Theory: From a LE raid perspective, strip clubs are safer on weekends.

avatar for shadowcat
I noticed that none of the 8 recent raids that I researched happened on Saturday or Sunday.
Two possible reasons came to mind for this.
1) The highest ranking police and other city officials do not work weekends normally and would not want to be bothered.
2) The courts and jails are working with reduced staff on weekends. Which could over burden them in the event of many arrests.
Can anyone document a raid happening on a weekend?


last comment
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Alright Scat!I'll bail you out.LE is with me at HB's.
avatar for samsung1
12 years ago
Yeah you make good points.

I know some clubs in Columbus allow smoking indoors after 5 figuring the city workers don't do inspections later in the night
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
TD - Are you trying to tell me that a raid is taking place at HeartBreakers as we type or are you just running your mouth?
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
No Scat! It's no mystery why we are here,but these boys are a brazen bunch.
avatar for HB13
12 years ago
I know of a couple clubs but where the local PD still sends someone over on weekend nights to keep the patrons in check.
avatar for segui
12 years ago
As a customer,no worry about the raid. only dancers without permit will be arrested. I don't know what happened if the customer was doing some extras in VIP( for example, BJ) and seen by the police.
avatar for samsung1
12 years ago
I was at top hat club in Mansfield last night and a few cops came but it was because there was a fight out in the smokers patio!
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
" I don't know what happened if the customer was doing some extras in VIP( for example, BJ) and seen by the police"

Probably cited at the very least for indecent exposure. Possible more depending on many circumstances.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Momma don't gooooooooo.Daddy come home.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
So I'm curious, what are the chances that a given club will be raided in any particular night?

Maybe something like 1 in 263 trillion?

Why even worry? Yeah, if a club has a history of LE troubles, then yeah, be careful. But why fucking worry? All my visits to strip clubs over the years I've never seen anything like that.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
BTW, as I recall from counting the number of clubs listed in TUSCL there are something like 3,000 clubs in the US. Maybe less.

So if there are 365 days per year, and 3,000 clubs, that's about 1 million strip club-days of operation per year.

So if there are, say 100 busts a year out of 1 million strip club-days of operation, thats a 0.01% probability of being in a club on the day of a raid. Now the chances of being in the club DURING a raid are probably a tiny fraction of that.

I think that's about the likelihood of being struck by lightning (0.001%)

Wow. I'm scared.

Oh, and to make this interesting to most of the people on this forum:

Someone farted.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Nice of you to make two comments on a thread that you think is frivolous. Hope you didn't spend too much time doing research or typing.

Just remember If a topic doesn't interest you just pass over it jerkson.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Flying on Mondays is safer too after the flght controllers and pilots sober up.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Shadowcat, what the fuck is your problem? Does everyone here have a stick up their ass?

I said it's a low probability, and in my second post I put some numbers to it. WTF is your problem? And for the morons here I even mentioned farts. What more do you want? Or are you like most of the others here who decide they don't like someone and spend the rest of their time throwing stones.

I got the impression you were an older guy, is that true? Older but still not matured yet I suppose?
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