Ultimate OTC

avatar for ilbbaicnl
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Do we have any members who married someone hot and broke, or someone homely but wealthy? How did it go?


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avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
Not me, but my sister got lucky, married a yuppie. Took him for all he was worth.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
^^^ Not surprised to hear that considering your comments.
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
How about broke and homely?

Or hot and wealthy? That's what I'm looking for.
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
My wife was hot and broke when I married her, and it didn't go too well. But not because she was hot or broke, so never mind. It was "all my fault".
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
I guess the rule of thumb for divorce now is you get what you started with, plus half the assets accumulated during the marriage. If that were guaranteed, I'd seriously consider taking a shot with a third-world hottie. But with my luck, I'd probably get some finger-waging judge. Who'd want to hot-poker me up the ass, for not sticking to women as old and ugly as I am.
avatar for boogieknight369
11 years ago

Nice Tom Petty reference. Bravo sir, Bravo.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
I wonder if ilbbaicnl posts on "meet Russian bride" sites with the alias "wealthybigpenisdude". That would be coo-el!

I bet Juice posts on those sites as "meputKFCupyoasswhole". FUCK YEAH!!!!!
avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
I also married a hot and broke chick but alas it didn't work out. Ended pretty ugly and I learned to appreciate the saying "cheaper to keep her".
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