
If you planned a beach trip with relatives, would you invite a dancer to hang ou

Apparently we both planned beach trips on the same week. I haven't been out with her alone away from the club after she initially said something about possibly dating.
I'm just wondering if I'd be better off meeting up with her after she gets off from work or risk tons of questions and whatever quirky behavior she may have around my relatives. I could tell my relatives I just met her while clubbing. Just thinking. I could always just meet up with her sometime closer to home. I wasn't planning on dating her though. Some girls want to date first. Or I could just visit her at the club she plans on working at. That sounds more expensive though.


  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    I've been with my ATF and family together many times. I've yet to have a problem, other than I don't think she ever got over how I split from her (big mistake on my part). She is rather cold to me when we are together, now. Never alone, though, so I can't talk it out with her.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Or I could ask my other favorite what she is doing after she gets off from work. She said she was planning on working at the beach too. I don't want to increase the odds of drama around my relatives though. I'd never hear the end of it if they start talking like crazy. One of my relatives if he visits would likely stare all day at my company.
  • ididthisonce
    11 years ago
    I once took a dancer with me on a beach trip. I estimated the amount that would be normally spent "beach clubbing" and offered it to her. She jumped at the opportunity (no problem staying in the same room) and I had a great girlfriend for five days. No need for clubbing that week. I often wondered if she crossed the line between dancer and escort.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    @idid you should probably just change your handle to "topper".
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    When a stripper says "possibly dating" that generally means under 5% chance of seeing her OTC and under 1% chance of actual dating (not a business activity for her).

    Ask yourself if you'd still be friends with any of your relatives if they weren't your relatives. If yes, that's not something to risk lightly. If no, what the hell, why are you even worrying about it?
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    She didn't say possibly. She said she wanted to. However I do not want to get on the wrong side of my relatives. I wasn't sure if I wanted to date her. I am not planning on paying the dancer any money except I might buy her food if we did meet up and go out. I was kind of thinking and posting out loud wondering if it might be ok with having her at the pool and beach instead of taking her out to eat. She might not go for that though. My other relatives may or may not care if I have someone visiting. I guess I need to ask some questions. I guess a no from anyone could nix it.

    After thinking about this, meeting up late at night seems like a possibility. Or I could just ignore her and do whatever I originally planned on. She already wants me to stop by the club she will be working at. The way some strippers plan things, something might come up and change her plans. Then this is a bunch of thinking for nothing.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    If I wanted to hook up with someone, I can think of other possibilities. One dancer last night looked pretty good and really wanted to dance for me asking if I remembered her. It's amazing how many dancers suddenly ask for dances after you leave the lap dance room but not before. (sarcasm).
    It was unusual to sit for a while and not have many dancers ask for dances. I didn't see much that interested me though.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
  • londonguy
    11 years ago
    No. I keep my sc habits and personal life totally separate without exceptions.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    I'm with Londonguy. Especially if you haven't seen her OTC before. In front of friends and relatives is the worst place to experiment with her conduct. How to explain a stripper in your life to friends and family is often very cumbersome.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Thanks for the input. It probably is the wrong time to see exactly how compatible she is. My relatives would not be happy at all if she started to fuss about something and things could rapidly escalate downhill from there. One wrong word and I would never hear the end of it and I would be stuck with my relatives all the way back home. And it still wouldn't end there.
    It might not be an issue but you never know how some people will act. If asked where she works at, if she said she was a dancer, that would start a blow up more than likely. Bad idea I do believe.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I can just tell her my relatives had other plans during the day but I might be able to meet up at night. Thanks guys. It's good to think these things out before jumping in. My relatives can get fussy about little things too.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Or you can say no to drugs and stop smoking because your idea is ridiculous. Keep the hooker away from your family and vice versa. Too awkward man
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Smoke that shit up...we need some funny stories on here
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    How about taking a stripper to your sons wedding? or would that be classed as upstaging the bride and groom? :)
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