
The Problem with Extras

Avatar for jackslash
jackslashDetroit strip clubs

A stripper and sex worker writes about what she sees as the problem with extras. I, on the other hand, have no problem with extras at all.



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Avatar for shadowcat

Sounds like stripperweb.

Avatar for Rogue1

WTF!! She contradicts herself..

Obviously, she has never researched on how much "extras" cost!

If we had Brothels or prostitution was legal everywhere, Strip Clubs would not have any girls offering "extras". As it is, they charge a premium price! Her Brothel example is crap. The women at the Brothels are contract workers, and there are no set prices for anything. The women charge what they want.. negotiable with the client. The Brothel gets it's cut.

Avatar for Tiredtraveler

Places like "The Bunny Ranch" have stated in interviews that they collect 1/2 of what is paid to the girl. So if a girl charges $500 for a 1/2 hour session she only gets $250. If a club girl goes into a booth at a club and the patron pays $50 for the room fee and 'tips' her $200. It does not take long for her to make as much.

Avatar for steve44

If a girl works 7 days a week and doesn't take time off ever except to get implants, she probably has a pimp. It's not normal to work 7 days a week for months or years on end without a break.

I've been told this by dancers. You're probably giving your money to a pimp if you're with a girl like that.

Avatar for victor2

I have had a stripper tell me she was pissed at another stripper for offering sex for $60.00 and taking her customers away. She also told me that she doesn't offer sex. WTF!

Avatar for duomaxwell

As an interesting aside, some non-extras clubs are sort of self-regulating environments in a fucked up way. Girl E comes in offering extras, word gets around to Girls A, B, C, and D and they scare/beat the brakes off of Girl E and make her leave the club.

And that's how come extras are harder to come by in some clubs.

LE is scary, strippers are scarier.

Avatar for shadowcat

duo - There is a flip side to that. Girl E offers extras and the word gets around to the customers that extras are available, so the customers go looking for E. Meanwhile A, B, C, & D makes residual money from the customers looking for E. So A, B, C, & D are cutting their own throats but running E off.

Avatar for Dougster

@Bullwinkle: I think the the super high end clubs you frequent in NYC are very non-representative of the rest of the country. Extras are so scarce, in fact, that even with a "genius" The System like the RickyBoy's it might take you six months to score some OTC. (Threw that in because I know you love my RickyBoy comments. :-) )

The rest if the country just is not like that!

Avatar for duomaxwell

@shadowcat - IME the people looking for extras are only buying if the extras are available. It's a fact that money goes down for the average girl if there's a similar girl working that goes that extra mile. So, while I don't personally condone beating people up for their lifestyle choices, I am not opposed to reaping the benefits ... because I am lazy and I will not be running any extra miles.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

The problem with extras is shadow is buying....that's just nasty

Avatar for Player11

At many clubs here (Houston), most girls are extras girls so its the non extras girls who leave because they can't make it in that kinda club.

Take Sara (my pics), when she approached me at Centerfolds she explained she was an escort who danced to recruit clients. I made her an offer and we went upstairs to VIP and then after that future meetings OTC.

Avatar for Dougster

Can you post a direct link to Sara, Payer11? Stomachs will churn if people have to look through all the pictures of ugly girls you paid to fuck.

Avatar for staxwell

Women often contradict themselves, Rouge. Except for Lopaw, she's one of us.

Blue waffle, Bullwinkle...? Lmao perfect!

You paid for that, Player11? Sheesh, super exclusive top level VIP ain't what it used to be, huh?

United we stand. Divided we fall.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

A lot of what the article says is that the biggest problem with extras is when they are provided for only a small additional charge, or no additional charge. To use the traditional terminology, she's calling cheap extra's girls scabs. So it's just a universal worker's issue, not anything special about stripping/sex work. Problem is, sex workers will always have to set their prices based on how much/how many customers are attracted to them. Since it won't work to have a set price for each sexual service, you never will be able to say for sure who is or isn't scabbing.

I don't think they should be, but the reality is that extras are generally illegal. If the club gets shut down, the non-extras girls can't pay their bills either. I think pot should be legal. But if I was sitting on a park bench, and my friend light up a joint and got us both busted, not my friend any more.

I think the main reason P4P girls work in clubs instead of at escort services is that many customers want to see the lady before committing to shelling out $$$. Escort services need to start holding meet and greets for members of date-check and preferred411. Really, if you're going to do P4P, escorting can't be beat, when you're working you're always in the money zone.

I guess another problem is that P4P strippers may only want to do HJs and/or BJs, which is not going to go over big with most escort service custies. And escorting is only legal as long as you don't mention anything about what sex acts may occur when setting up the date.

Avatar for Dougster

Oh fuck off, ilbby. Fuckin' retarded shit-for/brains windbag!

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@duomaxwell: "So, while I don't personally condone beating people up for their lifestyle choices, I am not opposed to reaping the benefits"

I really hope that's a joke, but even if it is, it's a poor one. That's an awfully slippery slope you're sliding down there.

So, while I don't personally condone making black people sit in the back of the bus, I am not opposed to taking the now empty front seat.

I'm guessing that most people on here, including you, would react strongly if someone were to say something on the order of "So, while I don't personally condone human trafficking, I am not opposed to reaping the benefits of the lower price and higher availability it brings."

The fence is the moral equivalent of the thief. The contractor is the moral equivalent of the assasin.

Avatar for sclvr5005

Well said, gmd. I'm hoping that Duo did not mean what her post seemed to imply.

Avatar for duomaxwell

Those examples are worlds apart and no, it's not a joke. Girls that offer extras in clubs are knowingly undercutting the clean dancers, so they can deal with the consequences. Just like in the real world. Am I going to beat them up? Hell no. Do I care if it happens? Naw.

Avatar for Lone_Wolf

Outstanding discussion.

I have to side with shadowcat on this one. I've spent a fortune on non-extra's girls in extras club hoping to hit gold. The extras clubs are almost always packed. In contrast, the known non-extras clubs are usually ghost towns. I have no idea how they stay open.

The girls on SW say that the majority of pervs going to a club are not looking for extras. I doubt that is true but I am definitely biased.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

@Duo so in the real world, did Bill Gates beat up Steve Jobs for beating him out in the smart phone market?

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@duomaxwell: I have to say that I'm astonished that someone of your demonstrated intelligence considers those things "worlds" apart. I will acknowledge that they are slightly different in that one of them was an immoral act that was not only legal, but condoned by a large segment of the U.S. population, and that one of them is illegal and not immoral. In addition, slavery and the sexual use of slaves was also legal at one time, so the trafficking thing also sort of has a history of acceptance in the U.S. They all "condone" the oppression of others, which makes the difference one of degree, not of kind, and certainly not "worlds apart."

I'll also acknowledge that my point was more than a bit facetious, as in my opinion, one who "[does] not condone..., [but is] not opposed to reaping the benefits" of behavior like that does in fact condone that behavior, irrespective of the lip service given to decrying it.

Don't get me wrong, you have every right to avoid getting involved in a fight over someone else's right to utilize her body as she sees fit, but to then turn around and take advantage of that beat down while claiming to not condone it is...not nice.

Using the logic you've stated here, it is perfectly acceptable for the air dancer to stand by and "not condone" while you get beat up because you choose to grind your ass on a customer, rather than air dance, and then reap the benefits of your absence.

It is, after all, her pussy to sell if she wants to, not yours to restrict. Irrespective of the legality of that activity, and despite whatever personal distaste you have for it, it is not immoral (in and of itself), and if she's not free to sell her pussy, then you are not free to sell your ass grinding.

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