
The Unthinkable - Tip Retracts

Tuesday, December 3, 2013 9:14 AM
So one day, for a homeboy's event, I and a couple of buddies went to a *ugh* NYC club. Bad day at work, so a good thing to let go of some steam. Unfortunately, like most manhattan clubs, the girlies just weren't to my standards and I was having a hard time readjusting my target body type in comparisons to the girls there. So after an altercation with a rude waitress (darn those greedy Russian women), I see a women on a side stage, with decent features and her crowd was yet to aspire. So I take the golden opportunity and use the solo trick to get some quality pole attention. But the chick apparently was full of herself, didn't like black guys or whatever, but deliberately avoided giving me ANY sort of acknowledgement, determined to not even make eye contact as I am watching her dance. So I'm thinking, maybe she thinks because I'm young, I gots no dough. Recently (well as recent as I club which is occasionally but whenever I do...) I've been more inclined to tip bigger to these one woman pole stage dancers (any official names for these types of girls?) I've gone so far as to do $40 for one 3-song set stage dance. So to show her, the young bucks got dough too, I'm throwing down tips by every $3. And I wound up going to $20. Yet still not even a passing glance (and this was all within probably a minute) so in fustration I did the unthinkable, the gobsmacking, the jaw dropping, probably THE MOST TABOO THING EVER IN SC....A Lil Wayne i.e., took back all my tips back. Not sure if she saw or not since she wasn't paying attention, but I didn't care as I effectively left her stage and sat around for a little while longer, watching as my boy had his fun. Eventually, wound up find a black girl. Body type wasn't my exact standards, but she was pretty in the face and black, so right now that was enough. Wound up giving her $40 in tips as she was on stage. Probably eventually only stayed for an hour before leaving. TL:DR-Ever took back a tip from a stripper?


  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    NO! Why didn't you just leave and find a place better suited to your situation? Or were you being STUBBORN and trying to prove a point?
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Friend's...event...I even wrote it in the story. English wasn't your strong point in high school was it?
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    No, I never did but I never had any cause to. I'm not much on beating dead horses...if I'm attracted to a dancer and I'm just not her type to the point my money means nothing to her, I'll move on quickly. In your case, if $3 got nothing, she is either really prejudiced or had something better to do. Girls know that even just a few bucks means lots more is behind it. I never tip a girl on stage unless I want to drop money on her.
  • crsm27
    11 years ago
    To be honest..... Yes I did it. Only once. I was at the rail and there was only one other customer at the rail. She just stayed with that customer for all three songs. I had about $5 on the rail waiting for her (started with $1 and then kept putting up money to get her attention).... she never came over and only looked my way once and saw I was there. She stood up to retriever her clothes and was walking my way and the reached down to grab the money... I pulled it back. She looked at me with shock. I said... How did you earn this money when all you did was stay with that one customer the whole time? Her jaw dropped and she walked off stage. I stayed at the rail and the other guy got up and left. The next dancer came out and said... I was told you are an asshole. I asked her who said this. She said the last dancer. I told her what happened and she laughed. She said that girl doesn't know the game. This new dancer got much more in tips and a few lappers from me. She went back and told the other dancer that she missed out. I stayed in that club for 3 hours buying dances from every dancer in the place and tipping at the stage as well. She never approached me and was fuming all night. Now I may sound like an asshole for doing this. But yet some dancers need to learn a lesson. I mean if she would have said....sorry I missed you at the rail and I will make up for it in a lap dance. I would have been sold. But all she did was go back and complain. She got what she deserved. I mean I have before had this same type of situation where it was more people at the rail and the dancer came over and said....sorry I didn't get to you and was about to leave when I gave her the tip money. She said I didn't work for this... I told her to come back after she got dressed....she did and we had a couple of lappers. I mean some get it....others don't.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @csrm-You are no asshole. You are an inspiration for all up and coming pl's. For the life of me, I'll never understand strippers who don't like money. In the wise words of Mickey Bergman, "Everybody loves money. That's why they call it money."
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Sorry, I meant CRSM.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    Props to estafador & crsm27. I have done similar things if a dancer ignores me stage side, especially if she is giving her full attention to someone and doesn't even dance near me or acknowledge my tip at all. Fuck her.
  • carl95
    11 years ago
    "I'm throwing down tips by every $3. And I wound up going to $20. Yet still not even a passing glance (and this was all within probably a minute)..." Right there is your problem, don't throw your money on the stage (unless you like her stageshow), hold it in you hand and make her come get it.
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    I've done that too. The dancer never looked at me and stayed at the other end of the bar the entire set. She might not have seen the money I had laid out, but I still felt like it was a little rude. I didn't get mad or anything, just politely picked it back up and used it for the next dancer who came my way. White girls do it to me too, so I'm not sure if is call it racism, although it could have been in her case. Maybe she was with her regular and needed to make sure she closed a deal on him?
