I, with very few exceptions, club alone and I've found lately that during the time between I get inside the club and hook up with a dancer my thoughts kinda wander as I'm sitting there.
I think that I've been clubbing so long that the surroundings are so familiar--same loud music, same dudes with tattoos and mugs of beer, same smiling eager waitresses, same lame DJ's, same torpid bouncers, same dancers (the Asian one, the blond one, the chubby one, the old one, the Latina, the newbie, the pro, etc...), same, same, same, even if I'm in a new club--that all of the hubbub just sort of fades into the background.
Oh I still see the dancers and I still interact with the wait staff and I thoroughly enjoy the experience but until I have the dancer of my choice sitting on my lap, so close that I can smell her musky aroma and taste her salty sweat, I am lost on a sea of my own thoughts.
I won't take you down the rabbit hole of what those thoughts are but I wonder do any of you find that your mind wanders in the fissures of time between dances or other direct interactions with humans while your clubbing?
I've had this happen to some extent and I think it may be worse since I usually club during the day when it's a little slower. I've considered trying to find a buddy to go with but not sure that's a reasonable expectation with all things considered. (Small Bible Belt town, hour drive to the closest club, daytime visits, etc,)
Guys with tatoos and mugs of beer!New clubs!No place to let your mind drift.I've seen guys lives changed just because someone with tattoos and a mug of beer thought they were someone else.When I walk in I scan the club to see who's there and where the exits are.
Mojo- I feel like I understand completely. The faces change but everyone seems exactly the same, everywhere. It makes me wish for a new hobby sometimes.
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