I was in Detroit on a Thursday Friday visit a couple of weeks back. Ran into Jackslash at Flight club and overall had a pretty good visit. In my opinion Detroit is the same Detroit for strip clubs. A favorite of mine has been there for two of the raids which she described as scary but no one was arrested as far as I know. Now for the cheesy stats:
I over paid for the sloppy wet handjob but it really was the highlight of my trip. She was young and ill prepared and I ended up getting her pretty good. My happy ending got her on the face, chest and stomach.
Now on my visits to Detroit I have taken to using what I call the "no system" system. This is not really a dig at RickDugan as much as the opposite of working the girls at the club. I just wait for the girl to ask me for a dance and I go back to the VIP and see what happens. First club resulted in not much extra fun with only one bj. This club I visit often and maybe it was just an off night or I am too familiar. Second night I go to a club that I don't know any of the girls and I get two bjs, sloppy wet hand job and cfs. Now usual and customary fees or more were paid at the end of each set of dances but I did no negotiating before hand except for the first bj. This is not a technique I try at any of the extra's clubs I visit outside of Detroit except maybe the Inner Room. Now I am sharing my story but not advising you try this a your local club. The risks are high and this is not a technique for getting free sex in a strip club. Improper use of this technique my get you kicked out of a club or worse.
One last note for you Flight club fans, there are only occasional nude dancers partly because the girls don't want to dance nude and partly because the club has taken away the tip out incentive to dance nude. I also noticed at night the a couple of uniformed officers came into the club almost as extra security. Did not change the amount of fun I had but was interesting. I have only see patrol officers in Bogart's and the Flight Club though I did once see police officers in dress blue uniforms in the Penthouse club.
I prefer getting extras without asking…but the real danger of that plan is getting air dances for $45 and realizing you're going home with blue balls because you were a moron and didn't just tell them you had $200 and wanted to get laid.