This isn't meant to be rude to dancers but I know I am not the only one who has gotten a dance from a dancer who wasn't very pleasing to smell. This is not only related to the pussy not being that fresh but her ass as well. So how do you handle it when your getting a dance from a stripper and you can tell that she just got threw using the restroom or she is on her Period? Does the dancer not know that she is smelling unfresh? She surely has to know that the kitty isn't smelling that well so why would she put it in a guys face? I guess they think that guys in general don't care that the kitty smells as long as they get to take a Wiff of it. I might be in the minority but I do care.
I don't do pot-luck too often and I wouldn't spend money on a dancer with bad hygiene-I don't care WHAT she looks like. My favs all know better-thats one of the reasons they are my favs I guess. If I found myself in that situation with a new girl I would stop at the end of the dance, pay her and avoid her in the future. Really, what else could you do?