
Joke of the day

Saturday, July 6, 2013 6:51 AM
Q: Why do Jewish men like to watch hooker videos backwards? A: They like the part where the girl gives the money back


  • deogol
    11 years ago
  • txtittyfan
    11 years ago
    Q. What does Dougster have in common with intelligent life? A. Nothing
  • londonguy
    11 years ago
    Like it mikey. If the answer to the question is 'cock robin' what is the question? A. what is that up my bum batman.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Q: how does txtittyfan's daughter like to be fucked A: by my cock in her ass
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    Haha, Londonguy, I knew those guys were gay!
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Not really a joke but the next time you see a kid with his baggy pants falling down, Compliment him on his weight loss. :)
  • Player11
    11 years ago
    Customer to Stripper: Hi my name is Dougster Stripper: Oh your that Dougturd guy from tuscl - get the fuck outta here! Dougturd: Your a cheating, lying, whore....you gd bitch. Bouncer: Ok your done Dougturd, gonna thru in trash can homey along with all the used condoms from vip, enjoy.
  • 23cambyman
    11 years ago
    -Mikeya- HAHA
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    @Payer11: I'll your photo collection $60 crack whores you fuck speak for itself.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    I've said it before and I will say it again, Dougster is the most hated member on TUSCL hands down. You have nothing to gain when you engage in a flame war with someone with someone that hated. Not to mention I'm convinced he has serious mental issues.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    nukam: "Not to mention I'm convinced he has serious mental issues." Well you're the one who believes all the nutty conspiracy theories like me and txtittyfag are the same person. That's even despite overwhelming evidence that we are different. Still, I'll just chalk it up to you be resentful of the fact that my income is many times that yours is. (Not that that's hard to accomplish. LOL!)
  • Player11
    11 years ago
    Dougturd - your reviews of Vegas brothels your paying 1000 pop - are you high buyer or the end user? Only losers pay that.....I been getting it for about 10% that and these are nice, attractive girls off SA and quality Strippers not assembly line whorehouse workers. I am sure when your vegas whore friends take your 1000 you gave them that day and snort coke with their BF they say "Oh gawd this suff good shit, you can't believe that fukin mongoloid lookin retard Dougturd I had to do today"
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Thinking some more and you know what is legitimately crazy is NukeyBoy saying he would like to hand with Payer11. Like WTF? Supposedly NukeyBoy is scoring all these 9s and 10s but he wants to hang with Payer11 who is into $60 crack whores? Something's not adding up there, I tell you. My guess as to the truth? In reality thy are both into $60 crack whores and that is their common bond. But who knows? Maybe txtittyfag will chime in on the matter? Payer11: I'll get to you later, busy aft here...
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Dugly isn't the joke of the day. He's the joke of TUSCL. But hey, if making shit up and ignoring facts keeps him from hanging himself in his dorm room then so be it.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    @Payer11: Not sure I see what the problem is. During the mid-2000s you could get by with only paying $300-500 in the MBR and other brothels around Carson City. Nowadays, I suspect there is a policy that they can't go under $1,000. Maybe regulars are the exception though. When I go on a trip I usually set aside a generous budget and if I am under it near the end, then what the heck, splurge. It's not like $1000 is a big deal either way. Too bad your own income is so low that you can't imagine what a situation like that feels like. :-) Payer11: "these are nice, attractive girls" One only need to look at your photo gallery to see how low your personal bar for "attractive" is compared to everyone elses. Must just shudder at those picture. Bottom line though. If I had to make the decision tonight redo the $1000+ nights last year at the MBR or the Mustang Ranch or go with one of your $60 crack whores, then it's a no brainer, I would go with the $1000+ girls. Yes paying too much is one thing, but paying too little is far worse! @jestie214: You're the clinically depressed one as anyone can see. Your nearly complete absence of a sense of humor makes that obvious. But, sure, go ahead and try to deny it. Don't worry though. You are fine company with that condition. Such awesome guys as omega22 and Payer11 have admitted to it. (Funny, do all you clinically depressed folk end your aliases in numbers? How come you went with three different number while Payer and omeage just decided to repeat the same digit twice?)
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