The evolution of porn

The discussion on pecker size as one of a collection of "sex facts" made me think about the changing nature of porn in general. Pornos in the 70s and even 80s had men with normal sized weezers, not the Thuringer sausages that came into vogue later. Bianca Trump was once asked about this in an interview, and was very dismissive of the sizes of the units of male porn stars, saying, "if a camera was a half inch from your member, it would look huge, too." A lot of porn actresses are little people (my favorite porn star, for example, Nikki Dial, is five feet even), and I wonder if there is a scale issue at work.
Of course, compared to today's pornos, the ones I saw as a teenager in the 70s and 80s look like the next door neighbor's home movies...pubic hair, less-than-stellar muscle tone on the actresses, and what seem now to be very amateurish production values. Strangely enough, there's a small "retro" movement in pom, with a couple of companies making intentionally cheap movies with "real" looking cast members.
Give my Nikki any day. And Christy.
last commentChitown, I don't think that was the name, especially if it was only 5 years ago, I haven't seen any porn in the last 5 years or so.
This discussion of the evolution of porn, of which I was unaware, reminds me of what is happening to strip clubs. More quantity, less quality. More crudeness, less style. More in-your-face, less subtelty. It's all about shock value. Kinda like what's happening to our society as a whole, isn't it? The continued decline in civility.
FONDL, perhaps you are thinking of Cheyenne Silver, who was an incredibly cute and sexy porn actress who peaked about five years ago. The problem she had was that the really gross stuff was coming in around that time, too, and the industry didn't know what to do with her. It's hard to take the girl-next-door, stick a c-clamp into her, and call it entertainment.
She started as an a/b cup, then go d implants, which I think also was a mistake...after that, she was nothing special in the porn world. She had shoulder length brown hair and really looked like a hs cheerleader
Thanks, Louseybuck, Jamie Summers is the girl I was trying to remember, I always thought she was as close to perfection as any girl I've ever seen. And I did see one or two Brat movies, I may have even owned one at some point. As I said before, she is exactly the type I look for in a strip club. I think maybe the reason she turns me on so much is that my all-time fave GF looked just like her. But wasn't there also a cute little porn star named after a state, like Montana or Colorado or something, around the same time?
I went to the CES show in Vegas in 1995 and got to meet a lot of porno stars in person (the show had a separate porno section). The show is still going on but now has split off into a separate show. I was able to get in for free but now they charge a lot to get in.
Jaimie Summers. She did those 'Brat' movies way back when. I saw her as a feature at NCT in SF one time. Sat on her lap and had a pic taken. She was physically perfect. Really perfect skin. I threw the pic in the garbage on my way out of the club because for some reason, having it made me feel extra pathetic. In her later films, she got very arty and they lost some of the edge. It might have been the beginning of Vivid.
Nikki Dial had a friend in the buisness, or who got her into the buisness, a cute natural redhead, also petite. They did quite a few scenes together. Anybody remember her? (She might be more Shadow's type)
JUst as well, it might kill me. I have a DVD called "Young Nikki Dial," which is nothing but the sex scene from five or six of her early movies. My whole porno collection is about four DVDs, but this one is worth it. (One of the others is a Christy movie). Another features a Hungarian actress whose name escapes me right now, but who looks like Christy did twenty years ago..Oh, yes, Ericka Bella.
I wasn't so sure about the lapdance situation there, especially from features.
If I could have a lap dance with Nikki Dial, I would die a happy man.
I agree with Chitown, it is inconceivable that anyone could see Nikki Dial and not be a fan. Best natural body I ever saw in a porn star. She used to dance in PA (she's from there). Every January she used to dance at Club Ed in Pittsburgh (a pastie club that is a shadow of the old Liberty Avenue). I always suspected it was to visit family and get a gig in. I visit the family around every Christmas, same area. I actually considered extending my vacation or driving back once or twice just to see her live.
Shadow, the Nikki I mentioned was, for the record, Nikki Dial. She is a short brunette with a big natural rack, but I think that it is in pretty good shape. Christy's, on the other hand, pretty much hang down to her belly button. There is something about her that I find very attractive, but a lot of that, to be frank, is past association from her days when gravity hadn't got the best of her girls.
Nina Hartley is someone I know nothing about.
