I did.
Just do it!
Sounds like an ad.
And to my surprise, I was the first one to prop him.
Shocking because he's been around longer than most and makes great comments
SuperDude does make great comments. He doesn't comment every day like some people.
I propped two people today for well-written reviews that made me want to visit those clubs: Kappa Kabana near Bloomington, IL and La Chambre near Detroit.
I propped you.
I have, when I've seen great reviews posted. Reviewing strip clubs is definitely an art form when done well.
Holy crap! I just noticed that I have some props. How pathetic must you guys be to be propping me? :)
Prop Prop Fizz Fizz Oh what a relief it is
last commentSuperdude
And to my surprise, I was the first one to prop him.
Shocking because he's been around longer than most and makes great comments
SuperDude does make great comments. He doesn't comment every day like some people.
I propped two people today for well-written reviews that made me want to visit those clubs: Kappa Kabana near Bloomington, IL and La Chambre near Detroit.
I propped you.
I have, when I've seen great reviews posted. Reviewing strip clubs is definitely an art form when done well.
Holy crap! I just noticed that I have some props. How pathetic must you guys be to be propping me? :)
Prop Prop Fizz Fizz Oh what a relief it is