RickDugan has complained that I play the straight man but encourage trolls from the other side of my mouth.
Well, as a public service I spelled out how he can keep Dougster from trolling him. But it can only be explained in Klingonese. Just learn some Klingonese and you'll solve your problem.
Yep...ol' Tittyfag is now living in a van down by the river giving blow jobs for $5
Wait...the dude would dig that. And he's so frickin' ugly nobody would pay him $5 for a BJ. Probably catch some disease from that dude too.
But man that dude can write reviews! FUCK YEAH!!! I mean really...I was going to go to go to the Great Alaskan Bush Company 'til he told me that it had nothing to do with George H W Bush -or- Dubya and that Sarah Palin didn't work there. Choice intel. If Juice...ahem TDHQ...tries to fuck with him I will so call him on that. Nope, the TDHQ character better not fuck with Tittyfag 'cos that would be over the line.
We need more reviews in Klingonese! What will happen if I beam down to Jacksonville with bat'leth in hand and I want to find the best club. Will Rick Dugan's detailed reviews help me? Maybe it will if I have my universal translator. But what if I don't? Will the Jax sheriff's office take kindly to a warrior like me? Or will I have to slay them like I've slain my former friend Juice...oops, TDHQ.
Well, as a public service I spelled out how he can keep Dougster from trolling him. But it can only be explained in Klingonese. Just learn some Klingonese and you'll solve your problem.
Wait...the dude would dig that. And he's so frickin' ugly nobody would pay him $5 for a BJ. Probably catch some disease from that dude too.
But man that dude can write reviews! FUCK YEAH!!! I mean really...I was going to go to go to the Great Alaskan Bush Company 'til he told me that it had nothing to do with George H W Bush -or- Dubya and that Sarah Palin didn't work there. Choice intel. If Juice...ahem TDHQ...tries to fuck with him I will so call him on that. Nope, the TDHQ character better not fuck with Tittyfag 'cos that would be over the line.
Right Juice?
Please...more Klingonese! Qapla' qaStaHvIS tIq SuvwI'