
Follies waitress pisses me off

Atlanta suburb
Saturday, September 14, 2013 8:14 PM
So I'm sitting at my favorite table around 4:30 this afternoon. A table that I had occupied since the club opened at 1PM. As usual for that time of day, the club was standing room only. This waitress that I didn't comes over to me and tells me that these 3 customers had just bought my table and that I needed to move. WTF! I told her no. That it had been my table for quite awhile. I wasn't going to budge and was waiting for her to say something like "I'll call a bouncer". I am on a first name basis with the two on duty bouncers and the manager. She didn't. She could see that she hadn't rattled me and led them to the other side of the room. In hind sight, I wished I had asked how much they were going to pay me. Fucking bitch!


  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I’d be pissed too – that is a fucking total lack of respect – that bitch needs to get slapped. Is that actually done @ Follies – i.e. someone paying for a table on the floor? I once had a bouncer @ Tootsies in Miami ask for my table. It was on a Sat. night such as tonight with a Mayweather fight going on so the club was super super packed. I was sitting alone at a table and the bouncer said he needed the table (I subsequently saw him give it to a dude that was with two chick customers), I kind of relented b/c I was sitting by myself and the bouncer said he’d give me a another drink free of w/e I was drinking (I was drinking a $13 Long Island) – bouncer took my table and then subsequently brought me a LI. The two dudes behind me saw what happened and invited me to sit at their table – turned out ok since they were very nice guys and I had a good time conversing w/ them and watching the fight.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Papi - They do have a reserved section at night where you have to buy a bottle to sit there but nothing during the day. If I see her again, I'll point her out to manager and tell him what happened.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Unfortunately one has to accept the fact that SCs are the kind of places lowlifes and people w/o manners and/or education are sometimes if not often present – one just needs to take it for what it is and be smart about it and just let it roll down one’s back – not worth getting upset over a lowlife – but it does suck having to deal w/ people like that.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    You did the right thing shadow. Standing room only at 1PM? Shit, next time I visit Atlanta I'll stick to the south side.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    No rick. That was standing room only at 4:30PM. it's like that damn near any day of the week.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    w/ Follies being so popular; I wonder if they ever consider moving to a bigger locale?
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    sc, I am surprised you handled the situation so gentlemanly. Should have told her SHE could buy the table for them for 10 blow jobs, IF she was hot!:)
  • SuperDude
    11 years ago
    Charging for booths and tables in the evening is now routine in Detroit clubs. If I am sitting in a booth when the night shift starts, I am asked to pay for the booth, even if I have been ordering drinks and getting dances. I usually just leave.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Whatever happened to the Gentlemen aspect of the gentlemen's club.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Treat her like a rob
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    So at 4:30. You literally have to just stand around? Sounds kind of weird
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
    Shit im pissed ! No body treats my Master that wayb! I will be down soon shadow...I will fuck her in the kotu and Ass with my cucumbers !
  • bang69
    11 years ago
    Shadow I'm surprised that happened. That's bad for biz
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
    One reason why I'm hated...the truth that I'm just a real bad Ass
  • clevelandbrowns69
    11 years ago
    What is the max occupancy at follies? Most buildings have a limit to the number of people allowed due to fire hazard codes.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    The fact that it's standing room only at 4:30 on a Satirday is the most intriguing part of the post. Most clubs I know are lucky to have 4 or 5 customers at that time.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    I don't usually buy booths, but I spent $50 for one during a special event. I had been there several hours already when a group of guys came up and said they will buy it from me. So I got my fifty bucks back and already had got to use it for about 4 hours. Win-Win.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    So what do you usually do during a standing room?
  • Rod8432
    11 years ago
    Only time I've had something similar happen was at Oasis in northeast Atlanta. They had a sign on the table saying "reserved" but I asked for it anyway, even though I was alone. They said fine, but I might have to move if a larger party came in. No problem; I considered myself forewarned. No big parties ever did show up, so it was cool. But I have heard of this happening, especially with the hightop tables along the wall at Follies. At the same time, I've sat down with strippers at tables/couches marked "reserved" and nobody said boo. So I don't get it - maybe it's enforced sporadically, and not always by the people who are in charge (like that waitress). Good call standing your ground.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    It might be kind of rude, but don't try and get her fired over it. The way that clubs work is that customers paying for anything > customers paying for nothing (at that moment, doesn't matter if you're there every day and buy all of the dances, because management is probably retarded) so she probably would have got in trouble if she DIDN'T ask you.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    As long as she didn't take offense or get stupid about your "no", I don't think it's worth even thinking about anymore. You kept your seat, and no trouble ensued. Does this club actually let customers "buy" a specific table? If not, she was just gaming you, you called her on it, and she backed down. Now it's done, as long as she doesn't try it again. If they do that sort of thing, then as duo says, she was simply doing her job, and there's no point in getting irritated at her for it.
  • segui
    11 years ago
    That never happened in [view link] complain is that sometimes the waitress ignored me. After I came in and took a seat, no waitress approached me and offer drinks for 30 mins. Sometimes,the waitress forgot my order and never come back with my order.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    “… I've sat down with strippers at tables/couches marked "reserved" and nobody said boo. So I don't get it - maybe it's enforced sporadically …” At many clubs I’ve been to – it is usually only enforced in the evenings – and may not even be on slow evenings – usually on busier evenings
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Shadowcat said: “… They do have a reserved section at night where you have to buy a bottle to sit there but nothing during the day …” If the above is correct; I say the waitress was out of line. She was probably going to get some kind of a decent tip by getting a table for the dudes that wanted one; and she may have incorrectly thought that an older gentleman sitting by himself would be an easy target. I get the feeling she would not have gone up to a table with a thug(s) and asked him(them). And as shadow posted – “This waitress that I didn't comes over to me and tells me that these 3 customers had just bought my table and that I needed to move” – if that is how she went about “asking” (more like telling) the customer for the table; shows what a rude bitch she was IMO.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    From a recent Follies review: “… Follies is always packed on a Friday afternoon; but if you open a bottle of something the servers and bouncers would make their best attempt to open up a table for you …” [view link] I wonder if these were the guys that wanted shadow’s table? But I guess shadow was there on a different day (Sat)
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Yes Papi, it was a Saturday. What do air lines do when they are over booked? They buy customers off. That is what should happen in a strip club. I was bought off once at the Columbia Platinum Plus and I had a buddy that was bough off at Follies to seat a famous NFL player.
  • 10inches
    11 years ago
    Follies violates the fire code with overcrowding quite often. if they ever had a big fire, lots of people would get hurt. surprised that the county has not used this as a reason to shut them down. guess the amount of tax and the dancer fees that they pay convince the two face lying politicians to look the other way.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Follow up. I was back in the club today and told one of the two bouncers my story. He said "you did the right thing. That is not going to happen to you here. If it ever happens again, let me know and I'll take care of her." I told one of my favorite dancers and she said "If I'd been there, I would have kicked her ass". Some times it is a good thing to be well known & liked in a club.
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