
New Clubs ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Wednesday, June 19, 2013 8:20 PM
What has your experience been with recently opened clubs? I just read a review where the reviewer stated everything about the club was good except for the dancer talent. I've had similar experiences with newly opened clubs w.r.t. dancer quality and # of dancers. Thoughts?


  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I haven't been to a new club in a while. I need to except the old reliable, is, well, reliable. Hot chicks, high mileage, cool bouncers, and 15 minutes from home. I really do need to check out some other spots.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I have a mixed experience. One byob nude club changed management and I stopped visiting. They got rid of the byob and the nudity. I did not understand the improvement. I was really disappointed. Another club completely remodeled and hired new dancers with new management. I have enjoyed some of the changes. lap dances are better. Table dances are not though so I usually buy less dances than I did in the old club. The lap dance special prices are only on announced two for ones. Beer prices are higher for the beer I like the most.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Some of the dancers are very hot and there are a lot more dancers working than in the old club. It is also usually much more crowded. I don't care for crowds unless I can still find a seat.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    In the byob club that dropped it, that club went downhill with no new dancers. The local competing nude strip club moved into a new building, changed their name and became topless only. I never visited not understanding why they think that is better.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    This was the first "review" for this club. Reviews of Thee Whiskey Tavern, Columbia Thee Whiskey Tavern 200 Zimalcrest Drive Columbia, South Carolina 29210 Avatar shadowcat Prop shadowcat Ignore shadowcat Send Private Message to shadowcat Joined: Dec 2001 Clubs Reviewed: 29 Total Reviews: 164 Reviewed on: December 23, 2010 Visited on: Monday Evening Dancers on Shift: Unknown Star_Rating_0_Half Dancers Star_Rating_0_Half Value Star_Rating_0_Half Atmosphere Star_Rating_0_Half Overall I intended to be the first TUSCLer to review this club but it was not to happen. I will tell you what I experienced. The club is actually located in a run down motel. There was a lighted sign on the street but once in the parking lot the entrance was hard to find. Just a small sign with an arrow that you could NOT see from a car. The were only about 5 cars in the parking lot. I walked up to the entrance. It was a metal door with a notice taped to it that read. "Be prepared to show your membership card and have your ID ready". The instructions said to ring the bell for entrance. I did and was buzzed into a lobby. I asked the door girl what kind of club this was. She said that it was a gentlemen's club and was for members only. While I was talking I noticed signs "No smoking", "2 drink minimum" and "NO TOUCHING". She said that a membership card was $5/year. I was ready to take one for the team. $5 isn't nothing. I was curious. Then she said there is a problem. "your attire does not meet our dress code" I was wearing sweats and tennis shoes. I thanked her and said there were plenty of other clubs to go to. My best guess is that this club is a front for prostitution. Membership, seedy motel & locked entrance. Probably won't be around very long. Since then there have only been 10 reviews and the club still sucks.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    There have been a bunch of new clubs opening in the greater LA area lately, and as you'd expect things are slow until the business gets it's sea legs. Although the clubs themselves are gorgeous since they are brand new, until they get enough girls to fill them they have a hard time keeping customers. The old catch-22 where no dancers equals no customers, and no customers equals fewer dancers and so on and so on.
