

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Friends - no, not that TV show. (oh, by the way, have you seen the trailers for the Jennifer Aniston movie where she is a stripper? OMG, at 44 her body is rockin' it).

Do you have any friends? I mean take the shirt off their back for you kind of friend? I don't. I have work acquaintances. I have dudes that I go to baseball games with. But I don't have friends. Dr. Phil might might say I have intimacy issues combined with a good dose of being anti-social.

But this isn't about me. Let's talk about strippers. (see the name of this web site). Twice in the past month I've had my ATF and ATF Lite both say to me "I don't have any friends". can this be true or just SS? My ATF is 30. Two kids. All of her old stripper friends have married and moved on. She's beyond the partying stage of the 22 year olds that work at the club. I almost believe her. Her life is her kids.

ATF Lite is retired. Quit 9 months ago. But we still text and talk almost every day. She says since she quit dancing none of her old stripper friends call or come over. The man-dudes that used to hang with her when she had cash disappeared too. I believe her too.

Now I can understand how an old anti-social fuck like me doesn't have real friends. But hot 30 year olds? Hard to believe, but both are pretty convincing.


  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    From my experience, not just strippers but hot chicks in general often times don't have many friends when they're young and as the age, they have even less friends. Jealousy and Envy, they're a couple of muthafuckas.
    Moto-Do you have any close brother-in-laws or relatives? My dad didn't have many friends other than in-laws and family. From my experience and his, a good brother-in-law is better than a friend. I have relatives that would do anything, and I do mean ANYTHING if I asked. That sentiment is reciprocal.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Oh yeah, Aniston does look hot, 44 or not.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    I got friends, but I have to admit we aren't as close as we used to be. I only have one real friend here in Omaha (actually, he lives in Council Bluffs, but that's close enough) I ever associate with. I've made the mistake many times of calling work acquaintances friends, but sometimes, what happens at work doesn't always stay at work. I admit I have issues with various coworkers, usually people who think they can slack off the whole work day, and I have zero tolerance for BS in the workplace, which is probably why I never advanced as much as I could have. Of course, that's entirely different than what happens at the SC.

    As for strippers, I can see how they would not have friends from work, since they are basically in competition with each other the whole time. Then again, my top two current faves are friends (perhaps more) with each other, apparently something that goes back to before they were even dancers. Of course, that doesn't mean they can't cooperate with each other.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Please don't confuse "anti-social" with "asocial". They are quite different things.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    I do believe strippers, even hot ones, can become socially isolated. Sometimes do to mental issues, others as cause and/or effect of getting too deeply into drugs. Most ultimately pull out of it. I've know some even in early 20s like that.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    I can count my true friends on one hand. As far as strippers go they have a hard time adjusting to life outside the club. The club is their safe zone,it is where they are excepted. They can be daddy's girl for six hours.Put them in a real life crisis and forget it, major melt down.
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    Most of my really good life long friends have died. I have a great circle of good acquaintances, but about the only true friend is battling esophageal cancer. My childhood best friend died at 18 - motorcycle - my college roommate, best man, Godfather to my first child - died at 62 -liver problems; another friend - college frat brother, co- worker, drinking buddy - age 59 stroked out. Anyone want to be my friend? Have a death wish?
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    Most men, I think, don't have many friends. We have work "friends" and buddies, but few close friends. I don't think I've had a close friend since I was a child. Maybe we men are too competitive with each other.

    Strippers (and women in general) seem to have a lot of friends. All the dancers I've gotten to know have a best stripper friend at work and other old friends from grade school and high school that they keep in touch with. They're always calling and texting and commenting on Facebook with their friends.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    Only one and damn it, he split with the wife and moved back to TN. May sound gay, but I miss that man!
  • ime
    11 years ago
    Lots of acquaintances, good amount of friends. Probably 10 or so really close friends that I kmow I can count on. Don't see some of them often, but that doesn't make them less of a friend.
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    I have two close friends and we have been best buds for over 50 years. I moved away from our town for 17 years and still did paddling and motorcycle trips with the one who was free (divorced.) I'm now back and we all three go to college football games (season tickets), on motorcycle trips, on casino runs, etc.
    Gawker, one of my friends cousin, who does some of the things we do with us has esophageal cancer also. He went through chemo and rad about a month ago but the cancer has spread to his lymph nodes and bones. It doesn't look good.
    I lost my very best friend though a month ago when he got t-boned on his motorcycle when some idiot girl on her cell drove out of a parking lot and hit him. He was my younger brother.
  • rh48hr
    11 years ago
    I have quite a number of friends who I can count on and vice versa. I think I'm pretty blessed in that regard.

    In my experience it's been the opposite of jackslash when it comes to men and women having close friends. Most of the women I know do not have many friends and the ones they do don't always last long. My ex-wife has had numerous friends she thought she was close to then they just stopped taking to her. Same with an ex-gf, minimal friends that come and go. Even my current atf doesn't have many friends. I was the only one to give her a present or contact her on her birthday. My male friends i may talk to once every couple months but when we get together it's like we just saw each other yesterday.

    Girls read to much into things and get emotional . Guys don't get caught up in the emotion of stuff which makes it easier.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    I have three really good friends though sadly only one still lives around here. The rest of my friends are really just buddies, we go out, help each other with stuff but we're really not that close.

    I think a lot of people don't have close friends. We make close friends at younger ages and then tend to drift apart. From then social circles are often built around convenience.
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    I only have about three people who I can truly say are close friends of mine. Two of the three are out of state. The rest of the people I know are just acquaintances. The one friend of mine who oesn't live hundreds of miles away, we hang out often, help each other, go to fooball games, hit up movies, all that kind of stuff. He's someone I can truly depend on
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    @motor: logistically, I can see how the stripper life impedes having friends. However, I got that line all the friking time from my xATF. So more likely than not, it total SS. Odds of it maybe being true would probably increase should the leach BFs leave.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    I have a handful of really good friends, a boyfriend and 2 dogs...

    You guys should get a couple of dogs!
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