Hi-Liter wall price hike

Follow up to the price hike to $15 dollars for chairs along the wall at the Hi-Liter (Phoenix).
Stopped in yesterday afternoon to see a fav. Seemed a little slower than usual. Only one or two chairs were occupied along the wall (previously would have been filled). Dancer told me business has been hurt because of the change.
Personally, I am visiting less and spending less since the change has been made.
Won't hold my breath, but I hope management has a change of heart on this price hike. It is too bad they felt the need to fuck with such a great business model.
last commentNo worries txtittyfan is still dressing up in his daughter's clothes, working the parking lot of the HiLiter in Phoenix and offering $10 BBBJCIMWS to folks leaving the club. If you insist on females, txtittyfan's daughter can be found inside, offering $60 BBBF to strangers with her father's blessing.
How does this pay system work at hi-liter?
Don't know why you are complaining. That is cheaper than most areas even after the price hike
@Estafador: LD's in the center of the club are $10. The chairs roll and it is crowded. Now, the same LD's along the coveted wall are $15 without an increase in contact. VIP is $25 w/o a buy in.
"Hi-Liter wall price hike"
Unfortunately that is the way of the world. Prices tend to go up as time goes on.
^^^^^The mother fucking Oracle.
crazyjoe nailed it.
I wish I could get lappers for 15 bucks a pop in my area
I don't see why there is a difference of having lappers against the wall but whatever. How long do these VIP last? I only feel your pain in hike increases in one regards...if it just hiked now its only a matter of time before it hikes again and that is definetely no bueno.
As it turned out I was at this club the day they increased the price but the girls still honored the $10 wall price.
From a management point of view, I can see the logic in raising the price of the wall dances. Based on my limited visit (once) the wall seemed to be in a constant full mode, based on supply and demand it might make sense to create a price differential to capitalize on the wall demand. There doesn't seem to be any difference in the dance received at the wall verses the middle so management may find that the girls make the same and now the only upside is that the chairs along the wall will not require as frequent repair as the middle area chairs.
I agree with wwpmi - dances are far better on the wall, so from a management point of view, it makes sense to raise the prices over there. I have been only once since they changed and it was a Saturday afternoon and the wall was packed, no seats open while I was there. I'm surprised to see the girls saying that its hurting business, and if it is, whats stopping them from charging $10?
@wwpmi: I'm not sure management thought this one out. I used frequent HL but not so much now.
Now, I have to decide if I want to get $10 LD's in the crowded center on chairs that roll versus paying 50% for the same dance for the privilege of being against the wall.
Probably would have been better off increasing all LD's to $15.
Not sure about the rest of patrons but I am spending far less money at HL since the change.
How do I know txtittyfan's daughter. Describe her as I need one of those $0 trips.
For me, its not a big deal because I only get one or two dances on the floor to "test" a new girl out, but after that its off to VIP, so the difference in money spent (for me) is about $10 per trip. I won't get dances in that middle section unless there is no seating on the wall.
I will pay $15 because it's worth it to me, especially if I can get one of those corner seats. However, last week I had one of me fears about the new pricing come true. Like most guys I carry $20s and maybe a few larger bills for my LD playtime. This made it easy to get lots of "pairs" of dances, or if they were good, bump up to 4 or 6, staying with even numbers. Last week I had a crappy dance so I stopped her after one song and handed her a $20. I had to ask for change, which I shouldn't have to do, and then she gave me a line about not having change, so would it be OK of she just kept the $20. WTF? I didn't want to look like a cheap fuck by making a big deal out of $5, but it pissed me off and I left after that.
It will be interesting to see how many others start pulling this "no change" shit. Increments of $5 work great for making odds bets n a craps table, but they suck for LD pricing!
And for those who say wall seat dances are no better than center floor dances, I have one word for you - leverage.