Off-Topic: Inspirational People You Want To Meet

avatar for Estafador
So with the unfortunate death of Nelson Mandela, I lost yet another insperational freedom fighter I want to meet. For me, that's now three lost chances. Rosa Parks, Jean-Michael Basquiat and now Mandela. Right now I hope to get to see Rubin Carter, gonna plan to save some money to go to Canada and meet him. What about you guys, any inspirational people you wish to meet before they're gone?


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avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
I wanna meet Shadowcat.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
I wanna meet a big-booty girl – I find them interesting
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
RickyBoy because he is a RICH STUD!

Haha... Just kidding - he is an ass-clown.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
So you do not I think iPads and iPhones made the world a better place? I think they did. Now I can surf the web from my sofa while watching tv or pay attention to whichever seems more entertaining. However Steve had limited time.

I wouldn't mind meeting some really hot girls I've seen in the movies. They inspired me enough to get my attention.

I doubt they would look as good as their pictures or not be as entertaining in person so I'm not really interested in meeting anyone. If I could learn something very useful from someone, that might be someone worth meeting.
avatar for SuperDude
11 years ago
Archbishop Desmond Tutu. My daughter has already met him.
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
I want to meet the man that says something like Don't try to teach a pig to sing. You will get frustrated and the pig will just get irritated
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I've met some people whom I find to be inspirational. I got to meet both Terrence and Dennis McKenna at a lecture during the mid-nineties before Terrence passed away. I met Helio Gracie at the Torrance Gracie Academy before his death. I also met Bethany Hamilton, a young Hawaiian surfer who's arm was bitten off by a shark. She's alive and well, still surfing.
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
I would like to meet Les Brown. I would also love meeting people who have had great success at being true capitalists and creating good jobs for people as.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
I’d like to meet Founder :)
avatar for girlmoneys
11 years ago
Hugh Hefner
Bob Guchione
avatar for toysales
11 years ago
Dr. Edward Deming (He may be dead) and Colin Powell
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
Yeah colin Powell is someone I'd like to meet as well.

@Superdude I didn't think anyone knew about Desmond tutu. Would you look at that. Tosulvant (sp???) Is a big inspirational leader I wish I could go back in time and meet as well

Not every person with a computer knows about it. When they think an all-in-one pc is amazing you gotta reevaluate your target audience
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
Clarence Thomas

I wonder how many even know who he is without google?
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago
I always wanted to meet Jack Gallagher.

I worked on a drill ship in the Beaufort for Jack's company, Dome Pete. I just never did get to meet Jack.

avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
I agree with Bill Gates, Colin Powell and Desmond Tutu!

Bill Gates, a really interesting mix of genius, business acumen, ruthlessness and real social responsibility. Man I'd like to meet over drinks at a cocktail party.

Colin Powell, great soldier, brilliant strategist, loyal, man with a strong moral center. Multiple meetings over beer with him. I doubt if I'd ever tire of them.

And Desmond Tutu. Another lion of a man. A churchman who understood what Jesus Christ was all about and reflected him in his own life.

And I'm going to add Pope Francis. Another man of God who leads by example. I am a Presbyterian and this man excites me with his forthright support of human rights, humble demeanor and ecumenical views. I don't know how he came to be elected but he is certainly is stirring things up in the RC church. I would be happy to break bread and drink water with him any time - and talk about his experiences as a bouncer!
avatar for magicrat
11 years ago
+1 on Pope Francis ATAC
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
Toussaint Louverture* I was thinking of him. Butchered his name real bad though
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
"Clarence Thomas"

Long Dong Silver.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
I have thought about this question since yesterday -- and to be honest, I'm drawing a blank.

I thought of Bill Gates yesterday, but decided against it. He is an enigma. Indeed he is ruthless in business yet has a social conscience. Maybe that would make for an
Interesting meeting.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
"Clarence Thomas"

Who put this pubic hair on my soda?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
Billy Graham when he was bit younger and in better health.
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
Don't know Papi. He would probably have tried to lead you away from your sinful interactions with strippers, leading either to great unhappiness among your girls, or a complete breakdown on his part depending on who won! LOL

But yes, an interesting man whose faith and world views have changed a lot without losing his integrity.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
If I would have ever met Billy Graham – I would have pretended to be celibate.
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
What, Papi? And limit the debate? Gosh. That would take the fun right out of it!

Seriously, I think that an opportunity like that would just beg the asking of really probing questions on both sides - the only way to learn.
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
Danica Patrick. I would have loved to have met Sally Ride before she passed. And Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
For me a likely unpopular choice - George Soros and a popular one - Warren Buffet.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago

You had me with Danica. I'm a huge fan too. I just wish she would leave that dreadful circuit she is in now and return to open-wheel (real) racing.

