You're with a hottie and the two of you are about to get really savage in the sack. She informs you that she's spotting. Do you still go downtown? Are you the type of dude that doesn't want anything to do with vagina when it's bloody?
As for Spicolli over here, I say "Full Steam Ahead". Blood don't bother me. I like it Nosferatu style.
"I had a chick do this to me WITHOUT telling me before I plunged in. Needless to say I was pissed, so I smacked her pretty good in the face before I left her house and never went back. Gotta teach these deceiving ho's not to mess with a clean Johnson."
I hope she charged you with assault & battery! If she did, I hope you were in jail because of it.
My ATF & I frequently have done the nasty while she's flowing like a gusher. The hotel sheets get messy and we both need a shower afterwards, but it only adds lube. DATY is verboten then cuz she has Hep C.
Spotting + DATY? Heck no lol! I understand some of you taking the penile plunge because of the extra wetness BUT how do you get over that heavy smell??? It's awful...
Ux,we forgot to tell you not to do it with redheads,they stink regardless.But when you snorkel in the Red Sea they love you twice has hard on the beach.Ask Drac,he knows.
Don't have a problem taking the plunge as long as the flow is not too bad but DATY is out of the question. I have found it to be true that some women are horney during this time others think it's nasty. So it's same as always, depends on the girl. Recently I had one start her period on her way to my house. So we threw her shorts and panties in the washer and got busy while they were washing.
I used to DATY years back when she's on the rag but these days, no. But if I'm not paying her, and she asked I might. If I'm paying, then I want a discount!
last commentI hope she charged you with assault & battery! If she did, I hope you were in jail because of it.
I understand some of you taking the penile plunge because of the extra wetness BUT how do you get over that heavy smell??? It's awful...