
Serious Topic: On Good Trolling...

the speed force!
23cambyman's post made me think of a few issues. Primarily the issue of proper troll etiquette.

The TUSCL board is one of the few places where people regularly post crazy shit. Often somewhat strip club related but not always. Often funny as hell in the opinions of many (but not all) who post here. Folks who don't like a subset of the posters have the option of ignore.

The shit I find a tiresome is the flame wars that degenerate into genuine hostility and tiresome repetition. Especially the latter. When did a number of folks turn against brother Juice? I'll tell you when...when it was all flame war all the time. Juice my bro...if you're behind some of the crazy, crazy trolls currently posting make sure you keep it funny and don't flame TOO much. Know when to dial it back my friend. Be zen. Keep it of the bike peddles.

For the (reasonable) flame wars I think we should all try to make sure it doesn't go too far. I've backed off on Alucard 'cos I think the guy takes some of the brickbats hurled his way seriously. We all invest some ego in our online personas despite the fact that those personas are somewhat different from the real person. However, I think Alucard's real personality is closer to his real personality than it is for many of us. That said, the Alucard persona isn't that bad a guy. A little rigid and self righteous for my taste...but the reality is I might enjoy a carbonated beverage with the guy and walk away thinking "coo-el dude". Joking aside do any of you guys actually think driving drunk or high is a good thing. Yeah I did it when I was in my 20s but that a) was stupid; and b) reflected a different time (a stupider time when folks were less conscious of the potential to harm oneself and [more importantly] others). Some of Alucard's other beliefs are a stated in a extreme manner...but he just ain't that bad a guy. So I find poking him not that funny because I've realized that he takes it seriously.

As for 23cambyman...I think the dude is just a bore now. In my opinion he is a far worse troll than Juice ever was. He invades other people's threads with his crap about how people shouldn't troll. His prerogative to do so, but he should expect shit to be flung at him for doing it. The fact that he responds as the injured party suggests he is either a) stupid; or b) trying to provoke a response. I will acknowledge that he is slightly funny, but that is only because he falls on his face so often. That suggests hypothesis a (that would be stupidity Mr. 23cambyman) but I would note that the two hypotheses aren't mutually exclusive.

So no Mr. 23cambyman, I ain't Juice's dictator (WTF does that even mean in this context? I don't think you know what dictator means...). I ain't Dacandyman, though I do find the dude funny. He is just too friggin' nice for me sometimes. And you, my stupid, stupid,trolling, asshole non-friend, are on IGNORE.


  • 23cambyman
    11 years ago
    You are a lightweight and this is nothing more than a tempest in a teapot!
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    No such thing as good trolling. Accompany Dougster when he finally decides to leave.
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
    Zip I love you bro....but juice has the power to create what he desires and people loved juice when he desired so and people hated juice when he desires so.

    The juice giveth and taketh away

    Blessed be the name of the create puppet master
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    Smurfs are better.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    @23cambyman... I'll address you one last time 'cos you're on ignore and I don't know what you wrote. All I want to say is that you should ask yourself why you posted the first response on this thread. You must really be obsessed with me. Mellow out about this flame war. I have you on ignore. If you continue to attack you're the one who will look foolish.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    @gatorfan...now that's what I'm talkin' about. Fuck yeah Smurfettes. Especially if they're wearin' orange and bein' Gatorsmurfettes!!
  • 23cambyman
    11 years ago
    zippertard- It is ironic and hypocritical that you are concerned that I was the 1st one to respond to your thread...considering you attack me in other threads when I haven't even spoke to you in ages...perhaps I am in your head 24/7...
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    If Smurfette and Clifford the Big Red Dog had a child, would it look like Barney?
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Well mo'head...I'm not sure they are genetically compatible. But I know there is a top notch porno out the of Clifford and Smurfette. Hell, that bitch has been doing donkey shows in Tijuana! Ever see a Smurfette sucking a donkey dong? That be some fucked up shizzle right there.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
  • Experimental
    11 years ago

    "The TUSCL board is one of the few places where people regularly post crazy shit."

    Boy, your interwebs experience needs some srs expansion...
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    True dat experimentdude...I should have specified "strip club related crazy shit". If you do a Venn diagram o' the intertubez "crazy shit" is huge. "Porn" is huge. "Crazy porn" is way too big. But "strip club related" is surprisingly limited. So the intersection between "regularly posts crazy shit" and "related to strip clubs" is just about TUSCL.

    if you throw in "has useful reviews of strip clubs" you have zoomed in on TUSCL.
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
    Crazy ! Joe
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