A dating survey

avatar for T-Bone
Gentlemen - (Trolls excluded) It isn't always this good, but I've been fortunate this last year. I'm currently dating 3 strippers OTC from 3 different clubs...each on a casual non-monogomous basis. We always have fun together and a great time in bed. None of us have any other expectations.

I buy them drinks, dinners and whatever else a gentlemen does OTC on dates. And if I go see them ITC, I tip them occasionally and buy them drinks. We often have a blast doing shots together ITC...and sometimes I'll even buy a couple lap dances.

How many of you think I should continue to have a total blast with these fine ladies ITC and OTC?

How many of you think I should get a seal my wallet, torch my manners and become a cheap loser to better impress them?


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I bet you could get $49.95 for it.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
This is just plain stupid: he talks about what he does after he is already started dating and sleeping with them not how he got there. Gotta love the strawmen on this board.
I'll pick C, write a book telling how any lonely sucker can score like you.

(Frankly, T-Bone, your survey strikes me as troll bait, designed to refute a point nobody takes seriously to begin with.)
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