl. But then I remembered he is a boyfriend of a stripper. My favorite is probably providing for him, and she's very hot. It would be very hard for him to leave her no matter what kind of dances his girl gives. Needless to say she is now my ex- favorite. Have any of you ever had dealings with the stripper boyfriend?


  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    That was me u were texting and remember this "mr.stud" ...I keep my friends close but my enemies even closer!! Btw, for someone so damn cute and makes so much money I would have thought these strippers would be with u in a heartbeat...is someone a good storyteller?!?!
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I noticed dancers considering hooking up almost never tell me about their bf's if they have one. I met one dancers bf who happened to be a bouncer, massive too, resembled the old hulk. She still wanted to hook up with me and told me if we ever did a lap dance in the back, she was going to give me a bj. I never asked her bf if that would be ok. She had a hot body but I thought she would look better with a bag over her face. I didn't believe her offer either. The bouncers watch the room and there was a camera. Although she did manage to show me her pussy during table dances in a topless only club.
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    Most recently my usual stripper was very late to meet. She kept texting me so I figured whatever. I was already pretty stoned and didn't really care. She's reliable so never worried she won't show up. She shows up late and explains her boyfriend was freaking out about what she was doing. Apparently she hid it from him for some time and finally he figured things out and made her promise to stop. I guess it's a real relationship and she did stop. When she strips, she stopped doing extras (and thus I assume stops making money, but she rarely works if she sees me). She said though, that she cannot say no to people who will pay as much as myself. The boyfriend was very upset and tried to prevent her to leave (sounds like potentially physically). I think they were supposed to go on some date that she blew off to get stoned and fucked by me for $1,000 - plus a $300 bottle of liquor I let her take home. Moral of the story: you have to be a real loser to date a chick who takes off her clothes for money. And a bigger lose when she blows off your weekend plans to fuck some random guy because he has more income.
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    ^^^so what r u saying ranucam is...a loser or a bigger loser?!?!
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    Boyfriend of the sex worker is the biggest loser. @ranucam Why do you even care about the bf to make your ex-favorite? These guys are pushover losers. Even more so if he's living off her.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Just with tumblingdice. :)
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    @lmn- I could care less about the bf. She is now my ex fav because she showed our text message exchange to her bf. I think she was hoping he would try to intimidate me.
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    So ranukam are you down with OPP in general or does her being a stripper make it OK?
  • Corvus
    10 years ago
    Good decision on dumping her as a favorite. There will be another 9.5 soon. Keep on keeping on my friend.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Sounds messy and not something that I would ever want to get mixed up in. Sounds like you did the right thing by walking.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    @corvus- not here in Portland buddy. It will be a long while before I see another 9.5 or a 9 for that matter. @ilbbaicnl- you down with OPP, yeah you know me.
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    When I first heard that song, I lived in the Mid West, and I was like "down with the Ontario Provincial Police, whatup?"
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    "... and then she apparently showed her boyfriend the text message exchange." You crossed the line, bro. Stepping back, backing out was the right move. I'd say, lose her for now and regroup later. She may let you back in the circle after regrouping. My CF (former exCF) also tell stories of customers she meets in the club. (Note that I'm not a BF, we're just in limbo fuck whatever zone right now.) She tells me how she pushes back all customers who are too horny/grabby. It's all about the first impression the stripper will figure that out the first few seconds of the convo and draw the line right away.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    "Have any of you ever had dealings with the stripper boyfriend?" Stripper boyfriend, no, she has no boyfriend. Stripper ex-husband, yes, shook his hand already. He moved on, he has one awesome wife.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    @alabegonz- I don't think I crossed the line, I think she crossed the line by showing our text message exchange to her boyfriend.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    My ATF's BF and she have been together for 12 years and they have an 8 year old son. They live together when he's not in jail. I first met him about 4 years ago and was introduced as a regular customer in the club. Recently she got so fucked up on drugs at the club she couldn't walk, so the other dancers snuck her out the side door and into my car. I called him to come pick her up & drive her home. He needed gas so I gave him $20. to come get her. She lost her license so he's been driving her to work. We met OTC before work at a hotel and he waited outside for an hour. She told him I pay big bucks for "private dances". (Yup - the horizontal mambo). In reality he's become her pimp in that she supports him and his drug habit with her earnings. Once when she got arrested, I was the first one he called for bail money. So long as the money keeps flowing he's all right with our "relationship". Sounds like true love to me.
  • sofaking87
    10 years ago
    @ranukam I say give it time, she will need the money eventually!
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    Here's one that happened three or four years ago. [view link] Interesting phone Posted September 3, 2010 (Last Comment: September 7, 2010) My Google Voice number rang again on my way to work this morning. The caller preview said that it was My Favorite Cocksucker, so I answer it. An angry male voice immediately starts demanding information. Him: "Who the fuck is this?" Me: "You called me. Who the fuck are *you*?" Him: "Why the fuck is your number in my girlfriend's phone under 'money'?" Remembering a TUSCL post from a while ago... Me: "Bub, this is a duty phone. There's 30 different guys using it during the month. You got a name?" Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to phaze him, because he keeps on ranting and raving about I better stay away from her, and how she's a whore, etc, etc, ad nauseum. So I hang up. He calls back twice more, and leaves ranting voicemail, but on the third call back I answer again. Me: "Hello." Him: "Listen motherfucker, you better stay away from her, she's *my* whore." Me: "So she *is* a whore then, huh? Is she any good? Can I call her later?" Him, sputtering: "You son of a bitch, I'm gonna..." Me: "Shut the fuck up, asswipe. If you were a tenth the man you think you are, you're girlfriend wouldn't be out fucking other guys for money, so just shut the fuck up." Then I hung up, and since I had made it to work, I set that number as spam, so now he gets the "number no longer in service" message. A little while later, another call, from her home phone, comes in, but I let that one go straight to voicemail. When I listen to it, it's actually MFC, and she's telling me not to answer her other phone, because she broke up with he BF last night, and he stole her phone and won't give it back. So I call her back and tell her it's too late. She's all apologetic and wants to "make it up to me." "Not this time, sweetheart. I don't want to have to kill your BF if he follows you." What does she say to that? I kid you not, the next word out of her mouth, after a pause, was, "darn". I nearly died laughing.
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    @ george I remember when you originally posted that. That was hilarious--funny and entertaining dialogue.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Hey, you are classified under MONEY. Nice, awesome to be the most interesting man in her phone.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    alabegonz: I doubt I was the most interesting. She had a lot of "friends".
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