
Drunken Stripper Stories

Detroit strip clubs
My ex-ATF drank vodka like it was Kool-aid. One afternoon at my house she consumed a prodigious amount of vodka before and after our sexual bouts. Around the time I was going to drive her home, she received a text from her ex-husband. He could not, for some bogus reason, take care of their 10-year-old son as he was supposed to. My ATF asked me if I could drive her to the bus stop to pick up her son.

The problem was that I drive a Z-4, which has only 2 seats. We met her son at the bus stop, and her son, a big boy who out-weighed her, sat on her lap while I drove a few blocks to a family-type restaurant. I bought us all dinner while my ATF called several friends and family members to see who could give her and her son a ride home. Nobody could do it. My ATF was talking very loudly and acting drunk. She asked the waitress what drinks they had, and was disappointed to learn the restaurant did not serve alcohol. Her son looked extremely uncomfortable, and told his mom several times not to talk so loud. I tried to engage the boy in conversation, but he clearly did not like me around.

I told my ATF I would call her a cab. But she kept insisting she did not want to wait for a cab and saying that she could get into the trunk for the 20-mile ride home. I said I absolutely would not let her ride in the trunk. It was too dangerous. She continued to beg, and I kept saying that that was not an option. Her son looked embarrassed.

The cab arrived, and with my arms around her I helped this hot stripper momma stagger to the cab. I paid the cabbie, and off she and her son went.

I heard the end of this story when I saw her a few days later. When she got home, she found she had somehow lost her keys. Did she call one of her nearby family members to bring a spare key to her? Did she call a locksmith? No. She went into the garage behind her house, got a sledge hammer, and smashed out a window. She crawled through the window and then let her son in the door.

Does anyone else have any drunken stripper stories?


  • grand1511
    11 years ago
    Used to have a little spinner fave who couldn't have been much over the legal drinking age and she was always wasted on her shift....but just sober enough to give a good grind. One night, however, she went too far over that line. Got some okay dances from her that night. Spent a little more time in the club and as I was leaving, was blocked from getting to the door by a crowd of people. They were all standing over her collapsed body. She fell, hit her head on a counter and was gushing blood from her forehead. A lot of guys were laughing.about it, but it was kinda sad. Never saw her back at the club after that, either.
  • Otto22
    11 years ago
    One night at a Flint club I met a dancer who was returning to dancing after 14 years raising children. Apparently she needed to fortify herself to make the re-entry as she was pretty drunk. Everything was OK as long as she merely worked the floor. Soon, however, it was time for her to mount the stage and do her pole routine. From my vantage point to the side of the main stage I could see that she was wobbling about. Although I was by then chatting up another dancer, I sprung from my seat just in time to catch the drunken dancer as she pitched off the stage. We both went down in a heap but neither of us was injured.
    A couple of weeks later I returned to the same club and there she was, sober but still aware of how I had saved her from a faceplant from the 4 foot stage. In gratitude she gave me extra high mileage dances.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    That was a sad story jack.

    Seems to me that messing with dancers OTC in almost any capacity often means getting caught up in these dancers’ very dysfunctional ways.
  • bang69
    11 years ago
    I have many drunk stripper stories from when I was a floor host in a sc. I can't remember them all
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    Nothing that even approaches any of these. Mind you, I've seen plenty of drunk/stoned/wasted strippers, but have managed to avoid being entangled by them.
  • DoctorDarby
    11 years ago
    A number of years ago I witnessed the long descent of a fairly decent dancer into oxycodone hell. She was at my regular club dancing on the low stage in what was clearly a drug induced haze and going way beyond what was normally allowed. She flashed, let guys finger her, and did as much as she could just out of sight of the bouncers. We were all encouraging her excesses and tipping her well. At one point, she offered OTC for a fairly small amount to anyone who approached her. When the debauchery was over, I noticed one of the regular dancers, who I really liked, watching from the wings. She noted my extra generous tips and said "so you liked that, did you?" Busted, I admitted I had and as a self-imposed penance, began tipping this dancer a bit extra when I saw her on stage. She is still dancing and I still tip her a bit more, although we never spoke of that night again. The stoned girl in question disappeared shortly after, a mere shadow of her former self.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    A stripper died of a drug overdose at my house. I disposed of her body over a six-month period by putting her piece-by-piece in a blender and drinking her. Don't tell anybody.

    BTW, if you're every in this situation, you have to use the fastest speed on your blender.
  • ididthisonce
    11 years ago
    Drunkest Stripper I Ever Encountered:

    1). Was a very pretty dancer half my age at Twin Peeks in Charlotte. This was sometime back in the mid 1990s.

    2). She left several hundred bucks with me to hold while she disappeared to the bathroom for over 1/2 hour. I have no idea why she left the cash, I am not a bank. She just says, "hold this for a minute".

    3). I was ready to call it a night and leave, so I walked towards the door to the dressing room only to find her dancing for some other dude. Upon finishing, I got her attention and she grabs / leads me back to my previous seat.

    4). I returned her cash. Then she does a couple of dances and never asks for a dime. Hands me her phone number and insists on my promise to call her. Not just insists, but demands. I finally promised.

    5). I called her number (blocking mine) as soon as I got back to my car, knowing she wouldn't answer due to her phone being in her locker. Kept my promise to call, but really didn't want to be bothered in the future with some drunken dancer calling me at all hours of the night.

    6). Basically forgot the incident until this discussion topic. I seriously doubt she made it through the reminder of evening with her money. Darn pretty girl, even drunk.
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