Low T ?

avatar for Papi_Chulo

crazyjoe's thread “If you are over 40 and feel like half a man...” reminded me of something that has been on my mind a bit lately – my testosterone levels.

I was listening to a pretty reputable radio health show a couple of months ago and the guest physician was an expert on men's health and nutrition and he was explaining how most males lose a significant amount of T as they age and that he himself had at one point (in his late 30s) much less than optimal T levels and now in his early 50s had the levels of an avg man in his early 20s and how he felt way better.

To the best of my knowledge I've had never had my T levels checked.

Anyone here has looked into this or has received treatment and if so how did it go for you in terms of pros and cons.


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avatar for gawker
11 years ago
At age 67 I noticed a loss of arm & leg hair and while my libido hasn't been an issue I'm always looking for an edge so I asked my cardiologist and he had my testosterone checked. I had also read a report of a study which showed a slightly longer lifespan for cardiac patients who had normal range T levels vs those with low T.
My results came back low normal (within the expected range for those my age) and my Doc didn't feel treatment was warrented. In trying to understand the test results I learned that there are different ways to measure testosterone and my test measured "free testosterone" (as opposed to captive?). I've since read studies showing negative consequences for cardiac patients who receive testosterone supplements. During my next appointment with my primary care doc, I'm planning to discuss it with her. The ads for andro and other companies make increased muscle mass, improved metabolism, increased libido, etc. sound attractive but the fine print on side effects are cautionary.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
^ I would not go w/ what I see “marketed” on TV – I would try to go with something as close to medically sound and reputable as possible.

One of the points the physician commenting on low-T made was that “the range” of what is “normal” for a man at a particular age can be somewhat arbitrary and by far not optimal (and this can be said for “the range” of a lot of medical/health things)
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
I've seen the ads about "low T", and I suspect they are another way for the drug companies to scare people into giving them money for unnecessary treatments. Currently I'm not taking any drugs, and I would like to keep it that way. I don't want to be screwed by the drug companies because it doesn't even feel good.
avatar for Michigan
11 years ago
im only in my early 30's and ive got low-t. i tried the androgel for quite a few months and was not impressed. i think it raised my cholesterol if i recall correctly, which is a side effect. i ended up just stop taking it and did not bother with another treatment.
avatar for carl95
11 years ago
Nobody ever considers the possibility that T levels should go down as you age. Hormones are not something I would mess with unless I literally lost a nut.

If you've got low T I'd suggest making sure you don't have hypothyroidism first.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
^ the point that some make is that it should not be ok to just accept having low-T b/c of age; and what that does to someone’s virility and energy
avatar for azdd
11 years ago
I had seen the ads and articles, and was feeling my age (mid 50s) so I asked to have my T-level checked at my last physical, and was told it was normal. I didn't get any details on whether it was "free" or "captive".
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I happen to take a concoction of dragon fire, ground unicorn horn, Pegasus' feathers, and griffon egg. It gives me testosterone of mythic proportions.
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
I've posted about this topic before so I'll be brief. I'm 54 and about 5 years ago I was having performance issues. First with partners, and then even on my own. That's when I first tried Viagra, and it was a big help, but even then it wasn't 100%. My doctor said my T level was well below normal. I started on a testosterone gel, and after 3 months my sexual abilities returned to like when I was in my 20's.

I continue to use (generic) Viagra for recreational sex because it's like being 14 with now normal T levels. I get hard easily, stay hard and can pop 4-5 times as needed. And it's like $3 a dose.

Anyone who is having bedroom issues should get the T level checked, and sildenafil from the Canadians makes it even better.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Or for the low, low price of $19.99, you can get a 40 oz of Slick's Special Concoction. And if you act now, I'll even throw in some chimera heart and basilisk blood for free.
avatar for skibum609
11 years ago
A testosterone supplement makes everything grow so if you have a small tumor it is serious fuel for the fire.
avatar for Ironcat
11 years ago
I have been on Androgel for several years and I swear by it. My Doctor keeps tabs on my blood work every 6 months and took my Testosterone levels from low to normal. I lost body fat, got stronger and have better muscle definition (I have been lifting weights most of my adult life), and haven't had any side affects.
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