My ATF recently moved to NH and just started working at one of those two clubs. She called me today and said that even though the law requires pasties, no one wears them. Her first impression was that its a very nice place to work, but is a "regulars" club and she won't make much money until she develops a clientele. She worked 12:00 to 8:00 today and at 4:00 she had made $57.00. Last Monday working at her old club from 11:30 to 6:30 she made between $900 and a $1000.
I live in Washington state. There's only 14 clubs here statewide. And nine of those are Deja Vu clubs. Proportionately, New Hampshire's probably only a little worse than Washington.
Washington is a little better off, 1 club for every 500,000ish people versus 1 for every 650,000ish in New Hampshire. But at least people in Washington can go to Oregon, 1 for every 40,000ish people.
It's really "Hampshire." Look up Hampshire, UK on any on line mapping site of your choice. It's just north of Southampton, England. I sense that's the Hampshire that New Hampshire was named for.
New Hampshire has 1 real strip club. The other isn't. Their club isn't that good, unfortunately. (I posted a review recently.) I guess people there go to Rhode Island for decent clubbing since Massachusetts isn't very good in dances (but some of their clubs do have good looking women.)
It can probably be recorded as THE most quietest state in the country. How little do you hear about anything regarding New Hampshire other than the....damn don't even have a sports team. LAME. THAT is the place you go for some real family raising right there. Damn near best state for high school students
New Hampshire clubs are a waste. If you live in the north you have to travel some tough roads to get to Jay, Maine. Drive South to Massachusetts, or continue on to Rhode Island.
last commentLast Monday working at her old club from 11:30 to 6:30 she made between $900 and a $1000.
the worst problem is NH bordered by Vermont, Maine and Mass. all of which have sucky clubs.