But you lost me with Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She once walked into a bar carrying a duck. The bartender said, "You can't bring a dog in here".
She replied, "That's not a dog, it's a duck"
The bartender said, "I was talking to the duck"
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
What's the deal with Danica? She's won (major circuit) like one race, and I don't thing it was even in the US?
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
If you want women in racing, check out Shirley Muldowney, 3 time Top Fuel National Champ, and Angelle Sampey 3 Time Pro Stock Bike National Champ.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
I’m only impressed by women who do a specific type of stick shifting
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
Well the only one of the three mention that did or does that is Danica. Now, of the three which would you F, M or K! :)
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
Gee, Danica is available now so marry.

Angelle Sampey: not too shabby F

Shirley Muldowney, a fast woman, but showing her age a bit too much. Sorry Shirley, but it will have to be K.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

I would reverse the first two Dancia can stick shift, but Angelle rides that hot rod between her legs!
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
I'm not really a fan of spinners, but I'll make the exception for Danica. (no pun intended on her driving abilities).
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
Why Clarence Thomas? I don't find him inspirational at all. And that "is there a pubic hair on your drink?" line NEVER works.

Seriously though, if you wanted to think of members of SCOTUS I would put Clarence Thomas near or at the bottom of the barrel from an inspirational standpoint. An example of the court becoming hyper-politicized. He mostly concurred on the single worse decision (Citizens United) in modern SCOTUS history -- but his dissent would have made the decision worse. As it is Citizens United basically ensured that the top 0.1% will be buying our elections from now on.

Why not Souter? Since retirement he has written passionately about the need for an independent and (relatively) apolitical judiciary. And he walked the walk as a justice. Thomas is just a partisan hack.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
Deming is an interesting choice. A bit unexpected. I think he would be well over 100 now, he was ancient during the Reagan era.

I can't think of anybody. One's imagination regarding an inspirational person would never match the actuality. You would probably meet Nelson Mandela wanting to be all inspired and realize he was actually focused at that point on flirting with the hot chick in the room, not on being "the great man". He was a great man but was also human. Very few people could have navigated a transition from an officially racist policy to a democracy where racial equality is the official policy without the country turning into an abattoir. He did. 'nuff said.

If pushed (and not costrained to pick the living) I'd say Edward Teller was an interesting person in recent history to have met. Not because I think H bombs or X-ray lasers are great. Indeed, Teller was a nutjob and asshole with many failings. But he was an incredible intellect. Having your ideas torn apart by Teller would have been an experience. Plus, the Teller character in Dr. Atomic was incredible. But he never would have lived up to the factionalized version in that work. No one could live up to their imagined versions.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
Just looked up Deming. Died at 93 yeas of age 20 years ago.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

Because I would! No need to explain my reasons.
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
Clubber: Why Danica? (A) she is smoking hot and (B) she can bench press twice her weight.

I guess fantasizing about being dominated by a slip of a woman while arm wrestling is a bit off kilter LOL!
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

Not sure what you mean by "Why Danica?" She would not be all that high on my list. One I would certainly try on for size would be Milka Duno!
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
I originally listed Danica primarily since she's inspirational to me as a female immersed in a male dominated sport. The fact that she's hawt is just bonus, not the original reason that I mentioned her.

I thought that this thread was about inspirational people - not necessarily hot ones?

@motorhead - I agree completely. When she went nascar I was genuinely pissed. I used to follow her Indy races avidly, but I don't care for nascar so for me she feel off of the radar.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

To hell with the inspiration, me thinks you just want to get in her pants! :)
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
If I had the chance and it was possible, 2 persons

A. Einstein
B. Stephen Hawking
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
@alutard: you do realize that Einstein is dead right? So, no, it's not possible. This thread is not about historical figures. Try and keep, k?
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I find it interesting that most folk went for recognizable names except for a few.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
True dat Clubber...didn't mean to get all up in yo' grill 'bout the CT man. Jus' sayin' that the dude scares the bejezzus out of me so I was curious. We all inspired by different folks.

Plus, CT would probably be more fun than Souter in the club. Souter is probably all serious whereas CT would be all "BAY-bee, is that yo' pubic hair on muh Bud Lite? Nope...I jus' put my hand down there and the evidence says 'totally bald'. What say you try some oral arguments on muh lil' justice..he's actually the biggest you'll find in da club...LONG DONG SILVER AIN'T GOT NOTHIN' ON ME!!!!"
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago

I am one of the 'few' that you mention.

Let me assure you - Smilin' Jack Gallagher is an absolute legend in the western Canadian oil patch. He worked the world looking for oil but always returned to Canada. He was the most respected geologist of his generation. He pushed the boundaries of Canada's known oil reserves out to the Arctic Ocean. He was fearless. He was a risk taker of the highest order. He was a charmer, a real snake oil salesman, and he was an exceptionally handsome man. I heard many stories of wet panties caused when Smilin' Jack focused his charm on women.

I really wish that I had met him.
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