So I have been going to the club at various places for a couple of years now. I like to rotate around 4-5 clubs. Sometimes at the end of the night (as someone of us have experienced). We give/get out a number. Normally nothing comes of it for me. For the really hot ones, I will try to setup something that night or the next night. Those go OK. Now, there have been a couple where a chick will text and call over several weeks or months. Normally I don't end up seeing them in or out of the club. In the club, I can feel they just want to milk me for my money. I guess I get tempted, I have my personal dancer. But then again, doesn't it kind of ruin the excitement of meeting that new hottie? Plus, I want my in the club experience to be anonymous. I dont' want to chit-chat for several hours and then I pay you a bunch of money.
I have *never* found anything that could truly ruin the excitement of meeting a hot new dancer, with its potential for sexy play. That's not to say the excitement always lasts very long, but if that's the case, it's usually something about the girl herself that causes it.
@rockstsr666: I use Google Voice, so I give out my number to anyone I'm at all interested in. It seems to be less "threatening", possibly because I'm not asking for hers, and the choice of whether or not to call/text is hers.
If they get stupid; I just classify the number as spam, and they never bother me again.
I've said this before, Like GMD, when I find it works best when I offer to give my phone number to a dancer. Those are the ones I want to contact me--either for ITC or OTC. Around 95% of those I've given it to, do call or text me.
I only give my number to dancers I am interested in. If they "...text and call over several weeks or months" so what?
Why are you giving your number to them if you don't want them to contact you?
If they get stupid; I just classify the number as spam, and they never bother me again.