Illegitimate sex

avatar for goodsouthernboy
Why is it that the sex you're not supposed to be getting generally so much better than sex that you are supposed to be getting (from a spouse or serious relationship)?

Yes, the stripper or escort 30 years younger than you is probably more beautiful than your S/O, but is that all that it is, or do you think it's simply the thrill of the chase, or maybe just getting something you know wouldn't be the natural course of action?

Some people in relationships with stunningly beautiful women cheat with women much less attractive than their s/o, so I don't think it's just about beauty. This is probably a very individual situation based answer, but just wondering your thoughts.


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I think a big factor you didn't include is how much effort the paid partner might put in and/or their willingness to do things an SO might not.
avatar for LordxBetty
12 years ago
Rape is so much more rewarding mmmmnnnn heheheheh Hyaaa haha mnnnnnnnnnn
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
One man's dream lay is another man's headache.
avatar for Dain
12 years ago
Excellent, Bul! I will even bypass a 10 whom I've fucked just to get a NEW girl who's less than a 10.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Ice cream is delicious.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Sleep is the cousin of death-Nas
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
12 years ago
I agree with the posters who say that sex with new people is better than sex with people you've had sex with before. But I also think that the very fact that society says you aren't supposed to have sex with so-and-so because you're married to someone else, or whatever relationship you have, makes people do it. I was there when my friend cheated on his wife (this was an ITC experience for him) and he seemed happier than a pig in shit after it happened. But what the wife don't know don't hurt her, and frankly, she should loosen up a bit.
The only illegitimate sex is the non-consensual kind. Everything else is legitimate.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
I agree with George... but one should measure feelings of those you care about... and they, yours.
I've had sex with my ATF literally hundreds of times. The fact that she's beautiful, 40 years younger than I, and puts her heart and soul into it are all major factors for me. On those few occasions when I've had sex with other strippers I've been disappointed in them ( or me) in that it lacked the thrill I get every time with my ATF. I don't think this is typical and while some might call it an addiction, I'm not so sure. Being with her is self - destructive on some fronts ( financial, social, drug use, etc.) but is invigorating on other perspectives ( feeling younger, laughing at oneself, keeping my sex life alive). I therefore have concluded that if it feels good do it.
Even if you are having a nice steak; eating it every single day will become mundane and make you crave something new/else.

Maybe it’s a male thing?

I, as many others perhaps; often wonder or intrigued at the differences b/w males and females when it comes to sex. Obviously the sexual differences b/w males and females have been there for all time; so I doubt it if we’ll ever come up with an answer as to “why” (if there is an answer).

I often look at the animal kingdom and see how the males behave differently than the females when it comes to sex. It seems the male will try to have sex anytime; anywhere ; w/ any female that will let him; where the female will only choose one male and only when she is in heat.

So maybe it’s a male thing? It’s baked in (i.e. biologically; genetically)?
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
When doing animal kingdom comparisons between Humans and the lower animal forms, it's best to stick to comparisons that include Humans, Chimpanzees, and Bononbos, our closest genetic relative. Gorillas and Orangatans are so different than humans as to not be included. The only ape to live a monogamous life is the Gibbon and they're lesser not great apes.
Dr. Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha authored a book titled "Sex At Dawn". Great book, great information, and fun reading. This book will definitely open your eyes a bit when it comes to the male/female dynamic. Check it out.
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