  • samsung1
    11 years ago
    I have been to a few clubs on their opening night. Whisper's cabaret opened in Columbus with a "soft opening" and then a month later had a "grand opening". I went to their soft opening. There was no cover charge. The dancers were OK looking but on later visits it went downhill. They did not stay in business for even a year before closing down. I also took one for the team and went to Misty's Lounge downtown Columbus when it first opened up. This place did not last a year before closing down. The second club was RoadHouse Revue. This club has not yet been opened for a year so we will see how it goes. It had an opening that was constantly being delayed. Finally it opened. It was a $15 cover charge and nude dances were $40/song. They have finally come to their senses and last time I was there it was no cover charge and $40 for 2 song set and then $10 per song after that ($50/3 songs, $60/4 songs, etc.). Since the dance prices were more reasonable I tried the dances on the second visit and had a good time. This club is across the street from the casino and it is a remodeled version of a previous strip club (Candy Store). It is also the only nude club in town so it has a chance of staying in business. Seems like the moral of the story is that new clubs opening up in this economy do not fare well. The clubs that continue to thrive are the ones with an established customer base that they built up via advertising/promotions back when the economy was better.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    Generally, I might go to a new club upon its opening, but just to look, not to "touch." I've always found that new clubs have to "behave" in their first year, or so. After that they tend to loosen up and customers can have a good time. So, if I've gone during the first month of opening, I'll usually wait until around its first anniversary to go again. But I might go sooner I a dancer I know is working at a new club and asks me to come in to see her.
  • mhi
    11 years ago
    I stick with my existing club with the intent of going to the new club. Allow 3 months for the new club to develop after opening for business, and the new club should then have systems running smoothly, and a good selection of dancers hired.
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    It can take months for a club to get the right synergy (how's that for a buzz word) Example Atlantis in Ford Heights IL is a beautiful huge club that has adequate parking, nice staff, ok prices, etc., etc. and it continues to receive decent reviews, but never is even close to full and has hit & miss talent at best. I think until a club builds a reputation as a club where the dancers make money it will not draw talent and there fore no crowds.
  • SuperDude
    11 years ago
    New clubs in Detroit recycle old dancers. New glitter, but same old SS.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Clubgoer, that is advice I can use. Grazzi.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    I tried a couple of newer clubs. Most are flops but one turned out to be awesome. A few years later it came under new management and it now sucks
  • Lionshare
    11 years ago
    I went to Monroes of Palm Beach recently. It is a new name, new owner, new dancers club located at a location that has a history of failed stripclubs. They did an upscale remodel. I like it and will be returning tonight.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    As with some others, not so good when the club first opens, but if it stays open, things tend to get better. "Better" being from my standpoint, of course.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    @ slick: I meant to include this point. It's in line with GMD's comment -- Because new clubs often have difficulty sustaining a regular crowd in their first year, the same goes with their dancers. There's often a high turnover of dancers during that time. After a year's time, once a customer goes in, and likes a particular dancer, that same dancer is likely to be there the second time the customer returns. Also, where a club in a large chain operation, such as Deja Vu, opens a new location, the chain often has dancers from its other nearby clubs temporarily work at the new club. Hence, the customers may not realize this, and liked "Boobette," "Cleavagia," and "Titsy," who all gave great dances upon the last trip to the club, really work at other scattered locations 50 miles away, or more. That's another good reason to wait a year, so the dancer roster has some stability.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    "Boobette". Hahahahaha.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    @ Slick: Aeriolea, Bazooma, Boobetta, Boobulousa, Booba-dooba-doo, Nipplea, Nipsy, and Tittiana, are other I didn't mention, due to space limitations.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    their standards suck. But then again, I've been just passing through tourist traps, so that's not a good argument. Especially I have to clubs I LOVE to frequent, they raised the bar for so many clubs to pass.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    to elaborate, they're too fresh, and try to compete with the competition by giving even higher fees. I guess they assume a good looking atmosphere would prompt patrons to pay more.
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    OMG! Did you guys read Busta's review? I'm STILL laughing. This is the best written review in the history of TUSCL!!!! A classic....
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    The Whisky Club in Columbia SC that is.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    I'll give a new club at least two months to operate before I check it out. Usually it's pretty packed in there in my experience. BTW Papi respond to my PM
  • rh48hr
    11 years ago
    I've been to two recently opened clubs in Phoenix one was a reboot opening under a different name and the other was completely new but owned by the owner of one of the biggest rip off strip clubs in Arizona. That club was nice inside and the talent was above average but i could see the hustle already happening there. I won't go back for awhile. The reboot club was fun and with some time I think fun could be had. With all new clubs you have to watch out for the ROB who try to inflate the prices on you.
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