There was a porn star 10 or so years ago who I really liked because she was exactly the type of girl I look for in a strip club - small, cute, dirty blonde, innocent looking, all natural, feisty and bubbly. I don't recall her name exactly although I think it was something Summers, maybe first name the name of a state or city? She was very popular for awhile.
It does sort of relate directly to this thread, also relates to a possible good movies thread, but Boogie Nights is a great movie to watch. The story is about people in the porn world as the porn world "lost it's innocence" if you'll pardon the contradiction. It deals with some of the decline in porn from making films to marketing videos.
Chitown raises another good point, so much of the stuff coming out today is about pushing boundaries that they forget that without some sort of enthusiasm between the performers it just ends up being a plumbing demonstration. I don't mind things getting a little nasty every so often, but when things are just done for the sake of getting it on camera rather than portraying some sort of desire or interaction it gets boring.
Being a semi-old fart, I agree with Abbie. Just to do something on film that hasn't been done before isn't too exciting for me. And the recent trend toward compilations (7 scenes of nothing but the same theme - facials, anal, etc.) is downright unappealing. I guess I need some sort of plot to keep me interested.
Porn has more appeal to young men -- men are pretty much walking hard-ons from 18-25 -- than to old farts, which is probably why you like your old porn better. You weren't an old fart back then. We wear rose-colored glasses, and our memories aren't so good.
Thank you Shadowcat. I will try that website kazza.
This may have something to do with Ms Dial being my favorite actress. She is a stunningly beautiful woman, of a caliber that she could be a legitimate actress/model. I don't know if she lays down any rules (she is one of the few porn actresses who is probably not seen as a fungible commodity, because of her beauty), but her films did not (see has now retired) include the bukake shots, boo-foo with cum on the ass, etc. that are now making porno into the theatre of the bizarre.
I know that Christy Canyon did refuse facials and anal, although she would take body shots. She was also attractive in her prime (remember, I'm the fan of Sarah fine looking Jew), but obviously of the voluptuous type (one of the two types I like...if a woman is not going to have the trim little body of a gymnast, she should be at the other extreme, with big tits, a big butt, etc)
It will probably come as no surprise to many of you that I've never been much of a porn fan, I find most of it to be pretty boring. I'd probably enjoy it much more if I could find a good one that was romantic rather than exploitive, but I guess that's hoping for too much.
shadowcat: What site do you use to download porns? Are those free or do you have to pay?
Does anybody know any free sites for downloading porns?
A couple of good books about old porn: 'Grindhouse', by Eddie Muller, an illustrated history of adult cinema, which is like a slim, soft cover coffee table book; and 'Sleazoid Express', by Bill Landis, a more personal account from a fan's point-of-view of all types of exploitation movies and the sleazy Times Square theatres that exhibited them in the 60s and 70s.
This retro movement sounds like my kind of thing. Slick mainstream porn does nothing whatsoever for me. I wouldn't know Nikki from Christy or any other pornstar name that gets mentioned. However, I am a big fan of old, pre-hardcore porn, mainly from the 60s. A great source for this stuff, as well as all other kinds of old exploitation genre films, classroom scare films and such, is Something Weird Video out of Seattle. Their website is, but their printed catalogs are priceless - page after page of lovingly detailed, hilarious descriptions of titles like 'Olga's House of Shame', 'Sin in the Suburbs' and 'Miniskirt Love' ("A shocking glimpse into the warped morals of the mod world!"). The actual films are pretty boring for long stretches, so the best way to appreciate them is the collections of trailers that SWV sells. I highly recommend the 'Twisted Sex' and 'Dusk to Dawn Drive-In' trailers and the '60s Go-Go Chicks' series. The lurid voice-overs on the trailers are truly incredible.
Was a Nina Hartley fan.... is a Nina Hartley fan.... will always be a Nina Hartley fan.
I was a big Nikki Dial fan too. I kind of like some of the old pornos, they seem dirtier. Just kidding. The bigest problem I see with most of them now days is that while the bodies and production values are a lot better in most cases, the new performers and performances seem a little too detached, or clinical. Oral, oral, 2-3 positions, pop.
I read in an article that for those who want to be a porn star among the male sex, although size is important, stamina is key, as well as the bizarre ability to spurt on cue. ("now, CHitown, now!!!" who could take the pressure?)
Is it true that John Holmes was buried in a horseshoes pit?