Nobody likes to share
So im out one evening at my favorite skank hole (dont worry folks its a queens strip club) and i bring along 300 for the ride. I'm the type of guy who just doesnt stick to one girl. I gotta try them all. So I get my dancer go a couple of laps pay and when she asks why I stop I tell her I want to take a breather. Only technically true but in reality, I grew bored of her and wand want a different ass. Find one girl that I totally fall head over heels for and give her $100 worth of dances. I finally decide to put her on pause and take a drink and find a new dancer. I continue until I want mg new lust interest. But like every other girl, no matter how many ways I try she finds some way to avoid going with me. And I always notice when I tell a girl im done for now and get a different girl, they get a disdain look on their face. It upsetted me since I couldnt get my girl for a round 2. It always boggles my mind that these girls cold shoulder you after you want a break. Im spending money and if I call you back for seconds why shouldnt you come back. Whatever happened to sharing is caring?
They are greedy & want all your small amount of money.