In about 2 weeks it'll be a year since I first set a foot in a strip club, oh how my life has changed ever since.
At that time I was socially retarded, lonely, no friends, no social life, 100lbs+ overweight, & living at home mostly due to being lonely & too attached to family because I lacked other aspects & social interactions that would make me more independent. Boredom was also a major issue, too much time on my hands. Also I was 6 months removed from a terrible relationship where I was used & all but demasculinized by a woman who lacked any kind of decency as a human being, and was barely even decent looking. If it wasn't for that relationship & pretty much couple awkward situations as a teenager, I would've also been a virgin. I was also 24.
But I made good money.
So one night I gathered courage & walked in a strip club.
A year later, I'm still socially retarded but that's because I don't care nor do I have a will to talk to most people, however I can be normal if required. I do have couple acquaintances, but I really learned the lesson of being selective about who you deal with. Learned the value of time. Lost about 70lbs but probably gained an addiction to adderall, worth it. In fact, after being completely drug & alcohol free my entire life, I learned to appreciate their purpose, although being sober is still my preference.
Living with a girlfriend, say goodbye to your fucking time, maybe the boredom I used to have wasn't all that bad, but I also didn't have sex, so I guess it's all a fair game. However her letting me fuck her 2x a day is a great conquest, as it started off just couple times a week. With great deal of patience, discipline, & determination on my end enabled me to get there. No matter how dedicated I was to strip clubbing, I simply never had this much sex, or had sex that was anywhere this good, SO worth it.
Being alone while she's at work now feels good, not lonely, oh how pathetic I was.
My most proud hour? Listening to that ex girlfriend creature of mine sit in my car pregnant crying about how bad she's treated by her baby daddy, and not knowing what to do in life... The fuzziness & warm feeling I got from that was almost worth everything I been through with her... then I kicked her out of my car being that I only had few minutes to talk, she had to walk like 15 blocks back to her house.
Maybe that was the proudest moment, or maybe it was banging that stripper that happen to be one of hottest girls I ever seen, ok there was few of those of course, but I'm talking about a particular one that started out as an OTC & turned into girl I was fucking for free, then having to cut ties after she wanted a relationship... free can be pretty costly, much rather give her $300 for an hour, than have her for free & risk going to jail/losing my life.
But at least now I know not to date strippers, so when a stripper offered to take care of me just to be with her, the obvious answer wasn't verbal, it was running away fast as I can... I can't lie though, that did a # on my ego, maybe THAT was my proudest moment.
My current girlfriend is a good girl, got a good heart, & hates my strip club habit even though it happens only couple times a month now. I wonder how she would feel if she knew it was an every day thing at one point in my life, probably not as bad as if she knew that I had sex with about 40-50 women in a previous year.
... opening those test results was nerve wrecking, the fact that I made it so far unscratched (pun intended), must be hand of god.
So far, I still fuck strippers, just being far more selective, & no longer pay to fuck them, who cares if I trick them into it while giving them the implication of something that's not real? They did that to me far too often, thank you to all the strippers for teaching me your game.
tl;dr. Growing balls cures you of shyness, being a nice guy, & generally just giving a shit about most things. Growing balls also gets you laid, don't even argue, THIS IS SCIENCE. Logic is that women don't have balls, they need the stuff from the balls to procreate & bring new life into the world, nature's driving force, if you don't have that, why would they want you?
I would not have let her into my car in the first place. If the kid ain't mine and she treated me as bad as you say I would stay completely away from her. Women want equality I say let them have equality.
If anything, did you remind her this was how you felt when she treated you like shit (the ex-girlfriend). Otherwise, somewhere in life, mother fucked up your brain cells damn bad. Dont be a troll, this will cause backfire
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