Here was an interesting situation, I'd be interested in everyone's reaction (except RL's which I THINK I can GUESS!). I was at a canadian club with a girl I had basically chosen for the night. I was buying a lot of dances since at that time with the exchange rate they were something like $12.50 and beers were about $2.50. I had probably dropped about $200 CDN (roughly $125 US). I was having a great time, she seemed nice, it was getting late and after a dance she said "I'm cutting you off, save your money." Now I've heard of the stripper with the heart of gold but this was a new one. She was very nice about it, and I didn't perceive any anger or change in her attitude. She suggested we go downstairs (we'd been in the LD area for quite a while) and finish our beers. For the record:
I was not sloppy drunk.
I did not smell.
I did not push beyond the limits, in fact I think I took less than was offered.
I'll answer any questions about details as honestly as I can.
My old ATF would always set a limit since she knew my financial situation. It was either 4 or 5 depending on which club I would see her at. She knew I would enjoy her company regardless of how many dances I bought. Of course, whether she did that for everyone is something I don't know.
Topless, very interesting since I told her I was still in town another night, might be back, and had to be up for meetings at 9AM. Some of us aren't going to be surprised that dancers are, like bartenders and waiters, decent humans on occasion. Longterm I think treating guys well is a good strategy. HT
This does go to show that a lot of these dancers have a conscious. I remember one time this old fellow was tipping a dancer a lot when she danced, really paying a lot of attention to her (typically singles). Apparently, he got a little disoriented in his money order and gave her a $100 bill. She came back to him and asked if he meant to give it to her. He didn't, and she gave it back to him. I would say the girl you were spending time with didn't want to give you ideas of something more than she was willing to give, or the attention was too much, maybe. I take it you finished your beers and said good-nite.
Oh I have done that Many many many times over the years. I have dropped a few hundreds in a strip club before, and felt pretty shitty about it the next day. So when I guy keeps spending and spending, especially after hours of talking/dancing/privates, I figure, "how is he going to feel about wasting all this money tomorrow" and "if I take him for everthing tonight, is he going to come see me again?" So I have told quite a few gents that, sorry bub, let try this again some other time, and not only is it good for me, that I have possibly made a new "regular" and but good for the man too, so he never feels like he has been "taken for" and will still enjoy the scene, whether it be with me or someone else! sara
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