Dallas Hispanic "Dance" Clubs

avatar for alkaholik
I am intrigued by the Hispanic Dance Clubs on Harry Heines and on Walnut in North Dallas. I went to one previously, and discussed the adventure in an article I wrote. I want to hear if anyone else has had any similar experiences at any of these clubs.

There are two I know of right next to Lipsticks on Harry Heines. There are in a little "L" shaped building to the right of Lipsticks. Then I saw at least 1 other on Walnut, just past the massage parlors when you are coming from the freeway. They are like hispanic "buy me drinky" bars - where the girls speak very little english. Things don't seem to get started until after 11pm or midnight.

Are these all drink and jack joints? Is there other options ITC / OTC? Have they always been there, and I am just now noticing them?


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avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
Sometimes a place like this (read your article) would be a nice diversion for a relatively inexpensive and likely reliable HJ. Seems though, those I've heard of all seem to be Spanish only. Therefore, a born in the wool gringo like me would be lost and likely a "target" for God knows what. Any thoughts?

Maybe I should take Spanish lessons from Papi. :)
avatar for DBJP101
12 years ago
That area is notorious for having brothels, so I would think you are correct (haven't actually ventured into one of those places, as it's a very shady part of town).

You can usually spot several of them by just driving up and down NW Highway.
avatar for gsv
12 years ago
This is really interesting, never heard of this before. Can anyone give me the run down on how this works?
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago

I have a good idea as there are places like this down my way. Problem is, I don't speak Spanish so I don't get any information from them. I have been in two, but for other reasons and I knew people in them that speak English, so I was covered.

Better I leave your request to one that does converse in Spanish.
I lived in Dallas from ~2000 - ~2010.

I too had seen the clubs you refer to but I never really ventured into one.

It seems they are mostly frequented by Mexican migrants.

I really can’t see the advantage to visiting one of these places – although like I said I’ve never been in one.

To me it looks like the women there are probably women w/o papers and who knows how many of them are being forced to work there.

I don’t think you would find anything there that you would not find in a SC or on backpage.

If you want a Latina to bang; try Backpage or just hit the various SCs that are more Latina heavy (e.g. Pandoras; Chicas Bonitas; etc).
I would think not knowing Spanish may make it difficult communicating w/ the ladies in this type of establishment.

For sure those places get PACKED on weekend eves.

If you are really really curious; try visiting on an afternoon (if they are open) or perhaps an early week weeknight and see if you can get a feel for the place.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago

Maybe you can teach me enough Spanish to deal with the senoritas that don't speak English. You would have to do a better job then vm! :)
avatar for gsv
12 years ago
Learning Spanish has ended up being very valuable for me. But I also love Latinas :)
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago

One might think that I, living in S. Florida, would have learned it via osmosis, if for no other reasons. :)

I think I haven't for a simple reason. Those I associate with that do speak Spanish are respectful of where they live and the opportunity they were given to live here, that they speak English in my presence.
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