
OT: SW Thread - Blaming others for your lack of money-making.

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Was bored and looking at SW. Thought this was an interesting and kinda honest thread from a dancer's p.o.v.

I especially LOLed at her line – “… You are here to make your money and leave, not compete with other girls or talk down on them out of some deep-rooted insecurity ("at least I'm not a ho." Bitch, you are a stripper, you are as close to a ho as a priest is to a monk) …”


Why do so many girls do this?

"I'm not making any money because there are ho's here, a guy will always pick a nasty ho over a pretty, clean dancer." (I literally heard another girl say this.)

"No one is spending money." (Don't even want to count how many times I've heard this. Did you work the whole room? No? Then you can't say this.)

What anyone else does really has no effect on how you make your money. I've left the club a top earner on dead nights when girls feel the need to blame other girls for being ho's and "taking their money" or the customers for "being cheap". I've also left the club on busy nights with literally zero dollars while other girls made bank. What I make depends - every time - on my outlook, my mindset, my feeling of self-worth and my motivation to work. What anyone else does outside of you has zero effect on you. If I go into the club knowing that I'm a bad ass bitch, I bank every time. If I go into the club with a shit attitude, desperate or pissy, I don't make money.

You are an independent contractor. You are your own business. If you are not profiting from your business, that is no ones fault but your own. Other girls are irrelevant to you unless they are helping you make money. If they aren't, forget about them. Customers are irrelevant to you unless they are helping you make money. If they aren't, on to the next one. You are here to make your money and leave, not compete with other girls or talk down on them out of some deep-rooted insecurity ("at least I'm not a ho." Bitch, you are a stripper, you are as close to a ho as a priest is to a monk).

Another girl sit with "your" customer? Find a new customer. If he wanted you, he'd tell her no. No other customers in the club? Time to find a new club. If where you are and what you are doing is not serving you, it is up to you to change it. No one else.

TL,DR - You are the only reason for the money that you make. Everyone else is irrelevant.




  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    That is 100% accurate.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Duo – has anyone ever told you you kinda have the mindset/thinking of a dude – I sincerely mean that as a compliment
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    Hah! Actually, I hear that a lot. I think it's more of my parents reinforcing the merits of self-reliance than "thinking like a dude".
  • Chili Palmer
    11 years ago
    If there is one thing that all generations of SW dancers have hated, it's when another dancer slaps them in the face with reality.

    There were two great "mileage wars" on the site, where a dancer admitted she didn't mind the high mileage and maybe even enjoyed it a bit; boy were those flame wars to remember and resulted in many lost female members on both occasions.

    Then there was a newbie dancer who admitted she actually got excited when a customer touched her during a lap dance. How dare she admit that maybe, just maybe, some girls admit they voluntarily get into sex work because they kinda sorta enjoy sex? I think she was hounded off the site in record time. I cannot even count the number of posts where dancers remind us "it's not lubrication from being excited, it's just a vaginal discharge."

    Of course my own personal experience about SW girls and mileage is this: of the 30 SW dancers I've met over the years, 29 provided higher or MUCH higher mileage than what they pretend they do online.

  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    Sex workers afraid of sexuality, go figure.
  • bigman226
    11 years ago
    Duo is the kind of chick that would see another girl wearing the same outfit she has on, not go change and work the room like the other girl is a customer; while the other chick pisses and moans about someone else having the same taste in clothes. Bully for you, Duo
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    It is usually the dancer's fault for her lack of money making. I've had several dancers complain to me about how there is no money to be made. The funny thing is that are plenty of customers that they didn't try to get dances from. Do they expect all the customers to come up to them and ask for dances? If these dancers want to make money they gotta go get it.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Glad there's one dancer who looks at both sides of view. Yeah I 100% agree with you pc....why is this OT for anyway

    These women seem to forget they're not doing retail but on commision. Independent contractor eauals commision. Which means its not how long you work its how hard. Stripping is like an jndermined career. If you work hard you get paid hard. Like blaming other people for your lack of bills, go work retail. Everyone gets paid the same (per level).
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    It's normal for people, when their income is shrinking, to feel angry about it and come up with reasons why it isn't fair. If your income is shrinking due to others doing something illegal or frowned upon by society, you naturally tend to harp on that.

    Some dancers never get a thick skin about being told no. They hear a certain number of nos and take a long, long break to recover from the "trauma".

    Some dancers get upset and have a mini meltdown because somebody acts annoyed when they ask them for a dance. When obviously, if a guy's idiot enough to get annoyed about being asked for a dance in a strip club, he's probably too annoyed to reach around and whip his ass because it isn't in the front.
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