Hotel Cascadas at Hong Kong Gentlemen's Club, Tijuana

I'm considering going to Tijuana and staying at the Cascadas adjoining the HK for three nights.
Has anyone ever stayed there overnight. Not just for the 1-hour stints? I would rather do this than travel back and forth across the border daily. Thanks
Has anyone ever stayed there overnight. Not just for the 1-hour stints? I would rather do this than travel back and forth across the border daily. Thanks
With a nice girl, this can be fun because you can start DFKing in the elevator ride up. :)
I've stayed overnight in cascadas many times. TJ is like an escape from the real world, I don't know if I should honestly even post some of the fucked up shit i've done in that place on this forum - but omg, USA strip clubs just do not compare and its not just about the girls