Alucard (アルカード,Arukado) is the main protagonist of the Hellsing anime and manga series created by Kouta Hirano. He is the most powerful warrior of the Hellsing Organization which works against vampires and other such supernatural forces. Alucard is no mere vampire; it has been implied that he is the most powerful vampire, as well as the most powerful entity in the entire series, even before obtaining relative omnipresence at the conclusion of the manga. Interestingly, he is listed as Sir Arucard, a mistranslation.
He is devoted to his master Integra and was close friends with the Hellsing butler, Walter C. Dornez. He also has feelings of admiration towards his fledgling, Seras Victoria. He is in both the TV series and OVA. (though he takes on a slightly lesser role in the TV series, where Seras Victoria takes on more of a narrative role). In the English dub of both series, he is voiced by Crispin Freeman.
I agree that reading about Alucard is creepy. I read under personality how he likes to use his gun to shoot off part of his leg after he is already a hellhound.… It said he uses his gun to defend himself. That's creepy.
Maybe Alucard has an arsenal ready to be deployed but it would be better tactics to make the government disarm everyone else first. Now that sounds like a creepy evil plan that even Dougster might admire. Sometimes you just don't know people.
Thanks for the tip.
He is devoted to his master Integra and was close friends with the Hellsing butler, Walter C. Dornez. He also has feelings of admiration towards his fledgling, Seras Victoria. He is in both the TV series and OVA. (though he takes on a slightly lesser role in the TV series, where Seras Victoria takes on more of a narrative role). In the English dub of both series, he is voiced by Crispin Freeman.…
It said he uses his gun to defend himself. That's creepy.
Maybe Alucard has an arsenal ready to be deployed but it would be better tactics to make the government disarm everyone else first. Now that sounds like a creepy evil plan that even Dougster might admire. Sometimes you just don't know people.
Thanks for the tip.