
Called to Jury Duty

Detroit strip clubs
Last month I posted a humorous list of excuses strippers use not to have sex with you. I wonder if I've found a new one.

Yesterday a hot young dancer was scheduled to come to my house for the first time. But then she texted: "I got called to jury duty."

I'm unsure whether this is the truth or just a made-up excuse.

On the one hand, I think she's lying. Strippers seldom register to vote, and so they're not even on the list of people who are called to be jurors.

On the other hand, jury duty does not sound like an excuse strippers would even think of. Maybe she's a stripper with a sense of public duty.

What do you think? Truth or a lie?


  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @Jack-Good looking out for the reminder. I have jury duty soon. I always see cuties at jury duty. So far, I'm 1-4 with meeting gals at jury duty.
  • sofaking87
    11 years ago
    I'm sure she lying, and I'm sure she's going to hit you up for a loan next time you visit her club.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    She is lying. You get advanced notice when being called for jury duty.
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    Lying. Jury duty notices go our 5-12 weeks prior to your date. They are not taken from voter lists, but rather the census of each town or city.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @Jack-The next time that you see this gal in the club and she approaches you, give her zero time for excuses. Tell her that you just got called by another dancer for some VIP. Let her marinate on that. If she has any brain cells left, she'll understand what just happened and that she lost out on money, not once but twice.
  • CarlosDanger
    11 years ago
    @skibum - where I live they use voter registration logs. The bailiff told us that when I reported for jury duty last year. I'm guessing it varies from town to town. But agree on advance notice. Unless the girl forgot she was scheduled for jury duty she lied. Also I'm not sure why it would even interfere with OTC unless they were planning on meeting in the morning.
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    Lie. All strippers are flakes and lie. She couldn't just say she changed her mind. Usually it's a sick mom, sister, etc. Jury duty is a first!
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    1. Not all jurisdictions use got or registration, and few use it *exclusively*. Driver's licenses, census data, tax rolls and other public records are all used a sources for juries.

    2. Not all jurisdictions give such advance notice. When I had jury duty two years ago, I had to call a number each night to see if I should show up the next day. When my wife had it, for a different court, she had to call each Sunday night to find out what day, if any, that week to show up.

    So, she could be telling the truth.
  • ATACdawg
    11 years ago
    In our area (Alexandria) you get a notice that you are liable for jury duty. They give you a number to call the night before. The recorded message will say something like "Those with names starting with G through S will report at 9:00 am for possible seating."

    This system allows only a single day of exposure to jury duty. With a system like this in place, your dancer could have been telling you the truth.
  • rh48hr
    11 years ago
    She could b telling you the truth but no jurisdiction sends you something saying you have jury duty a couple of days ahead of time. They have to give you time to make other arrangements in your schedule. So if she did have jury duty she had to have known about it for awhile.

    Now she probably had to call to find out if she needed to show up and common courtesy (which we all know strippers have in abundance) would have been to tell you that she may have jury duty and might need to reschedule but that's asking a little much to think any stripper thinks about anyone but themselves.

    So I say truth, but with no thought about how doing things last minute impacts others because they life in their own little bubble.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    I'm not sure they use census data, there are a lot of confidentiality rules with census data. The census is meant for statistical, not individual, data. Although I guess they do release publicly the individual data, after a very very long time has gone by.

    Maybe you could write the court and get her excused due to hardship. Have you had a hard-on for more than 4 hours, that only a BBJ will remedy?
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    2 points for bothering to tell you she wasn't coming. 2 more points for a creative excuse, regardless of honesty.
  • rl27
    11 years ago
    She was giving a lame excuse, but that got me thinking how funny it would be to be a fly in the room when the lawyers are interviewing jurors and one of the strippers I know was in the jury pool. I could almost see the judge and lawyers heads explode interviewing a few of the dimwits that are my favorites.
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