  • Sperrz
    11 years ago
    Wholeheartedly agree. If she's not willing to acknowledge me or come closer I'm back in my seat WITH my money.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    Yes I've done that before a couple of times, kind of same situation as you Esta.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    @crsm Dude LOL. You know what probably happened bro. That other guy was probably talking a good game to her and she probably expected a good tip out from him but got nothing and now she tight because everyone in the club knows what happens and she is not getting any sales. HILARIOUS. @sclvr thanks bro
  • Rachelmmm
    11 years ago
    Maybe next time just fold your bills in half and hold them out until she approaches you and you can slip them under her garter. That's what most guys that I encounter do. If you're just laying them onstage I'm not 100% sure if they're for me if there's another girl onstage, and sometimes it's a bit of a hassle to bend over, especially if you're bottoms are already off, and scrape the bills off the stage during the middle of a song.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    @Rachel...well the setup of the club was where the stage was higher than the seats. She would have to bend down and get them because the seats were so low. I was lazy and just didn't want to get up. But Rachel, carl, I shall do that next time for the future. Its just never have I encountered a dancer on stage who doesn't go for the dollar instead of expecting a handout.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    And it was a small stage, it was only her on that one. If you ever seen one of the side stages with the single girl dances on, I was there. No way she couldn't tell it wasn't for her
  • crsm27
    11 years ago
    @Rachel.... The set up where I did this it is custom to put your tip on the rail in plain view of the dancer. The dancer (only one on stage) comes over and engages the customer. The engagement could be dancing in front of the customer....talking with the customer.... just say HI.... do something. I mean if she was dancing for all to see and not just sitting and talking with the other customer....she would have kept the tip. The dance floor/stage is about 2 feet lower than the rail. The rail is about chest level of the sitting customer. So she saw the money on the rail and didn't want to work for it. Trust me she saw the money. @esta... The guy might have been her Fav or was spitting good game. My beef with it all was she expect to just grab the money. Like I mentioned if she would have just said...sorry I could not make it down to you... I would have been fine. She just reached for the money. I mean at this particular club I have had it when the rail is full of customers that a dancer will grab three tips on the rail and dance in the middle of the three customers then move on. Now you might feel you didn't get the attention but she did come over and do something. That is the main point I was making with the tip retraction. Hell if she would have just done pole tricks she would have gotten the money. It is like tipping a bartender money when you served your own drink as they just sit there talking with another customer. Should they get tipped??? NO.
  • crsm27
    11 years ago
    I forgot to mention more in depth on how the "tipping" stage side works at this club. The customer will put the money on the rail. Dancer comes over....takes the money then give attention like I mentioned. Or she will give attention then ask for the money to be placed in the garter, thong, bra strap, etc. Or they get it some other inventive way to get it....ie place tip in mouth of customer....in his lap.... under bill of hat.....etc.
  • crsm27
    11 years ago
    Damn I wish they would allow an edit so I wouldn't have to write another comment.... But always the money is placed on the rail first. If no money they skip that customer. It is like giving them a FUCK YOU for not having up the money. So it works both ways. I mean I have had it at this club where I lost a contact on a nipple because I tipped some good money....and I knew the dancer from before. But the guy next to me asked how come I got that attention and he didn't... I said, "don't be a tight ass and lay down some money".
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    @Estafador: "TL:DR-Ever took back a tip from a stripper?" Technically, no. But that's because I don't actually *give* it to her, i.e. let it out of my hand, until she comes over to me to get it. I've quite frequently left the stage without tipping at all when someone ignores me.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    If one puts out the $$$ in front of them it is for the dancer to come over and perform for them – no performance – no tip – and you leave the stage with your Washingtons.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    I've never taken my tip off of the stage but a few times I'd fuck with a dancer that pissed me off by approaching the stage while holding out some singles like I was gonna tip her. I'd wait until she saw me then I would reach the money out, make a frown while shaking my head, and I'd put the money back into my pocket instead and head back to my seat. Psych!!! Sends a clear message. A girl really has to piss me off for me to do this.
  • joker44
    11 years ago
    Props to estafador & crsm27 Yes I have. At SC. Day shift. I'm only guy there & I'm at the rail tipping dancer as she strips. Off come the bottoms leaving g-string. This is Missouri and new law doesn't allow full nudity under any circumstances. But with management's blessings each lady has the option to take off as much as she wants. So, I want to encourage this. Back to dancer in g-string. I offer to tip her after she goes fully nude. She: How much? and tip first! Me: Nude first and I'll decide how much after the deed. She leaves stage in a huff before her last dance music is finished; she's last of day rotation so I exit club and go to another local club to spend $$. Upshot: Club has $200/30min single couple VIP rooms; she lost out on her cut of $130 + tip by arguing over a measly few $. Life lesson: penny wise, pound foolish. BTW lopaw you can really be a bitch, lol.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    @joker44 - heh heh heh
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Lopaw-Keep up that good game. Y'all pl's need to soak up what she's spitting.
  • joker44
    11 years ago
    BTW lopaw do I have your permission to use that tactic? I really loved the psych message!
  • looneylarry
    11 years ago
    Yes, I've pulled the bills back if the dancer whiffs. Most will acknowledge that they missed you on this rotation but will catch you next time, and everybody's cool about it. One time, though, I had a girl come over at the rail and do the legs on my shoulders thing, motorboat, etc., and then she reached down and grabbed the bills I had laid out for my next drink. They were on the ledge that was lower than the stage, maybe six inches, and were sitting next to my drink. I didn't want to cause a scene, and what she was doing was probably worth a few extra dollars, so I didn't complain. So now I try not to have the extra money sitting out, even if I plan to get another drink.
  • 3LeggedMan
    11 years ago
    Larry, obviously your dancer jumped to a wrong conclusion, but I never leave cash laying around where they can smell it, unless I expect to give it to them. Your response was classy, tho.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Should have still said something. It's a hassle to now get change AGAIN for a drink.
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